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This is the new topic as I create it upon clicking on the question mark appearing only until going to it... does it worK?

-- BrunoFemenia - 05 Mar 2013

-- BrunoFemenia - 05 Mar 2013

This is BrunoFemeniaSandbox

  • Trying different styles
    • Italic: italic
    • Bold: bold
    • Bold italic: bold italic
    • Small & red small red

Now inserting something which is a new topic not yet referred to: BFCNewTopic


Second level heading: plain text

Bla, Bla, Bla

Third level heading: hyperlinking

Fourth level heading: attaching picture

  • Just attaching the TWiki logo as an example of image:

Fifth level heading: e-mail alerts if page is modified


Example comment topic for CommentPluginExamples - "return"

Target comment output 1

-- TWikiContributor - 03 Dec 2006

Target comment output 2

-- TWikiContributor - 03 Dec 2006

Template Example

Example template topic for CommentPluginExamples:templatetopic.


<form method="post" action="%SCRIPTURL{save}%/%BASEWEB%/%BASETOPIC%" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" name="examplecomment" id="examplecomment">
<input type="hidden" name="redirectto" value="%BASEWEB%.%BASETOPIC%" />





Include generic comment templates:


-- DaveBraun - 31 Jul 2008 I never finished this first link



-- DaveBraun - 31 Jul 2008 I'm not sure what this is doing. I'm editing my FakeLinkII.!!

-- DaveBraun - 31 Jul 2008 topic name

-- DaveBraun - 31 Jul 2008 The is the description of DavesNewTopicSubtopic


Article text.

Erdal Can Alkoclar (born July 7, 1986) is a Turkish inventor, scientist and IP-based project investor.

Alkoclar is the co-founder and running president of Yesilalkoclar R&D company along with Metehan Yesil. He is the sole inventor of 143 applied and 282 pending patents; 44 of them being in current PCT protection. He is the inventor of the first flavonol glycoside-based antiviral ingredient currently marketed under the brands of NOVIR and FLUVOL, and has 21 Republic of Turkey Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock approved formulations. Alkoclar is the owner of the first series of pharmaceutical ingredient patents which are confirmed and approved as valid and prioritized collaterals & assurance assets by several national banks, first to be confirmed in the banking history of Turkey. Alkoclar is the rights holder and applicant of the largest amount of pharmaceutical ingredient patents as sole individual in Turkey. He holds the patents of 67 anti-carcinogenic formulations, 101 Anti-viral formulations and 23 metabolic regulator ingredients.

Alkoclar and his previous R&D team; Halepce R&D has found and patented more than 154 methylprotodioscin derivatives; analogues used in a wide range of therapeutic fields such as neurogenesis to myogenesis; from height increase (despite the inconsistent results obtained from the formulation regarding the oral version) to adjuvant cancer therapies. Alkoclar is the sole inventor of the facile obtaining methods of hexacoumaroyl-protobioside derivatives; compounds which possesses potent Core GLC NAC III inhibiting properties.

Alkoclar holds the brand licences of 19 PGE-1 mRNA expression modulators. Those agents are primarily used in order to treat burns, to treat sexual dysfunction both as oral and transdermal formulations.[1] MYOSTIL, a myotropic formulation widely used in Middle Eastern region with muscle strength enhancing properties has been pointed and thought as a prominent result of above-mentioned research and development processes. Several famous Turkish bodybuilders including Hakan Gumus and Gursel Yanardag have been officially detected to possess a strength increase by up to 43% and 47.7% respectively by an acute oral dosing protocol which led MYOSTIL to be banned from domestic bodybuilding and other athletic competitions due to its comperable potency to Proviron in terms of lipolysis and Trenbelone in terms of muscle gain with the absence of those two anabolic agents' side effects.

Alkoclar holds the PCT approved patents of twelve 3,7-bis(2-hydroxyethyl) bonded flavonol glycoside derivatives scientifically proven to possess more potent PDE5 and PDE4 suppressive properties than several well known pde5 inhibitors including sildenafil.[2] Alkoclar and Yesil holds the ownership of more than 100 anti-viral formulation and molecular patent applications, with an estimated value of US$3,320,000,000 (precedent bank evaluation worth is taken as the basis evaluation).

Alkoclar has an ongoing law struggle against several litigations and is in the center for a number of debates regarding Yesil&Alkoclar 's patented methods of facile manufacturing of 3,7-bis(2-hydroxyl) flavonoids and glucopyranoside derivatives which provides an "advantage of unfair competition". Alkoclar has won the case against Sopharma; a reputable Bulgarian pharmaceutical company and lawfully forced the company to cease meclofenoxate production.

Novir(™), the previously mentioned antiviral drug was recently tested by Sierra Leone government under the supervision of UN health inspection commission. 10 Ebola sufferers used *Novir and were able to survive the critical first 96 hours; no participants were deceased. No significant side effect was observed during and after the treatment. This process was initiated by John Sahr Yambasu, the current Moscow ambassador of the state of Sierra Leone after contacting with YesilAlkoclar R&D officials. *Novir is still on registration phase in Turkey and 23 other countries including Kazakhstan, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Hungary.

Alkoclar is the rightsholder of more than 1900+ anti-viral steroidal lactone, pseudalkaloids, protoalkaloids, furostanol saponins and furostanol glycosides' patent applications. Alkoclar and Yesil are the co-owners and titled inventors of HYA4312, a silicon-based 4-layered coating with pyro-resistant and potent radio wave emissive properties. Alkoclar has an ongoing legal struggle with Biotest, a sports supplements company, related to a possible infringement of several patents belonging to Alkoclar.[3] Noricaritin, the novel name given to 3,7-bis(2-hdyroxyethyl)icaritin, the active ingredient in several patent applications owned by Alkoclar and Yesil has recently been approved by Chemical Abstract Services with the CAS number of 5240-95-9[4][5][6]

Alkoclar has won a 4th prize which is given by Turkish Patent Institute for having the 4th largest number of applied patents in 2014.[2] Alkoclar received the Scientist of the Year Award for Turkey in 2016 and 2019.



(1) Dell'Agli, M; Galli, GV; Dal Cero, E; et al. (September 2008). "Potent inhibition of human phosphodiesterase-5 by icariin derivatives". J. Nat. Prod. 71: 1513–7.doi:10.1021/np800049y. PMID 18778098.

(2) Zhang, X; Jin, C; Li, Y; Guan, S; Han, F; Zhang, S (2013). "Catalpol improves cholinergic function and reduces inflammatory cytokines in the senescent mice induced by D-galactose". Food Chem. Toxicol. 58: 50–5. doi:10.1016/j.fct.2013.04.006. PMID 23612000.


(4) http://www.chemfaces.com/natural/Noricaritin-CFN98528.html




-- Erdal Can Alkoclar - 2023-03-28


-- DaveBraun - 31 Jul 2008 but ugly

How do I create a web page in this page?

-- JohnCromer - 12 Aug 2014

JQueryPlugin » JQuery Plugin Examples

Demo of the TWikiWidgets implemented by the JQueryPlugin.


bluish pinkish greenish orange


ALERT! Slide

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla dui turpis, convallis eget, lacinia id, vulputate ut, ipsum. Donec sed sem. Ut tempus. Nunc egestas consectetuer augue. Sed a nibh. Duis rutrum nibh. Sed in orci at arcu molestie ultrices. Quisque a lectus. In mollis, nulla id rutrum tincidunt, lacus dui vestibulum sapien, vel tincidunt nulla lectus a elit. Nullam laoreet, nunc ut varius pulvinar, lacus lectus condimentum orci, nec mattis augue erat at mauris. Donec sollicitudin, sapien id lobortis vulputate, tellus sem dignissim felis, in laoreet massa purus in mauris. Suspendisse tempus leo quis massa. Curabitur tortor eros, dictum sed, tincidunt sit amet, tristique nec, nisi. Mauris est urna, fermentum vel, luctus sed, luctus eu, elit. In nulla.


  • Hello world

Rounded corners

1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla dui turpis, convallis eget, lacinia id, vulputate ut, ipsum. Donec sed sem. Ut tempus. Nunc egestas consectetuer augue. Sed a nibh. Duis rutrum nibh. Sed in orci at arcu molestie ultrices. Quisque a lectus. In mollis, nulla id rutrum tincidunt,

2. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla dui turpis, convallis eget, lacinia id, vulputate ut, ipsum. Donec sed sem. Ut tempus. Nunc egestas consectetuer augue. Sed a nibh. Duis rutrum nibh. Sed in orci at arcu molestie ultrices. Quisque a lectus. In mollis, nulla id rutrum tincidunt,

3. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla dui turpis, convallis eget, lacinia id, vulputate ut, ipsum. Donec sed sem. Ut tempus. Nunc egestas consectetuer augue. Sed a nibh. Duis rutrum nibh. Sed in orci at arcu molestie ultrices. Quisque a lectus. In mollis, nulla id rutrum tincidunt,

4. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

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Note: Temporarily broken with plugin upgrade to jQuery 1.10.2

  • list
    • item
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    • item
  • list
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    • item
  • list
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Tab 1

Tab 1.1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas sit amet tellus id ante pretium aliquam. Etiam interdum, turpis in varius facilisis, nibh neque tincidunt sapien, et viverra libero justo et leo.

Tab 1.2

tristique ligula suscipit suscipit. Donec et tortor. Integer eros eros, commodo in, aliquam sit amet, facilisis et, magna. Sed nisl. Pellentesque mattis, quam ut nonummy rutrum, sem felis ultrices nunc, sed mollis dolor diam et purus.

Tab 1.3

Aenean urna. Morbi eros. Quisque mauris magna, rhoncus vitae, ullamcorper ac, volutpat quis, nibh. end of tab 1

Tab 2

Donec ultrices mollis velit. Integer sed eros. Nulla venenatis laoreet leo. Etiam consectetuer, odio sagittis pharetra ornare, est nulla nonummy nisl, quis ultricies nisl elit quis justo. In dictum interdum est. Duis accumsan, nibh mollis commodo rhoncus, ante orci dapibus purus, at pharetra est massa et velit. Fusce ornare nibh ut magna. Nunc sollicitudin, purus et eleifend consectetuer, lectus justo faucibus arcu, et cursus velit felis eu lorem. Nulla aliquet, turpis accumsan feugiat congue, mi arcu ultrices ligula, id ultrices sem elit sed lectus. Curabitur dignissim, dolor non sodales luctus, mi magna tincidunt tellus, at bibendum mauris magna dapibus metus. Donec et libero at erat bibendum blandit. Proin enim nunc, rutrum et, congue mattis, ultrices at, nisl. end of tab 2

Tab 3

Sed a nisi. Maecenas posuere vehicula orci. Proin purus. Nulla condimentum laoreet pede. Morbi sodales, nunc a vestibulum dignissim, lectus felis varius nisl, vitae lacinia sapien dui nec massa. Fusce tempus. Vivamus ac mi. Integer leo. Proin blandit est et sem. Quisque mi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Nunc imperdiet viverra purus. Aenean ut turpis ut nibh varius adipiscing. end of tab 3

Tab 4

Sed non ante non nibh pharetra facilisis. Curabitur ut odio. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce aliquam. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Etiam lacinia, sapien ut volutpat lobortis, nisi ante auctor quam, vitae placerat dolor arcu dictum massa. Donec dolor. Cras eget dolor. Curabitur id nunc non purus tristique iaculis. Vivamus sit amet sapien. end of tab 4

Related: TWiki.JQueryPlugin, PluginTestJQueryPlugin

-- MaryWhite - 09 Nov 2008 This is my sandbox.

-- DaveBraun - 31 Jul 2008 This should be the description at the top of the page that is linked to from NewDoc


-- PeterMao - 20 Aug 2012


JQueryPlugin » Examples for JQueryPlugin

Include the jQuery javascript and theme we need:



Default, no options

Title, Width & Height


Related: TWiki.JQueryPlugin, JQueryPluginExamples

Current status of Project Work - S. Wieman

WIRC-POL (Chuck Henderson)

Optomechanical Design Support for Polarimetry upgrade. This optomechanical work is separated by specific task

4. Chuck H. is handling H2_RG mounting and necessary dewar mods contingent on an acceptable H2_RG detector becoming available

Chuck H. WIRC-POL SOW: SOW_Chuck_Henderson_7_14_16.docx

Schedule of WIRC-POL optomechanical upgrades (basis for CH SOW): WIRC-POL_schedule_7_14_16.xlsx

Precision Cryogenic dewar drawings have been used to partly convert 2-d hardcopies to SW CAD models in the vault under:WIRC->WIRC-POL->WIRC-POL Preliminary Design-> and Precision Cryogenics 2-D hardcopy drawings were scanned into file: PC_WIRC_Drawings.pdf
Task Status

Two-position focal plane mask for:

a. full-FOV (current configuration)

b. reduced FOV (reduce background behind spectro/polarimetric traces)

Bi-stable Mechanism preliminary design complete in the SW Vault under: WIRC->WIRC-POL->WIRC-POL Preliminary Design->06_30_16FieldStop mechanism.SLDASM

Mechanism actuator, either push pull solenoid or stepper motor (precise actuation unnecessary due to bi-stable design) is still required. the current design was presented at the PDR on 7/22
2. Zemax modeling for verifying optomechanical design decisions (e.g.,* WIRC-POL_PG_AOI_7-8-16_weekly_meeting.pdf : Pol. Grat AOI Zemax ) Current .zmx for WIRC-POL upgrade 4quadrant_WIRCPOL_diff_grat_Lens_arry_7deg.zmx and 4quadrant_WIRCPOL_diff_grat_Lens_arry_0deg.zmx : originally an interim version until IUCAA model is provided (still awaiting). The above non-sequential Zemax files for determining ghosting are the most current as of 7/22.
3. Chuck H. is handling mods to filter wheel to accommodate the GRISM & PG and provide 1.0 milliradian clocking alignment:

Telic optics drawings are partially converted to SW CAD models in the vault under: WIRC->WIRC-POL->WIRC-POL Preliminary Design->COLD-COL-WIRC-OPTICS.SLDASM. Chuck has done some investigation to verify that a design based on limit switches (of a specific type) will be sufficient for providing the 1 mrad required filter wheel orientation tolerance.

SED Machine (Jeff Zolkower)

Initial work was done to address the problem of shifting of the spaxel locations and spectral trace separation in the IFU images leading to failure of the data reduction pipeline (DRP) to extract reliable spectra. The shifting has occurred repeatedly at intervals of about 2 -3 weeks and shows signs of occurring as both a modest gradual shift with time (intervals of weeks) as wells as isolated, larger rapid (overnight) shifts. One illustration of this shifting is in: Example_of_SEDm_spaxel_shift.pdf which includes a progression of IFU images shown as overlying contour plots to highlight shift of spaxel location with time relative to a reference image.

A source of this shifting was rotation of the optics barrel that houses the SEDM collimator optics and lenslet array. This barrel is just upstream of the SEDM prisms and was originally secured into a vee-block using tension springs - a mounting which allowed it to be fairly easily rotated, and slightly shifted axially, by hand. On the occasions that the barrel shifted to the point that reliable data could not be obtained through the DRP, it was found that alignment could be restored by manually rotating the collimator barrel. Notes from one such re-alignment procedure are in: SEDM_collimator_rotation.pdf

To prevent this recurring loss of lenslet alignment, the tension springs used to hold the collimator barrel in place were replaced with split clamps. These clamps were intended as somewhat of an interim fix that could be installed with minimal disassembly of the instrument and without interruption of nightly observations. Following installation of the clamps a load cell force sensor was used to apply a 14lbf load (about 2 times the weight of the optics barrel) to the barrel opposite a dial indicator to measure any displacement. Displacement under the applied load was less than 3 microns which is within the observed fluctuation of the indicator readout with no load applied. Notes/pictures describing the installation and tests are in SEDM_collimator_clamp_replacement.pdf . Loss of collimator/lenslet alignment has not recurred between the installation of the clamps (6/30/16) and the writing of this summary (7/13/16).

Camera optics downstream of the SEDm prisms are mounted in a similar vee-block/tension spring arrangement. Replacement clamps like those installed on the collimator have also been made for these camera optics, but have not been implemented because the procedure required to install them would require further SEDM disassembly and downtime. These clamps and associated hardware were left with R. Walters.

The SEDM Solidworks CAD models are on the SW vault in the SEDM project folder

HCST (Jason Fucik)

Design/Specification of optic mounts, mechanisms, optical enclosures

Initially planned optic mounts and mechanisms have been added to Jason's Solidworks model of the HCST layout in the SW vault under HCST->HCST CAD MODELS->HCST Preliminary Design->HCST 20160405A.SLDASM. Proposed mechanisms and mounts for the telescope simulator pupil mask, and vortex chronograph pupil plane masks and focal plane mask were shown with an associated price list (~$20k) in the July 6 weekly meeting in which some refinement of the requirements for aligning these optics (and for indexing different mask in and out of the beam) were discussed. Based on this discussion, I will provide a revised mechanism and price list and update the Solidworks model before I leave on 7/22.

Work was done to develop a mount for the Boston Micromachines (BMM) Kilo-DM that would be less susceptible to acoustical vibrations to which Kent W. had found them to be susceptible. An initial design was based on direct rigid mounting to the ZIF socket to which the DM package attaches. This design was thought to be an improvement over the stock mount with attachment points only on the DM circuit board - an approach that was deemed susceptible to the transfer of acoustical vibrations excited in the circuit board to the DM. BMM did not explicitly discourage the custom mount design but did indicate that it would void the warranty primarily because it could potentially damage the ZIF socket. Details from the email exchange with BMM are here:BMM_Kilo-DM_exchange.pdf . It also includes additional details about how the ZIF attaches to the PCB which make the plan of direct-mounting to the ZIF seem less appealing. As of 7/22 still awaiting some answers from BMM needed for revised mount design - document with email chain updated with the latest exchange.

ZTF Documentation (Rich Dekany)

1. Document Binders

  • Cryostat
  • Shutter, Robotic Filter changer, Hexapod. P48 Updates

2. Alternative for greater file access flexibility

3. I&T plan, Commissioning plan

Items 1. and 2. above are being prepared in parallel. Item 3 has not yet been started.

Other (Rich Dekany)

Zemax model (WaSP_meniscus_dewar_window_PTF_shutter.zmx ), and Summary (PTF_Shutter_Summary.pdf) related to check whether the PTF Shutter might work for WaSP.

Zemax model (NESSI_PG_Zemax.zip ) , and Summary (NESSI_PG_dispersion.pdf ) related to check if NESSI can be configured for PG

These items are done for the time being but included above so that the relevant files are available if still needed.

-- SethWieman - 08 Jul 2016

This is my sandbox, I think.

-- StephenKaye - 08 Jan 2013

-- DaveBraun - 06 Nov 2008

test topic

My Test Page

This is just a test page to learn and get acquainted with Twiki. I now have to understand how to attach / link this text to particular topic / project

-- MaheshBurse - 23 Jul 2009

TWiki's Sandbox web The Sandbox Web of TWiki. TWiki is an Enterprise Collaboration Platform. https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox Copyright 2024 by contributing authors 2024-06-02T19:26:36Z WebStatistics https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/WebStatistics 2024-06-02T19:26:36Z Statistics for Sandbox Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save... (last changed by TWikiGuest) TWikiGuest ErdalCanAlkoclarSandbox https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/ErdalCanAlkoclarSandbox 2023-03-28T21:38:57Z Title Article text. Erdal Can Alkoclar (born July 7, 1986) is a Turkish inventor, scientist and IP based project investor. Alkoclar is the co founder and running president... (last changed by ErdalCanAlkoclar) ErdalCanAlkoclar SrWiemanProjStatus https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/SrWiemanProjStatus 2016-08-12T17:33:17Z Current status of Project Work S. Wieman WIRC POL (Chuck Henderson) Optomechanical Design Support for Polarimetry upgrade. This optomechanical work is separated... (last changed by SethWieman) SethWieman WebCreateNewTopic https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/WebCreateNewTopic 2015-06-10T21:22:58Z (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor WebSearchAttachments https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/WebSearchAttachments 2015-05-15T21:25:50Z (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor JCsFakeDoc https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/JCsFakeDoc 2014-08-12T17:50:42Z How do I create a web page in this page? 140711 ZTF Shutter Conceptual Design Review JohnCromer 12 Aug 2014 ZTF Software Arch v0 4.docx: SW Architecture... (last changed by JohnCromer) JohnCromer PluginTestJQueryPlugin https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/PluginTestJQueryPlugin 2013-08-23T07:56:54Z JQueryPlugin #187; Examples for JQueryPlugin Include the jQuery javascript and theme we need: Dialog Default, no options Hello, World! Create Dialog Close Title... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor JQueryPluginExamples https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/JQueryPluginExamples 2013-08-23T07:56:54Z JQueryPlugin #187; JQuery Plugin Examples Demo of the TWikiWidgets implemented by the JQueryPlugin. Buttons Toggles Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor BrunoFemenia https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/BrunoFemenia 2013-03-05T04:50:21Z BrunoFemenia 05 Mar 2013 (last changed by BrunoFemenia) BrunoFemenia BrunoFemeniaSandbox https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/BrunoFemeniaSandbox 2013-03-05T04:50:06Z BrunoFemenia 05 Mar 2013 This is BrunoFemeniaSandbox Going back to WebHome Trying different styles Italic: italic Bold: bold... (last changed by BrunoFemenia) BrunoFemenia BFCNewTopic https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/BFCNewTopic 2013-03-05T04:15:50Z This is the new topic as I create it upon clicking on the question mark appearing only until going to it... does it worK? BrunoFemenia 05 Mar 2013 (last changed by BrunoFemenia) BrunoFemenia SteveKayeSandbox https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/SteveKayeSandbox 2013-01-08T22:22:37Z This is my sandbox, I think. StephenKaye 08 Jan 2013 (last changed by StephenKaye) StephenKaye WebHome https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/WebHome 2012-08-22T21:36:24Z Welcome to the 1 web The 1 web is the sandbox you can use for testing. Everybody is welcome to add or delete some stuff. It is recommended to walk through the... (last changed by RobinBruno) RobinBruno PetersFakeLink https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/PetersFakeLink 2012-08-20T23:54:57Z abc PeterMao 20 Aug 2012 (last changed by PeterMao) PeterMao DavesFakeLink https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/DavesFakeLink 2012-08-20T23:54:22Z DaveBraun 31 Jul 2008 I never finished this first link FMoS PetersFakeLink (last changed by PeterMao) PeterMao WebTopMenu https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/WebTopMenu 2011-07-28T22:00:09Z Top Menu of Sandbox Web This topic defines the menu structure of the Sandbox web, used by the TopMenuSkin. 1 Web` Create New Topic... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor

Recent Changes in Sandbox Web retrieved at 20:44 (GMT)

Statistics for Sandbox Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save...
Title Article text. Erdal Can Alkoclar (born July 7, 1986) is a Turkish inventor, scientist and IP based project investor. Alkoclar is the co founder and running president...
Current status of Project Work S. Wieman WIRC POL (Chuck Henderson) Optomechanical Design Support for Polarimetry upgrade. This optomechanical work is separated...
How do I create a web page in this page? 140711 ZTF Shutter Conceptual Design Review JohnCromer 12 Aug 2014 ZTF Software Arch v0 4.docx: SW Architecture...
JQueryPlugin #187; Examples for JQueryPlugin Include the jQuery javascript and theme we need: Dialog Default, no options Hello, World! Create Dialog Close Title...
JQueryPlugin #187; JQuery Plugin Examples Demo of the TWikiWidgets implemented by the JQueryPlugin. Buttons Toggles Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer...
BrunoFemenia 05 Mar 2013
BrunoFemenia 05 Mar 2013 This is BrunoFemeniaSandbox Going back to WebHome Trying different styles Italic: italic Bold: bold...
This is the new topic as I create it upon clicking on the question mark appearing only until going to it... does it worK? BrunoFemenia 05 Mar 2013
This is my sandbox, I think. StephenKaye 08 Jan 2013
Welcome to the 1 web The 1 web is the sandbox you can use for testing. Everybody is welcome to add or delete some stuff. It is recommended to walk through the...
abc PeterMao 20 Aug 2012
DaveBraun 31 Jul 2008 I never finished this first link FMoS PetersFakeLink
Top Menu of Sandbox Web This topic defines the menu structure of the Sandbox web, used by the TopMenuSkin. 1 Web` Create New Topic...
Template Example Example template topic for CommentPluginExamples:templatetopic. : Include generic comment templates:
My Test Page This is just a test page to learn and get acquainted with Twiki . I now have to understand how to attach / link this text to particular topic / project...
MaryWhite 09 Nov 2008 This is my sandbox.
DaveBraun 06 Nov 2008 test topic
DaveBraun 31 Jul 2008 but ugly
DaveBraun 31 Jul 2008 The is the description of DavesNewTopicSubtopic
DaveBraun 31 Jul 2008 This should be the description at the top of the page that is linked to from NewDoc
DaveBraun 31 Jul 2008 topic name
DaveBraun 31 Jul 2008 I`m not sure what this is doing. I`m editing my FakeLinkII.!! SPIE 70145K FMOS PIR spect.pdf: SPIE 70145K FMOS PIR spect.pdf
Sandbox Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the Sandbox web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in ....
Comments Example comment topic for CommentPluginExamples `return` Target comment output 1 TWikiContributor 03 Dec 2006 Target comment output 2 TWikiContributor...
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TWiki`s Sandbox web The Sandbox Web of TWiki. TWiki is an Enterprise Collaboration Platform.
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Sandbox Web Utilities


Results from Sandbox web retrieved at 20:44 (GMT)

This is the new topic as I create it upon clicking on the question mark appearing only until going to it... does it worK? BrunoFemenia 05 Mar 2013
BrunoFemenia 05 Mar 2013
BrunoFemenia 05 Mar 2013 This is BrunoFemeniaSandbox Going back to WebHome Trying different styles Italic: italic Bold: bold...
Comments Example comment topic for CommentPluginExamples `return` Target comment output 1 TWikiContributor 03 Dec 2006 Target comment output 2 TWikiContributor...
Template Example Example template topic for CommentPluginExamples:templatetopic. : Include generic comment templates:
DaveBraun 31 Jul 2008 I never finished this first link FMoS PetersFakeLink
DaveBraun 31 Jul 2008 I`m not sure what this is doing. I`m editing my FakeLinkII.!! SPIE 70145K FMOS PIR spect.pdf: SPIE 70145K FMOS PIR spect.pdf
DaveBraun 31 Jul 2008 topic name
DaveBraun 31 Jul 2008 The is the description of DavesNewTopicSubtopic
Title Article text. Erdal Can Alkoclar (born July 7, 1986) is a Turkish inventor, scientist and IP based project investor. Alkoclar is the co founder and running president...
DaveBraun 31 Jul 2008 but ugly
How do I create a web page in this page? 140711 ZTF Shutter Conceptual Design Review JohnCromer 12 Aug 2014 ZTF Software Arch v0 4.docx: SW Architecture...
JQueryPlugin #187; JQuery Plugin Examples Demo of the TWikiWidgets implemented by the JQueryPlugin. Buttons Toggles Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer...
MaryWhite 09 Nov 2008 This is my sandbox.
DaveBraun 31 Jul 2008 This should be the description at the top of the page that is linked to from NewDoc
abc PeterMao 20 Aug 2012
JQueryPlugin #187; Examples for JQueryPlugin Include the jQuery javascript and theme we need: Dialog Default, no options Hello, World! Create Dialog Close Title...
Current status of Project Work S. Wieman WIRC POL (Chuck Henderson) Optomechanical Design Support for Polarimetry upgrade. This optomechanical work is separated...
This is my sandbox, I think. StephenKaye 08 Jan 2013
DaveBraun 06 Nov 2008 test topic
My Test Page This is just a test page to learn and get acquainted with Twiki . I now have to understand how to attach / link this text to particular topic / project...
TWiki`s Sandbox web The Sandbox Web of TWiki. TWiki is an Enterprise Collaboration Platform.
Welcome to the 1 web The 1 web is the sandbox you can use for testing. Everybody is welcome to add or delete some stuff. It is recommended to walk through the...
1 Web Create New Topic Index Search Changes Notifications Statistics Preferences
This is a subscription service to be automatically notified by e mail when topics change in this 1 web. This is a convenient service, so you do not have to come...
Sandbox Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the Sandbox web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in ....
/Sandbox The 1 web of TWiki. TWiki is a Web Based Collaboration Platform for the Enterprise.
Statistics for Sandbox Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save...
Top Menu of Sandbox Web This topic defines the menu structure of the Sandbox web, used by the TopMenuSkin. 1 Web` Create New Topic...
Number of topics: 38

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TWiki search results for \.* https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox The Sandbox web of TWiki. TWiki is a Web-Based Collaboration Platform for the Enterprise. en-us Copyright 2024 by contributing authors TWiki Administrator [webmaster@astro.caltech.edu] The contributing authors of TWiki TWiki Home - this site is powered by TWiki(R).Sandbox https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/pub/TWiki/TWikiLogos/T-logo-140x40-t.gif ErdalCanAlkoclarSandbox https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/ErdalCanAlkoclarSandbox Title Article text. Erdal Can Alkoclar (born July 7, 1986) is a Turkish inventor, scientist and IP based project investor. Alkoclar is the co founder and running president... (last changed by ErdalCanAlkoclar) 2023-03-28T21:38:57Z unknown SrWiemanProjStatus https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/SrWiemanProjStatus Current status of Project Work S. Wieman WIRC POL (Chuck Henderson) Optomechanical Design Support for Polarimetry upgrade. This optomechanical work is separated... (last changed by SethWieman) 2016-08-12T17:33:17Z unknown WebCreateNewTopic https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/WebCreateNewTopic (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2015-06-10T21:22:58Z TWikiContributor WebSearchAttachments https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/WebSearchAttachments (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2015-05-15T21:25:50Z TWikiContributor JCsFakeDoc https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/JCsFakeDoc How do I create a web page in this page? 140711 ZTF Shutter Conceptual Design Review JohnCromer 12 Aug 2014 ZTF Software Arch v0 4.docx: SW Architecture... (last changed by JohnCromer) 2014-08-12T17:50:42Z unknown JQueryPluginExamples https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/JQueryPluginExamples JQueryPlugin #187; JQuery Plugin Examples Demo of the TWikiWidgets implemented by the JQueryPlugin. Buttons Toggles Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2013-08-23T07:56:54Z TWikiContributor PluginTestJQueryPlugin https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/PluginTestJQueryPlugin JQueryPlugin #187; Examples for JQueryPlugin Include the jQuery javascript and theme we need: Dialog Default, no options Hello, World! Create Dialog Close Title... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2013-08-23T07:56:54Z TWikiContributor BrunoFemenia https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/BrunoFemenia BrunoFemenia 05 Mar 2013 (last changed by BrunoFemenia) 2013-03-05T04:50:21Z unknown BrunoFemeniaSandbox https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/BrunoFemeniaSandbox BrunoFemenia 05 Mar 2013 This is BrunoFemeniaSandbox Going back to WebHome Trying different styles Italic: italic Bold: bold... (last changed by BrunoFemenia) 2013-03-05T04:50:06Z unknown BFCNewTopic https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/BFCNewTopic This is the new topic as I create it upon clicking on the question mark appearing only until going to it... does it worK? BrunoFemenia 05 Mar 2013 (last changed by BrunoFemenia) 2013-03-05T04:15:50Z unknown SteveKayeSandbox https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/SteveKayeSandbox This is my sandbox, I think. StephenKaye 08 Jan 2013 (last changed by StephenKaye) 2013-01-08T22:22:37Z unknown WebHome https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/WebHome Welcome to the 1 web The 1 web is the sandbox you can use for testing. Everybody is welcome to add or delete some stuff. It is recommended to walk through the... (last changed by RobinBruno) 2012-08-22T21:36:24Z unknown PetersFakeLink https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/PetersFakeLink abc PeterMao 20 Aug 2012 (last changed by PeterMao) 2012-08-20T23:54:57Z unknown DavesFakeLink https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/DavesFakeLink DaveBraun 31 Jul 2008 I never finished this first link FMoS PetersFakeLink (last changed by PeterMao) 2012-08-20T23:54:22Z unknown WebTopMenu https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/WebTopMenu Top Menu of Sandbox Web This topic defines the menu structure of the Sandbox web, used by the TopMenuSkin. 1 Web` Create New Topic... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2011-07-28T22:00:09Z TWikiContributor CommentPluginTemplateExample https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/CommentPluginTemplateExample Template Example Example template topic for CommentPluginExamples:templatetopic. : Include generic comment templates: (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2010-03-20T04:17:06Z TWikiContributor

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Results from Sandbox web retrieved at 20:44 (GMT)

This is the new topic as I create it upon clicking on the question mark appearing only until going to it... does it worK?

-- BrunoFemenia - 05 Mar 2013

-- BrunoFemenia - 05 Mar 2013

This is BrunoFemeniaSandbox

  • Trying different styles
    • Italic: italic
    • Bold: bold
    • Bold italic: bold italic
    • Small & red small red

Now inserting something which is a new topic not yet referred to: BFCNewTopic


Second level heading: plain text

Bla, Bla, Bla

Third level heading: hyperlinking

Fourth level heading: attaching picture

  • Just attaching the TWiki logo as an example of image:

Fifth level heading: e-mail alerts if page is modified


Example comment topic for CommentPluginExamples - "return"

Target comment output 1

-- TWikiContributor - 03 Dec 2006

Target comment output 2

-- TWikiContributor - 03 Dec 2006

Template Example

Example template topic for CommentPluginExamples:templatetopic.


<form method="post" action="%SCRIPTURL{save}%/%BASEWEB%/%BASETOPIC%" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" name="examplecomment" id="examplecomment">
<input type="hidden" name="redirectto" value="%BASEWEB%.%BASETOPIC%" />





Include generic comment templates:


-- DaveBraun - 31 Jul 2008 I never finished this first link



-- DaveBraun - 31 Jul 2008 I'm not sure what this is doing. I'm editing my FakeLinkII.!!

-- DaveBraun - 31 Jul 2008 topic name

-- DaveBraun - 31 Jul 2008 The is the description of DavesNewTopicSubtopic


Article text.

Erdal Can Alkoclar (born July 7, 1986) is a Turkish inventor, scientist and IP-based project investor.

Alkoclar is the co-founder and running president of Yesilalkoclar R&D company along with Metehan Yesil. He is the sole inventor of 143 applied and 282 pending patents; 44 of them being in current PCT protection. He is the inventor of the first flavonol glycoside-based antiviral ingredient currently marketed under the brands of NOVIR and FLUVOL, and has 21 Republic of Turkey Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock approved formulations. Alkoclar is the owner of the first series of pharmaceutical ingredient patents which are confirmed and approved as valid and prioritized collaterals & assurance assets by several national banks, first to be confirmed in the banking history of Turkey. Alkoclar is the rights holder and applicant of the largest amount of pharmaceutical ingredient patents as sole individual in Turkey. He holds the patents of 67 anti-carcinogenic formulations, 101 Anti-viral formulations and 23 metabolic regulator ingredients.

Alkoclar and his previous R&D team; Halepce R&D has found and patented more than 154 methylprotodioscin derivatives; analogues used in a wide range of therapeutic fields such as neurogenesis to myogenesis; from height increase (despite the inconsistent results obtained from the formulation regarding the oral version) to adjuvant cancer therapies. Alkoclar is the sole inventor of the facile obtaining methods of hexacoumaroyl-protobioside derivatives; compounds which possesses potent Core GLC NAC III inhibiting properties.

Alkoclar holds the brand licences of 19 PGE-1 mRNA expression modulators. Those agents are primarily used in order to treat burns, to treat sexual dysfunction both as oral and transdermal formulations.[1] MYOSTIL, a myotropic formulation widely used in Middle Eastern region with muscle strength enhancing properties has been pointed and thought as a prominent result of above-mentioned research and development processes. Several famous Turkish bodybuilders including Hakan Gumus and Gursel Yanardag have been officially detected to possess a strength increase by up to 43% and 47.7% respectively by an acute oral dosing protocol which led MYOSTIL to be banned from domestic bodybuilding and other athletic competitions due to its comperable potency to Proviron in terms of lipolysis and Trenbelone in terms of muscle gain with the absence of those two anabolic agents' side effects.

Alkoclar holds the PCT approved patents of twelve 3,7-bis(2-hydroxyethyl) bonded flavonol glycoside derivatives scientifically proven to possess more potent PDE5 and PDE4 suppressive properties than several well known pde5 inhibitors including sildenafil.[2] Alkoclar and Yesil holds the ownership of more than 100 anti-viral formulation and molecular patent applications, with an estimated value of US$3,320,000,000 (precedent bank evaluation worth is taken as the basis evaluation).

Alkoclar has an ongoing law struggle against several litigations and is in the center for a number of debates regarding Yesil&Alkoclar 's patented methods of facile manufacturing of 3,7-bis(2-hydroxyl) flavonoids and glucopyranoside derivatives which provides an "advantage of unfair competition". Alkoclar has won the case against Sopharma; a reputable Bulgarian pharmaceutical company and lawfully forced the company to cease meclofenoxate production.

Novir(™), the previously mentioned antiviral drug was recently tested by Sierra Leone government under the supervision of UN health inspection commission. 10 Ebola sufferers used *Novir and were able to survive the critical first 96 hours; no participants were deceased. No significant side effect was observed during and after the treatment. This process was initiated by John Sahr Yambasu, the current Moscow ambassador of the state of Sierra Leone after contacting with YesilAlkoclar R&D officials. *Novir is still on registration phase in Turkey and 23 other countries including Kazakhstan, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Hungary.

Alkoclar is the rightsholder of more than 1900+ anti-viral steroidal lactone, pseudalkaloids, protoalkaloids, furostanol saponins and furostanol glycosides' patent applications. Alkoclar and Yesil are the co-owners and titled inventors of HYA4312, a silicon-based 4-layered coating with pyro-resistant and potent radio wave emissive properties. Alkoclar has an ongoing legal struggle with Biotest, a sports supplements company, related to a possible infringement of several patents belonging to Alkoclar.[3] Noricaritin, the novel name given to 3,7-bis(2-hdyroxyethyl)icaritin, the active ingredient in several patent applications owned by Alkoclar and Yesil has recently been approved by Chemical Abstract Services with the CAS number of 5240-95-9[4][5][6]

Alkoclar has won a 4th prize which is given by Turkish Patent Institute for having the 4th largest number of applied patents in 2014.[2] Alkoclar received the Scientist of the Year Award for Turkey in 2016 and 2019.



(1) Dell'Agli, M; Galli, GV; Dal Cero, E; et al. (September 2008). "Potent inhibition of human phosphodiesterase-5 by icariin derivatives". J. Nat. Prod. 71: 1513–7.doi:10.1021/np800049y. PMID 18778098.

(2) Zhang, X; Jin, C; Li, Y; Guan, S; Han, F; Zhang, S (2013). "Catalpol improves cholinergic function and reduces inflammatory cytokines in the senescent mice induced by D-galactose". Food Chem. Toxicol. 58: 50–5. doi:10.1016/j.fct.2013.04.006. PMID 23612000.


(4) http://www.chemfaces.com/natural/Noricaritin-CFN98528.html




-- Erdal Can Alkoclar - 2023-03-28


-- DaveBraun - 31 Jul 2008 but ugly

How do I create a web page in this page?

-- JohnCromer - 12 Aug 2014

JQueryPlugin » JQuery Plugin Examples

Demo of the TWikiWidgets implemented by the JQueryPlugin.


bluish pinkish greenish orange


ALERT! Slide

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla dui turpis, convallis eget, lacinia id, vulputate ut, ipsum. Donec sed sem. Ut tempus. Nunc egestas consectetuer augue. Sed a nibh. Duis rutrum nibh. Sed in orci at arcu molestie ultrices. Quisque a lectus. In mollis, nulla id rutrum tincidunt, lacus dui vestibulum sapien, vel tincidunt nulla lectus a elit. Nullam laoreet, nunc ut varius pulvinar, lacus lectus condimentum orci, nec mattis augue erat at mauris. Donec sollicitudin, sapien id lobortis vulputate, tellus sem dignissim felis, in laoreet massa purus in mauris. Suspendisse tempus leo quis massa. Curabitur tortor eros, dictum sed, tincidunt sit amet, tristique nec, nisi. Mauris est urna, fermentum vel, luctus sed, luctus eu, elit. In nulla.


  • Hello world

Rounded corners

1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla dui turpis, convallis eget, lacinia id, vulputate ut, ipsum. Donec sed sem. Ut tempus. Nunc egestas consectetuer augue. Sed a nibh. Duis rutrum nibh. Sed in orci at arcu molestie ultrices. Quisque a lectus. In mollis, nulla id rutrum tincidunt,

2. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla dui turpis, convallis eget, lacinia id, vulputate ut, ipsum. Donec sed sem. Ut tempus. Nunc egestas consectetuer augue. Sed a nibh. Duis rutrum nibh. Sed in orci at arcu molestie ultrices. Quisque a lectus. In mollis, nulla id rutrum tincidunt,

3. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla dui turpis, convallis eget, lacinia id, vulputate ut, ipsum. Donec sed sem. Ut tempus. Nunc egestas consectetuer augue. Sed a nibh. Duis rutrum nibh. Sed in orci at arcu molestie ultrices. Quisque a lectus. In mollis, nulla id rutrum tincidunt,

4. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla dui turpis, convallis eget, lacinia id, vulputate ut, ipsum. Donec sed sem. Ut tempus. Nunc egestas consectetuer augue. Sed a nibh. Duis rutrum nibh. Sed in orci at arcu molestie ultrices. Quisque a lectus. In mollis, nulla id rutrum tincidunt,

Consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla dui turpis, convallis eget, lacinia id, vulputate ut, ipsum. Donec sed sem. Ut tempus. Nunc egestas consectetuer augue. Sed a nibh. Duis rutrum nibh. Sed in orci at arcu molestie ultrices. Quisque a lectus. In mollis, nulla id rutrum tincidunt,


Note: Temporarily broken with plugin upgrade to jQuery 1.10.2

  • list
    • item
    • item
    • item
  • list
    • item
    • item
    • item
  • list
    • item
    • item
    • item

  • list
    • item
    • item
    • item
  • list
    • item
    • item
    • item
  • list
    • item
    • item
    • item


Tab 1

Tab 1.1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas sit amet tellus id ante pretium aliquam. Etiam interdum, turpis in varius facilisis, nibh neque tincidunt sapien, et viverra libero justo et leo.

Tab 1.2

tristique ligula suscipit suscipit. Donec et tortor. Integer eros eros, commodo in, aliquam sit amet, facilisis et, magna. Sed nisl. Pellentesque mattis, quam ut nonummy rutrum, sem felis ultrices nunc, sed mollis dolor diam et purus.

Tab 1.3

Aenean urna. Morbi eros. Quisque mauris magna, rhoncus vitae, ullamcorper ac, volutpat quis, nibh. end of tab 1

Tab 2

Donec ultrices mollis velit. Integer sed eros. Nulla venenatis laoreet leo. Etiam consectetuer, odio sagittis pharetra ornare, est nulla nonummy nisl, quis ultricies nisl elit quis justo. In dictum interdum est. Duis accumsan, nibh mollis commodo rhoncus, ante orci dapibus purus, at pharetra est massa et velit. Fusce ornare nibh ut magna. Nunc sollicitudin, purus et eleifend consectetuer, lectus justo faucibus arcu, et cursus velit felis eu lorem. Nulla aliquet, turpis accumsan feugiat congue, mi arcu ultrices ligula, id ultrices sem elit sed lectus. Curabitur dignissim, dolor non sodales luctus, mi magna tincidunt tellus, at bibendum mauris magna dapibus metus. Donec et libero at erat bibendum blandit. Proin enim nunc, rutrum et, congue mattis, ultrices at, nisl. end of tab 2

Tab 3

Sed a nisi. Maecenas posuere vehicula orci. Proin purus. Nulla condimentum laoreet pede. Morbi sodales, nunc a vestibulum dignissim, lectus felis varius nisl, vitae lacinia sapien dui nec massa. Fusce tempus. Vivamus ac mi. Integer leo. Proin blandit est et sem. Quisque mi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Nunc imperdiet viverra purus. Aenean ut turpis ut nibh varius adipiscing. end of tab 3

Tab 4

Sed non ante non nibh pharetra facilisis. Curabitur ut odio. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce aliquam. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Etiam lacinia, sapien ut volutpat lobortis, nisi ante auctor quam, vitae placerat dolor arcu dictum massa. Donec dolor. Cras eget dolor. Curabitur id nunc non purus tristique iaculis. Vivamus sit amet sapien. end of tab 4

Related: TWiki.JQueryPlugin, PluginTestJQueryPlugin

-- MaryWhite - 09 Nov 2008 This is my sandbox.

-- DaveBraun - 31 Jul 2008 This should be the description at the top of the page that is linked to from NewDoc


-- PeterMao - 20 Aug 2012


JQueryPlugin » Examples for JQueryPlugin

Include the jQuery javascript and theme we need:



Default, no options

Title, Width & Height


Related: TWiki.JQueryPlugin, JQueryPluginExamples

Current status of Project Work - S. Wieman

WIRC-POL (Chuck Henderson)

Optomechanical Design Support for Polarimetry upgrade. This optomechanical work is separated by specific task

4. Chuck H. is handling H2_RG mounting and necessary dewar mods contingent on an acceptable H2_RG detector becoming available

Chuck H. WIRC-POL SOW: SOW_Chuck_Henderson_7_14_16.docx

Schedule of WIRC-POL optomechanical upgrades (basis for CH SOW): WIRC-POL_schedule_7_14_16.xlsx

Precision Cryogenic dewar drawings have been used to partly convert 2-d hardcopies to SW CAD models in the vault under:WIRC->WIRC-POL->WIRC-POL Preliminary Design-> and Precision Cryogenics 2-D hardcopy drawings were scanned into file: PC_WIRC_Drawings.pdf
Task Status

Two-position focal plane mask for:

a. full-FOV (current configuration)

b. reduced FOV (reduce background behind spectro/polarimetric traces)

Bi-stable Mechanism preliminary design complete in the SW Vault under: WIRC->WIRC-POL->WIRC-POL Preliminary Design->06_30_16FieldStop mechanism.SLDASM

Mechanism actuator, either push pull solenoid or stepper motor (precise actuation unnecessary due to bi-stable design) is still required. the current design was presented at the PDR on 7/22
2. Zemax modeling for verifying optomechanical design decisions (e.g.,* WIRC-POL_PG_AOI_7-8-16_weekly_meeting.pdf : Pol. Grat AOI Zemax ) Current .zmx for WIRC-POL upgrade 4quadrant_WIRCPOL_diff_grat_Lens_arry_7deg.zmx and 4quadrant_WIRCPOL_diff_grat_Lens_arry_0deg.zmx : originally an interim version until IUCAA model is provided (still awaiting). The above non-sequential Zemax files for determining ghosting are the most current as of 7/22.
3. Chuck H. is handling mods to filter wheel to accommodate the GRISM & PG and provide 1.0 milliradian clocking alignment:

Telic optics drawings are partially converted to SW CAD models in the vault under: WIRC->WIRC-POL->WIRC-POL Preliminary Design->COLD-COL-WIRC-OPTICS.SLDASM. Chuck has done some investigation to verify that a design based on limit switches (of a specific type) will be sufficient for providing the 1 mrad required filter wheel orientation tolerance.

SED Machine (Jeff Zolkower)

Initial work was done to address the problem of shifting of the spaxel locations and spectral trace separation in the IFU images leading to failure of the data reduction pipeline (DRP) to extract reliable spectra. The shifting has occurred repeatedly at intervals of about 2 -3 weeks and shows signs of occurring as both a modest gradual shift with time (intervals of weeks) as wells as isolated, larger rapid (overnight) shifts. One illustration of this shifting is in: Example_of_SEDm_spaxel_shift.pdf which includes a progression of IFU images shown as overlying contour plots to highlight shift of spaxel location with time relative to a reference image.

A source of this shifting was rotation of the optics barrel that houses the SEDM collimator optics and lenslet array. This barrel is just upstream of the SEDM prisms and was originally secured into a vee-block using tension springs - a mounting which allowed it to be fairly easily rotated, and slightly shifted axially, by hand. On the occasions that the barrel shifted to the point that reliable data could not be obtained through the DRP, it was found that alignment could be restored by manually rotating the collimator barrel. Notes from one such re-alignment procedure are in: SEDM_collimator_rotation.pdf

To prevent this recurring loss of lenslet alignment, the tension springs used to hold the collimator barrel in place were replaced with split clamps. These clamps were intended as somewhat of an interim fix that could be installed with minimal disassembly of the instrument and without interruption of nightly observations. Following installation of the clamps a load cell force sensor was used to apply a 14lbf load (about 2 times the weight of the optics barrel) to the barrel opposite a dial indicator to measure any displacement. Displacement under the applied load was less than 3 microns which is within the observed fluctuation of the indicator readout with no load applied. Notes/pictures describing the installation and tests are in SEDM_collimator_clamp_replacement.pdf . Loss of collimator/lenslet alignment has not recurred between the installation of the clamps (6/30/16) and the writing of this summary (7/13/16).

Camera optics downstream of the SEDm prisms are mounted in a similar vee-block/tension spring arrangement. Replacement clamps like those installed on the collimator have also been made for these camera optics, but have not been implemented because the procedure required to install them would require further SEDM disassembly and downtime. These clamps and associated hardware were left with R. Walters.

The SEDM Solidworks CAD models are on the SW vault in the SEDM project folder

HCST (Jason Fucik)

Design/Specification of optic mounts, mechanisms, optical enclosures

Initially planned optic mounts and mechanisms have been added to Jason's Solidworks model of the HCST layout in the SW vault under HCST->HCST CAD MODELS->HCST Preliminary Design->HCST 20160405A.SLDASM. Proposed mechanisms and mounts for the telescope simulator pupil mask, and vortex chronograph pupil plane masks and focal plane mask were shown with an associated price list (~$20k) in the July 6 weekly meeting in which some refinement of the requirements for aligning these optics (and for indexing different mask in and out of the beam) were discussed. Based on this discussion, I will provide a revised mechanism and price list and update the Solidworks model before I leave on 7/22.

Work was done to develop a mount for the Boston Micromachines (BMM) Kilo-DM that would be less susceptible to acoustical vibrations to which Kent W. had found them to be susceptible. An initial design was based on direct rigid mounting to the ZIF socket to which the DM package attaches. This design was thought to be an improvement over the stock mount with attachment points only on the DM circuit board - an approach that was deemed susceptible to the transfer of acoustical vibrations excited in the circuit board to the DM. BMM did not explicitly discourage the custom mount design but did indicate that it would void the warranty primarily because it could potentially damage the ZIF socket. Details from the email exchange with BMM are here:BMM_Kilo-DM_exchange.pdf . It also includes additional details about how the ZIF attaches to the PCB which make the plan of direct-mounting to the ZIF seem less appealing. As of 7/22 still awaiting some answers from BMM needed for revised mount design - document with email chain updated with the latest exchange.

ZTF Documentation (Rich Dekany)

1. Document Binders

  • Cryostat
  • Shutter, Robotic Filter changer, Hexapod. P48 Updates

2. Alternative for greater file access flexibility

3. I&T plan, Commissioning plan

Items 1. and 2. above are being prepared in parallel. Item 3 has not yet been started.

Other (Rich Dekany)

Zemax model (WaSP_meniscus_dewar_window_PTF_shutter.zmx ), and Summary (PTF_Shutter_Summary.pdf) related to check whether the PTF Shutter might work for WaSP.

Zemax model (NESSI_PG_Zemax.zip ) , and Summary (NESSI_PG_dispersion.pdf ) related to check if NESSI can be configured for PG

These items are done for the time being but included above so that the relevant files are available if still needed.

-- SethWieman - 08 Jul 2016

This is my sandbox, I think.

-- StephenKaye - 08 Jan 2013

-- DaveBraun - 06 Nov 2008

test topic

My Test Page

This is just a test page to learn and get acquainted with Twiki. I now have to understand how to attach / link this text to particular topic / project

-- MaheshBurse - 23 Jul 2009

TWiki's Sandbox web The Sandbox Web of TWiki. TWiki is an Enterprise Collaboration Platform. https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox Copyright 2024 by contributing authors 2024-06-02T19:26:36Z WebStatistics https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/WebStatistics 2024-06-02T19:26:36Z Statistics for Sandbox Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save... (last changed by TWikiGuest) TWikiGuest ErdalCanAlkoclarSandbox https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/ErdalCanAlkoclarSandbox 2023-03-28T21:38:57Z Title Article text. Erdal Can Alkoclar (born July 7, 1986) is a Turkish inventor, scientist and IP based project investor. Alkoclar is the co founder and running president... (last changed by ErdalCanAlkoclar) ErdalCanAlkoclar SrWiemanProjStatus https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/SrWiemanProjStatus 2016-08-12T17:33:17Z Current status of Project Work S. Wieman WIRC POL (Chuck Henderson) Optomechanical Design Support for Polarimetry upgrade. This optomechanical work is separated... (last changed by SethWieman) SethWieman WebCreateNewTopic https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/WebCreateNewTopic 2015-06-10T21:22:58Z (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor WebSearchAttachments https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/WebSearchAttachments 2015-05-15T21:25:50Z (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor JCsFakeDoc https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/JCsFakeDoc 2014-08-12T17:50:42Z How do I create a web page in this page? 140711 ZTF Shutter Conceptual Design Review JohnCromer 12 Aug 2014 ZTF Software Arch v0 4.docx: SW Architecture... (last changed by JohnCromer) JohnCromer PluginTestJQueryPlugin https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/PluginTestJQueryPlugin 2013-08-23T07:56:54Z JQueryPlugin #187; Examples for JQueryPlugin Include the jQuery javascript and theme we need: Dialog Default, no options Hello, World! Create Dialog Close Title... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor JQueryPluginExamples https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/JQueryPluginExamples 2013-08-23T07:56:54Z JQueryPlugin #187; JQuery Plugin Examples Demo of the TWikiWidgets implemented by the JQueryPlugin. Buttons Toggles Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor BrunoFemenia https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/BrunoFemenia 2013-03-05T04:50:21Z BrunoFemenia 05 Mar 2013 (last changed by BrunoFemenia) BrunoFemenia BrunoFemeniaSandbox https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/BrunoFemeniaSandbox 2013-03-05T04:50:06Z BrunoFemenia 05 Mar 2013 This is BrunoFemeniaSandbox Going back to WebHome Trying different styles Italic: italic Bold: bold... (last changed by BrunoFemenia) BrunoFemenia BFCNewTopic https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/BFCNewTopic 2013-03-05T04:15:50Z This is the new topic as I create it upon clicking on the question mark appearing only until going to it... does it worK? BrunoFemenia 05 Mar 2013 (last changed by BrunoFemenia) BrunoFemenia SteveKayeSandbox https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/SteveKayeSandbox 2013-01-08T22:22:37Z This is my sandbox, I think. StephenKaye 08 Jan 2013 (last changed by StephenKaye) StephenKaye WebHome https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/WebHome 2012-08-22T21:36:24Z Welcome to the 1 web The 1 web is the sandbox you can use for testing. Everybody is welcome to add or delete some stuff. It is recommended to walk through the... (last changed by RobinBruno) RobinBruno PetersFakeLink https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/PetersFakeLink 2012-08-20T23:54:57Z abc PeterMao 20 Aug 2012 (last changed by PeterMao) PeterMao DavesFakeLink https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/DavesFakeLink 2012-08-20T23:54:22Z DaveBraun 31 Jul 2008 I never finished this first link FMoS PetersFakeLink (last changed by PeterMao) PeterMao WebTopMenu https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/WebTopMenu 2011-07-28T22:00:09Z Top Menu of Sandbox Web This topic defines the menu structure of the Sandbox web, used by the TopMenuSkin. 1 Web` Create New Topic... (last changed by TWikiContributor) TWikiContributor

Recent Changes in Sandbox Web retrieved at 20:44 (GMT)

Statistics for Sandbox Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save...
Title Article text. Erdal Can Alkoclar (born July 7, 1986) is a Turkish inventor, scientist and IP based project investor. Alkoclar is the co founder and running president...
Current status of Project Work S. Wieman WIRC POL (Chuck Henderson) Optomechanical Design Support for Polarimetry upgrade. This optomechanical work is separated...
How do I create a web page in this page? 140711 ZTF Shutter Conceptual Design Review JohnCromer 12 Aug 2014 ZTF Software Arch v0 4.docx: SW Architecture...
JQueryPlugin #187; Examples for JQueryPlugin Include the jQuery javascript and theme we need: Dialog Default, no options Hello, World! Create Dialog Close Title...
JQueryPlugin #187; JQuery Plugin Examples Demo of the TWikiWidgets implemented by the JQueryPlugin. Buttons Toggles Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer...
BrunoFemenia 05 Mar 2013
BrunoFemenia 05 Mar 2013 This is BrunoFemeniaSandbox Going back to WebHome Trying different styles Italic: italic Bold: bold...
This is the new topic as I create it upon clicking on the question mark appearing only until going to it... does it worK? BrunoFemenia 05 Mar 2013
This is my sandbox, I think. StephenKaye 08 Jan 2013
Welcome to the 1 web The 1 web is the sandbox you can use for testing. Everybody is welcome to add or delete some stuff. It is recommended to walk through the...
abc PeterMao 20 Aug 2012
DaveBraun 31 Jul 2008 I never finished this first link FMoS PetersFakeLink
Top Menu of Sandbox Web This topic defines the menu structure of the Sandbox web, used by the TopMenuSkin. 1 Web` Create New Topic...
Template Example Example template topic for CommentPluginExamples:templatetopic. : Include generic comment templates:
My Test Page This is just a test page to learn and get acquainted with Twiki . I now have to understand how to attach / link this text to particular topic / project...
MaryWhite 09 Nov 2008 This is my sandbox.
DaveBraun 06 Nov 2008 test topic
DaveBraun 31 Jul 2008 but ugly
DaveBraun 31 Jul 2008 The is the description of DavesNewTopicSubtopic
DaveBraun 31 Jul 2008 This should be the description at the top of the page that is linked to from NewDoc
DaveBraun 31 Jul 2008 topic name
DaveBraun 31 Jul 2008 I`m not sure what this is doing. I`m editing my FakeLinkII.!! SPIE 70145K FMOS PIR spect.pdf: SPIE 70145K FMOS PIR spect.pdf
Sandbox Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the Sandbox web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in ....
Comments Example comment topic for CommentPluginExamples `return` Target comment output 1 TWikiContributor 03 Dec 2006 Target comment output 2 TWikiContributor...
1 Web Create New Topic Index Search Changes Notifications Statistics Preferences
TWiki`s Sandbox web The Sandbox Web of TWiki. TWiki is an Enterprise Collaboration Platform.
/Sandbox The 1 web of TWiki. TWiki is a Web Based Collaboration Platform for the Enterprise.
This is a subscription service to be automatically notified by e mail when topics change in this 1 web. This is a convenient service, so you do not have to come...


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2024-06-02 - 19:26 - TWikiGuest
Title Article text. Erdal Can Alkoclar (born July 7, 1986) is a Turkish inventor, scientist and IP based project investor. Alkoclar is the co founder and running president...
2023-03-28 - 21:38 - ErdalCanAlkoclar
Current status of Project Work S. Wieman WIRC POL (Chuck Henderson) Optomechanical Design Support for Polarimetry upgrade. This optomechanical work is separated...
2016-08-12 - 17:33 - SethWieman

2015-06-10 - 21:22 - TWikiContributor

2015-05-15 - 21:25 - TWikiContributor
How do I create a web page in this page? 140711 ZTF Shutter Conceptual Design Review JohnCromer 12 Aug 2014 ZTF Software Arch v0 4.docx: SW Architecture...
2014-08-12 - 17:50 - JohnCromer
JQueryPlugin #187; Examples for JQueryPlugin Include the jQuery javascript and theme we need: Dialog Default, no options Hello, World! Create Dialog Close Title...
2013-08-23 - 07:56 - TWikiContributor
A more extensive changes list is available via Recent Changes.

Sandbox Web Utilities


Results from Sandbox web retrieved at 20:44 (GMT)

This is the new topic as I create it upon clicking on the question mark appearing only until going to it... does it worK? BrunoFemenia 05 Mar 2013
BrunoFemenia 05 Mar 2013
BrunoFemenia 05 Mar 2013 This is BrunoFemeniaSandbox Going back to WebHome Trying different styles Italic: italic Bold: bold...
Comments Example comment topic for CommentPluginExamples `return` Target comment output 1 TWikiContributor 03 Dec 2006 Target comment output 2 TWikiContributor...
Template Example Example template topic for CommentPluginExamples:templatetopic. : Include generic comment templates:
DaveBraun 31 Jul 2008 I never finished this first link FMoS PetersFakeLink
DaveBraun 31 Jul 2008 I`m not sure what this is doing. I`m editing my FakeLinkII.!! SPIE 70145K FMOS PIR spect.pdf: SPIE 70145K FMOS PIR spect.pdf
DaveBraun 31 Jul 2008 topic name
DaveBraun 31 Jul 2008 The is the description of DavesNewTopicSubtopic
Title Article text. Erdal Can Alkoclar (born July 7, 1986) is a Turkish inventor, scientist and IP based project investor. Alkoclar is the co founder and running president...
DaveBraun 31 Jul 2008 but ugly
How do I create a web page in this page? 140711 ZTF Shutter Conceptual Design Review JohnCromer 12 Aug 2014 ZTF Software Arch v0 4.docx: SW Architecture...
JQueryPlugin #187; JQuery Plugin Examples Demo of the TWikiWidgets implemented by the JQueryPlugin. Buttons Toggles Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer...
MaryWhite 09 Nov 2008 This is my sandbox.
DaveBraun 31 Jul 2008 This should be the description at the top of the page that is linked to from NewDoc
abc PeterMao 20 Aug 2012
JQueryPlugin #187; Examples for JQueryPlugin Include the jQuery javascript and theme we need: Dialog Default, no options Hello, World! Create Dialog Close Title...
Current status of Project Work S. Wieman WIRC POL (Chuck Henderson) Optomechanical Design Support for Polarimetry upgrade. This optomechanical work is separated...
This is my sandbox, I think. StephenKaye 08 Jan 2013
DaveBraun 06 Nov 2008 test topic
My Test Page This is just a test page to learn and get acquainted with Twiki . I now have to understand how to attach / link this text to particular topic / project...
TWiki`s Sandbox web The Sandbox Web of TWiki. TWiki is an Enterprise Collaboration Platform.
Welcome to the 1 web The 1 web is the sandbox you can use for testing. Everybody is welcome to add or delete some stuff. It is recommended to walk through the...
1 Web Create New Topic Index Search Changes Notifications Statistics Preferences
This is a subscription service to be automatically notified by e mail when topics change in this 1 web. This is a convenient service, so you do not have to come...
Sandbox Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the Sandbox web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in ....
/Sandbox The 1 web of TWiki. TWiki is a Web Based Collaboration Platform for the Enterprise.
Statistics for Sandbox Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save...
Top Menu of Sandbox Web This topic defines the menu structure of the Sandbox web, used by the TopMenuSkin. 1 Web` Create New Topic...
Number of topics: 38

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TWiki search results for \.* https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox The Sandbox web of TWiki. TWiki is a Web-Based Collaboration Platform for the Enterprise. en-us Copyright 2024 by contributing authors TWiki Administrator [webmaster@astro.caltech.edu] The contributing authors of TWiki TWiki Home - this site is powered by TWiki(R).Sandbox https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/pub/TWiki/TWikiLogos/T-logo-140x40-t.gif ErdalCanAlkoclarSandbox https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/ErdalCanAlkoclarSandbox Title Article text. Erdal Can Alkoclar (born July 7, 1986) is a Turkish inventor, scientist and IP based project investor. Alkoclar is the co founder and running president... (last changed by ErdalCanAlkoclar) 2023-03-28T21:38:57Z unknown SrWiemanProjStatus https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/SrWiemanProjStatus Current status of Project Work S. Wieman WIRC POL (Chuck Henderson) Optomechanical Design Support for Polarimetry upgrade. This optomechanical work is separated... (last changed by SethWieman) 2016-08-12T17:33:17Z unknown WebCreateNewTopic https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/WebCreateNewTopic (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2015-06-10T21:22:58Z TWikiContributor WebSearchAttachments https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/WebSearchAttachments (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2015-05-15T21:25:50Z TWikiContributor JCsFakeDoc https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/JCsFakeDoc How do I create a web page in this page? 140711 ZTF Shutter Conceptual Design Review JohnCromer 12 Aug 2014 ZTF Software Arch v0 4.docx: SW Architecture... (last changed by JohnCromer) 2014-08-12T17:50:42Z unknown JQueryPluginExamples https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/JQueryPluginExamples JQueryPlugin #187; JQuery Plugin Examples Demo of the TWikiWidgets implemented by the JQueryPlugin. Buttons Toggles Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2013-08-23T07:56:54Z TWikiContributor PluginTestJQueryPlugin https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/PluginTestJQueryPlugin JQueryPlugin #187; Examples for JQueryPlugin Include the jQuery javascript and theme we need: Dialog Default, no options Hello, World! Create Dialog Close Title... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2013-08-23T07:56:54Z TWikiContributor BrunoFemenia https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/BrunoFemenia BrunoFemenia 05 Mar 2013 (last changed by BrunoFemenia) 2013-03-05T04:50:21Z unknown BrunoFemeniaSandbox https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/BrunoFemeniaSandbox BrunoFemenia 05 Mar 2013 This is BrunoFemeniaSandbox Going back to WebHome Trying different styles Italic: italic Bold: bold... (last changed by BrunoFemenia) 2013-03-05T04:50:06Z unknown BFCNewTopic https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/BFCNewTopic This is the new topic as I create it upon clicking on the question mark appearing only until going to it... does it worK? BrunoFemenia 05 Mar 2013 (last changed by BrunoFemenia) 2013-03-05T04:15:50Z unknown SteveKayeSandbox https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/SteveKayeSandbox This is my sandbox, I think. StephenKaye 08 Jan 2013 (last changed by StephenKaye) 2013-01-08T22:22:37Z unknown WebHome https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/WebHome Welcome to the 1 web The 1 web is the sandbox you can use for testing. Everybody is welcome to add or delete some stuff. It is recommended to walk through the... (last changed by RobinBruno) 2012-08-22T21:36:24Z unknown PetersFakeLink https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/PetersFakeLink abc PeterMao 20 Aug 2012 (last changed by PeterMao) 2012-08-20T23:54:57Z unknown DavesFakeLink https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/DavesFakeLink DaveBraun 31 Jul 2008 I never finished this first link FMoS PetersFakeLink (last changed by PeterMao) 2012-08-20T23:54:22Z unknown WebTopMenu https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/WebTopMenu Top Menu of Sandbox Web This topic defines the menu structure of the Sandbox web, used by the TopMenuSkin. 1 Web` Create New Topic... (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2011-07-28T22:00:09Z TWikiContributor CommentPluginTemplateExample https://www.oir.caltech.edu/twiki_oir/bin/view/Sandbox/CommentPluginTemplateExample Template Example Example template topic for CommentPluginExamples:templatetopic. : Include generic comment templates: (last changed by TWikiContributor) 2010-03-20T04:17:06Z TWikiContributor

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Statistics for Sandbox Web

Month: Topic
Most popular
topic views:
Top contributors for
topic save and uploads:
2024-06 376
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
109 SrWiemanProjStatus
  87 WebPreferences
  61 WebCreateNewTopic
  36 JCsFakeDoc
  26 ThisisMaheshBurseSandBoxTopic
  17 DavesFakeLinkII
    5 WebTopicCreator
    4 WebSearchAdvanced
    4 WebHome
    4 WebIndex
2024-05 1843
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
483 WebCreateNewTopic
337 SrWiemanProjStatus
180 WebPreferences
109 ThisisMaheshBurseSandBoxTopic
  90 JCsFakeDoc
  81 WebHome
  67 DavesFakeLinkII
  53 WebChanges
  46 WebSearch
  42 WebNotify
2024-04 399
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
80 WebCreateNewTopic
59 WebHome
24 SrWiemanProjStatus
22 WebPreferences
19 WebSearch
15 WebTopicList
14 WebChanges
13 JCsFakeDoc
12 WebTopicCreator
11 ErdalCanAlkoclarSandbox
2024-03 233
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
50 ErdalCanAlkoclarSandbox
35 WebHome
18 WebCreateNewTopic
15 SrWiemanProjStatus
11 WebChanges
10 WebSearch
10 WebLeftBar
  8 WebPreferences
  7 PluginTestJQueryPlugin
  7 JCsFakeDoc
2024-02 167
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
44 ErdalCanAlkoclarSandbox
19 WebHome
16 WebCreateNewTopic
10 WebChanges
  8 WebPreferences
  6 JCsFakeDoc
  6 SrWiemanProjStatus
  5 WebTopicCreator
  4 WebSearchAdvanced
  3 WebTopicList
2024-01 91
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
15 WebHome
14 SrWiemanProjStatus
10 WebCreateNewTopic
  8 WebPreferences
  5 ErdalCanAlkoclarSandbox
  4 WebLeftBar
  4 WebChanges
  3 WebSearchAdvanced
  3 WebNotify
  3 WebSearch
2023-12 85
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
34 SrWiemanProjStatus
12 WebHome
  8 WebPreferences
  7 WebChanges
  4 ErdalCanAlkoclarSandbox
  3 WebSearch
  2 WebSearchAdvanced
  2 WebLeftBar
  1 PluginTestJQueryPlugin
  1 WebIndex
2023-10 193
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
21 WebHome
19 WebCreateNewTopic
13 SrWiemanProjStatus
  8 WebSearch
  7 PluginTestJQueryPlugin
  7 WebNotify
  7 ErdalCanAlkoclarSandbox
  6 WebTopMenu
  6 WebPreferences
  6 DavesFakeLink
2023-09 45
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
10 SrWiemanProjStatus
  4 WebCreateNewTopic
  4 WebSearch
  4 WebChanges
  4 WebLeftBar
  3 WebHome
  2 ErdalCanAlkoclarSandbox
  2 ThisisMaheshBurseSandBoxTopic
  2 BrunoFemenia
  1 PetersFakeLink
2023-08 1157
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
878 SrWiemanProjStatus
  31 WebHome
  20 WebChanges
  16 PluginTestJQueryPlugin
  16 WebCreateNewTopic
  14 WebPreferences
  13 WebIndex
  11 WebNotify
  10 WebSearchAttachments
  10 WebLeftBar
2023-07 202
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
34 ErdalCanAlkoclarSandbox
25 WebChanges
16 WebCreateNewTopic
15 WebHome
  9 WebSearchAttachments
  9 SrWiemanProjStatus
  7 WebTopMenu
  6 PluginTestJQueryPlugin
  6 WebSearch
  6 WebTopicCreator
2023-06 187
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
38 WebCreateNewTopic
14 WebTopicList
11 WebPreferences
11 ErdalCanAlkoclarSandbox
10 WebSearch
  9 WebSearchAdvanced
  7 WebLeftBar
  6 PluginTestJQueryPlugin
  6 ThisisMaheshBurseSandBoxTopic
  6 JQueryPluginExamples
2023-05 54
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
2023-04 235
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
26 WebHome
26 SrWiemanProjStatus
14 WebCreateNewTopic
14 WebChanges
12 WebTopicList
12 WebSearchAdvanced
11 WebPreferences
10 ErdalCanAlkoclarSandbox
  9 WebNotify
  8 WebSearch
2023-03 230
(2 unique users)
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
92 WebCreateNewTopic
20 WebHome
13 SrWiemanProjStatus
  8 WebTopicList
  8 WebTopMenu
  8 ErdalCanAlkoclarSandbox
  8 WebSearchAdvanced
  6 WebSearch
  6 WebPreferences
  5 WebSearchAttachments
2023-02 111
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
32 WebCreateNewTopic
12 WebHome
  6 WebSearchAdvanced
  5 WebIndex
  5 WebNotify
  5 WebPreferences
  5 WebSearchAttachments
  5 SrWiemanProjStatus
  4 WebTopicList
  4 WebSearch
2023-01 74
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
21 WebCreateNewTopic
10 WebHome
  4 WebTopicList
  4 WebSearch
  4 WebChanges
  3 WebSearchAdvanced
  3 PluginTestJQueryPlugin
  3 WebTopMenu
  3 WebNotify
  3 JCsFakeDoc
2022-12 144
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
66 WebCreateNewTopic
24 WebHome
  6 WebSearchAttachments
  5 WebSearch
  5 WebSearchAdvanced
  3 JQueryPluginExamples
  2 PluginTestJQueryPlugin
  2 ThisisMaheshBurseSandBoxTopic
  2 NewDocument
  2 SrWiemanProjStatus
2022-11 188
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
74 WebCreateNewTopic
14 WebHome
  8 SrWiemanProjStatus
  5 PluginTestJQueryPlugin
  5 WebNotify
  5 WebPreferences
  5 WebSearchAttachments
  5 BFCNewTopic
  5 JQueryPluginExamples
  5 WebChanges
2022-10 195
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
55 WebCreateNewTopic
13 WebChanges
  6 WebNotify
  6 WebSearchAdvanced
  6 TestTopicWithSpaces
  5 WebHome
  5 WebSearch
  5 JCsFakeDoc
  5 CommentPluginExampleComments
  5 SrWiemanProjStatus
2022-09 236
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
106 WebCreateNewTopic
  11 WebHome
  11 WebSearchAdvanced
    7 WebSearch
    7 JQueryPluginExamples
    6 WebTopicList
    6 WebIndex
    6 WebSearchAttachments
    6 WebChanges
    5 WebNotify
2022-08 147
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
55 WebCreateNewTopic
  7 WebTopicCreator
  7 WebPreferences
  6 WebSearchAttachments
  5 WebSearchAdvanced
  5 WebHome
  5 WebChanges
  5 BFCNewTopic
  4 WebTopicList
  4 WebSearch
2022-07 129
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
2022-06 115
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
2022-05 101
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
28 WebHome
10 WebCreateNewTopic
  4 WebIndex
  4 DavesFakeLink
  4 ThisisMaheshBurseSandBoxTopic
  4 BrunoFemenia
  3 PluginTestJQueryPlugin
  3 JCsFakeDoc
  3 WebSearchAttachments
  3 BFCNewTopic
2022-04 254
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
51 WebCreateNewTopic
25 WebHome
11 WebTopicList
10 JCsFakeDoc
  9 WebSearch
  9 WebChanges
  8 SteveKayeSandbox
  8 WebTopicCreator
  7 WebNotify
  7 JQueryPluginExamples
2022-03 216
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
50 WebCreateNewTopic
14 WebSearch
10 WebChanges
  9 WebHome
  9 WebSearchAttachments
  8 WebTopicList
  8 SteveKayeSandbox
  8 WebTopMenu
  8 JCsFakeDoc
  8 WebSearchAdvanced
2022-02 100
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
43 WebCreateNewTopic
  6 WebHome
  4 PluginTestJQueryPlugin
  4 WebPreferences
  4 DavesFakeLink
  4 WebSearchAttachments
  3 WebSearchAdvanced
  3 WebTopicCreator
  3 WebTopMenu
  3 WebSearch
2022-01 292
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
41 WebCreateNewTopic
35 WebHome
18 WebPreferences
18 SrWiemanProjStatus
16 JCsFakeDoc
16 WebChanges
10 WebNotify
10 DavesFakeLink
  9 PluginTestJQueryPlugin
  9 WebSearch
2021-12 90
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
2021-11 134
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
27 WebCreateNewTopic
10 WebHome
  6 WebSearchAdvanced
  5 WebSearchAttachments
  5 SrWiemanProjStatus
  4 PluginTestJQueryPlugin
  4 WebTopicList
  4 WebSearch
  4 WebTopMenu
  4 JQueryPluginExamples
2021-10 591
(2 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
261 WebHome
  52 WebCreateNewTopic
  33 WebPreferences
  22 SrWiemanProjStatus
  21 CommentPluginTemplateExample
  19 CommentPluginExampleComments
  18 PluginTestJQueryPlugin
  18 WebNotify
  18 JQueryPluginExamples
  17 WebSearch
2021-06 31
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
2021-05 108
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
20 WebHome
13 WebCreateNewTopic
  6 SrWiemanProjStatus
  6 WebChanges
  5 WebSearch
  5 WebNotify
  3 WebTopicList
  3 CommentPluginTemplateExample
  3 WebPreferences
  3 JCsFakeDoc
2021-04 148
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
20 WebHome
16 WebCreateNewTopic
14 WebChanges
  9 WebSearch
  8 WebNotify
  6 WebTopicList
  6 PluginTestJQueryPlugin
  5 WebSearchAttachments
  4 WebPreferences
  4 WebSearchAdvanced
2021-03 106
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
13 WebHome
13 WebCreateNewTopic
13 WebChanges
  9 WebSearch
  8 WebNotify
  4 WebTopMenu
  4 JQueryPluginExamples
  3 PluginTestJQueryPlugin
  3 WebIndex
  3 WebPreferences
2021-01 82
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
12 WebChanges
  9 WebHome
  8 WebSearch
  7 WebNotify
  5 WebCreateNewTopic
  3 WebTopicList
  3 WebPreferences
  2 PetersFakeLink
  2 SteveKayeSandbox
  2 WebTopMenu
2020-11 11
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
2020-10 41
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
2020-09 249
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
52 WebHome
27 WebCreateNewTopic
17 WebPreferences
16 SrWiemanProjStatus
15 WebChanges
13 JCsFakeDoc
10 WebSearch
  9 WebNotify
  8 WebIndex
  8 WebSearchAttachments
2020-08 177
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
44 WebHome
21 WebCreateNewTopic
10 SrWiemanProjStatus
  8 WebSearch
  8 WebPreferences
  8 JCsFakeDoc
  7 WebSearchAdvanced
  7 WebLeftBar
  6 WebTopicCreator
  6 JQueryPluginExamples
2020-07 378
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
50 WebHome
44 JQueryPluginExamples
28 WebCreateNewTopic
19 WebChanges
16 WebSearch
13 WebNotify
13 SrWiemanProjStatus
10 JCsFakeDoc
10 WebSearchAttachments
10 WebSearchAdvanced
2020-06 329
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
48 JQueryPluginExamples
45 WebHome
17 WebNotify
17 SrWiemanProjStatus
15 WebCreateNewTopic
14 WebPreferences
13 JCsFakeDoc
11 PluginTestJQueryPlugin
10 BrunoFemeniaSandbox
  9 NewDocument
2020-05 212
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
44 JQueryPluginExamples
35 WebHome
14 WebChanges
12 WebCreateNewTopic
10 WebSearch
  9 WebNotify
  7 WebTopMenu
  7 JCsFakeDoc
  7 WebSearchAdvanced
  6 WebTopicList
2020-04 115
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
33 WebCreateNewTopic
15 WebHome
  5 WebSearchAdvanced
  4 DavesFakeLink
  4 JQueryPluginExamples
  4 DavesNewTopicName
  3 PluginTestJQueryPlugin
  3 WebIndex
  3 WebSearch
  3 WebTopMenu
2020-03 275
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
47 WebCreateNewTopic
46 WebHome
17 SrWiemanProjStatus
16 WebPreferences
16 WebChanges
14 JCsFakeDoc
11 WebIndex
10 WebSearch
  8 WebNotify
  7 WebSearchAttachments
2020-01 142
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
20 WebHome
14 WebChanges
  9 WebSearch
  9 WebCreateNewTopic
  8 WebNotify
  6 PetersFakeLink
  6 DavesNewTopicSubtopic
  5 BrunoFemeniaSandbox
  4 WebPreferences
  4 JCsFakeDoc
2019-12 178
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
19 WebCreateNewTopic
17 WebHome
16 WebChanges
14 WebSearch
  9 WebNotify
  9 WebTopicCreator
  6 PluginTestJQueryPlugin
  6 WebSearchAttachments
  5 WebIndex
  5 SteveKayeSandbox
2019-11 381
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
72 WebCreateNewTopic
48 WebHome
42 SrWiemanProjStatus
21 WebSearch
19 WebPreferences
18 JCsFakeDoc
18 WebChanges
13 WebSearchAdvanced
12 WebTopicList
11 WebNotify
2019-10 173
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
46 WebCreateNewTopic
18 WebSearch
18 WebSearchAdvanced
15 WebHome
  8 WebTopMenu
  6 WebPreferences
  6 JCsFakeDoc
  5 WebNotify
  4 WebSearchAttachments
  4 JQueryPluginExamples
2019-09 405
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
123 WebCreateNewTopic
  39 WebHome
  22 WebSearch
  20 SrWiemanProjStatus
  20 WebSearchAdvanced
  19 WebPreferences
  17 JCsFakeDoc
  16 WebChanges
  10 WebNotify
  10 JQueryPluginExamples
2019-08 478
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
202 WebCreateNewTopic
  33 WebSearch
  28 WebSearchAdvanced
  19 WebHome
  16 WebNotify
  14 SrWiemanProjStatus
  11 BFCNewTopic
  10 JCsFakeDoc
    9 WebTopicList
    8 WebPreferences
2019-07 503
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
196 WebCreateNewTopic
  34 WebHome
  33 WebSearch
  24 SrWiemanProjStatus
  19 WebSearchAdvanced
  11 DavesFakeLink
  10 WebTopMenu
  10 WebSearchAttachments
  10 NewDocument
    9 BFCNewTopic
2019-06 312
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
142 WebCreateNewTopic
  32 WebSearch
  25 WebHome
  20 WebSearchAdvanced
    9 WebTopMenu
    8 SrWiemanProjStatus
    7 WebTopicCreator
    6 WebChanges
    5 JQueryPluginExamples
    5 WebSearchAttachments
2019-05 238
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
115 WebCreateNewTopic
  11 WebSearch
  11 WebPreferences
  10 WebSearchAdvanced
    9 WebHome
    6 WebSearchAttachments
    6 WebTopicCreator
    5 CommentPluginTemplateExample
    5 DavesFakeLink
    5 SrWiemanProjStatus
2019-04 104
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
16 WebCreateNewTopic
16 WebChanges
  9 WebHome
  7 WebSearch
  7 SrWiemanProjStatus
  4 WebPreferences
  4 JQueryPluginExamples
  3 WebTopicList
  3 WebNotify
  3 DavesFakeLink
2019-03 91
(2 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
22 WebCreateNewTopic
14 WebChanges
  7 WebHome
  4 PluginTestJQueryPlugin
  4 WebSearchAttachments
  4 WebTopicCreator
  3 WebTopMenu
  2 WebIndex
  2 CommentPluginTemplateExample
  2 WebPreferences
2019-02 18
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
2019-01 466
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
225 SrWiemanProjStatus
  33 WebCreateNewTopic
  26 WebHome
  20 WebSearch
  18 WebPreferences
  15 WebChanges
  14 JCsFakeDoc
  13 WebTopicList
  13 WebNotify
  12 WebSearchAdvanced
2018-12 355
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
53 WebCreateNewTopic
49 WebHome
36 WebSearch
19 SrWiemanProjStatus
18 WebPreferences
18 WebChanges
17 JCsFakeDoc
15 WebNotify
15 WebSearchAdvanced
11 WebTopicList
2018-11 50
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
2018-10 112
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
22 WebCreateNewTopic
11 WebHome
11 SrWiemanProjStatus
  5 WebTopicList
  5 BrunoFemeniaSandbox
  5 WebChanges
  4 PetersFakeLink
  4 WebSearchAdvanced
  4 WebTopicCreator
  3 WebSearch
2018-09 26
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
2018-07 15
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
2018-06 16
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
2018-04 204
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
24 WebHome
24 WebChanges
20 WebCreateNewTopic
16 WebSearch
11 WebNotify
10 SrWiemanProjStatus
  9 WebPreferences
  6 PluginTestJQueryPlugin
  6 DavesFakeLink
  5 PetersFakeLink
2018-02 15
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
2017-12 14
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
May 2016 553 0 0  71 WebHome
 63 WebTopicCreator
 51 WebSearch
 31 WebNotify
 31 WebStatistics
 25 WebPreferences
 19 JCsFakeDoc
 18 PetersFakeLink
 18 WebChanges
 16 WebTopicList
 14 WebIndex
Mar 2016 408 0 0  61 WebTopicCreator
 53 WebSearch
 52 WebHome
 21 WebPreferences
 21 WebStatistics
 17 WebChanges
 14 JCsFakeDoc
 12 WebNotify
 11 WebTopicList
  9 WebIndex
  9 DavesFakeLink
Sep 2012 153 0 0  30 WebHome
 24 WebTopicCreator
 15 WebStatistics
  8 PetersFakeLink
  7 DavesFakeLink
  7 WebChanges
  6 DavesNewTopicSubtopic
  5 TestTopicWithSpaces
  5 DavesNewTopicName
  4 WebNotify
  4 WebSearch
Dec 2011 124 0 0  24 WebTopicCreator
 15 WebSearch
 13 WebHome
  8 DavesNewTopicName
  5 WebTopicList
  5 DavesFakeLink
  5 WebStatistics
  4 MaryWhiteSandbox
  4 WebIndex
  4 DavesNewTopicSubtopic
  4 ThisisMaheshBurseSandBoxTopic
Jun 2011 38321 0 0 9633 WebTopicCreator
6949 WebSearch
909 WebIndex
873 WebHome
817 WebLeftBar
817 WebStatistics
776 WebTopicList
775 ThisisMaheshBurseSandBoxTopic
774 TestTopicWithSpaces
774 WebChanges
769 MaryWhiteSandbox
May 2011 10512 0 0 2423 WebTopicCreator
1758 WebSearch
462 MaryWhiteSandbox
384 DavesFakeLink
383 FMoS
339 WebPreferences
304 WebHome
232 WebStatistics
217 ThisisMaheshBurseSandBoxTopic
207 WebNotify
205 WebSearchAdvanced
Apr 2011 4444 0 0 1313 WebTopicCreator
925 WebSearch
148 WebHome
131 WebPreferences
111 WebStatistics
 65 ThisisMaheshBurseSandBoxTopic
 60 WebTopicList
 60 WebSearchAdvanced
 59 TestTopicWithSpaces
 59 DavesFakeLink
 58 WebNotify
Mar 2011 4131 0 0 1222 WebTopicCreator
874 WebSearch
128 WebStatistics
119 WebHome
 65 WebPreferences
 62 DavesNewTopicSubtopic
 56 DavesNewTopicName
 55 WebChanges
 55 ThisisMaheshBurseSandBoxTopic
 54 WebTopicList
 53 DavesFakeLink
Feb 2011 4005 0 0 1183 WebTopicCreator
823 WebSearch
143 WebHome
 77 DavesNewTopicSubtopic
 76 WebStatistics
 70 WebChanges
 67 WebTopicList
 59 MaryWhiteSandbox
 59 DavesNewTopicName
 57 ThisisMaheshBurseSandBoxTopic
 54 CommentPluginExampleComments
Jan 2011 3972 0 0 1253 WebTopicCreator
875 WebSearch
 99 WebHome
 73 WebStatistics
 53 TestTopicWithSpaces
 51 WebSearchAdvanced
 51 WebChanges
 49 MaryWhiteSandbox
 48 ThisisMaheshBurseSandBoxTopic
 47 WebTopicList
 47 DavesNewTopicSubtopic
Dec 2010 4275 0 0 1279 WebTopicCreator
908 WebSearch
134 WebStatistics
111 WebHome
 64 DavesNewTopicSubtopic
 64 WebChanges
 63 WebPreferences
 57 DavesNewTopicName
 54 WebNotify
 52 TestTopicWithSpaces
 50 DavesFakeLink
Nov 2010 5677 0 0 1633 WebTopicCreator
1119 WebSearch
303 WebStatistics
150 WebHome
145 WebPreferences
117 ThisisMaheshBurseSandBoxTopic
111 WebChanges
 84 DavesNewTopicName
 83 DavesFakeLinkII
 76 WebTopicList
 72 WebNotify
Oct 2010 6839 0 0 2046 WebTopicCreator
1422 WebSearch
263 WebStatistics
191 WebPreferences
166 ThisisMaheshBurseSandBoxTopic
148 WebHome
 97 DavesFakeLinkII
 83 WebTopicList
 78 WebNotify
 77 WebChanges
 76 DavesNewTopicSubtopic
Sep 2010 5444 0 0 1592 WebTopicCreator
1117 WebSearch
196 WebHome
121 WebPreferences
 97 ThisisMaheshBurseSandBoxTopic
 95 WebStatistics
 87 WebChanges
 86 WebTopicList
 76 FMoS
 74 WebSearchAdvanced
 74 DavesNewTopicSubtopic
Aug 2010 5400 0 0 1678 WebTopicCreator
1186 WebSearch
144 WebHome
 86 WebStatistics
 74 WebTopicList
 73 WebPreferences
 73 WebChanges
 70 WebNotify
 69 DavesNewTopicName
 69 ThisisMaheshBurseSandBoxTopic
 67 FMoS
Jul 2010 4388 0 0 1333 WebTopicCreator
940 WebSearch
116 WebHome
 76 WebStatistics
 68 WebTopicList
 67 WebChanges
 62 FMoS
 61 WebNotify
 61 DavesNewTopicName
 60 TestTopicWithSpaces
 59 DavesNewTopicSubtopic
Jun 2010 587 0 0  88 WebHome
 79 WebTopicCreator
 28 WebStatistics
 25 WebSearch
 25 WebChanges
 23 WebTopicList
 23 WebNotify
 21 WebLeftBar
 19 WebIndex
 18 TestTopicWithSpaces
 18 DavesNewTopicName
May 2010 1050 0 0 192 WebTopicCreator
118 WebHome
 80 WebSearch
 49 WebStatistics
 38 DavesNewTopicSubtopic
 35 WebTopicList
 35 WebChanges
 31 MaryWhiteSandbox
 31 WebLeftBar
 31 NewDocument
 30 WebPreferences
Apr 2010 834 0 0 145 WebTopicCreator
111 WebHome
 46 WebStatistics
 38 DavesNewTopicSubtopic
 33 WebTopicList
 32 WebSearch
 29 WebLeftBar
 29 NewDocument
 24 WebChanges
 24 FMoS
 24 ThisisMaheshBurseSandBoxTopic
Mar 2010 882 0 0 160 WebTopicCreator
127 WebHome
 66 DavesNewTopicSubtopic
 40 WebStatistics
 39 WebSearch
 35 WebTopicList
 32 FMoS
 26 MaryWhiteSandbox
 25 WebChanges
 24 TestTopicWithSpaces
 24 WebPreferences
Feb 2010 738 7 0 122 WebTopicCreator
100 WebHome
 33 WebTopicList
 33 WebStatistics
 30 DavesNewTopicSubtopic
 26 WebNotify
 26 FMoS
 25 WebSearch
 25 TestTopic0
 22 WebPreferences
 22 ThisisMaheshBurseSandBoxTopic
  7 EdWetherell
Jan 2010 922 18 2 196 WebTopicCreator
127 WebHome
 50 WebStatistics
 47 TestTopic0
 32 WebSearch
 29 WebTopicList
 27 TestTopicWithSpaces
 26 DavesFakeLink
 26 ThisisMaheshBurseSandBoxTopic
 25 MaryWhiteSandbox
 25 DavesNewTopicSubtopic
 20 EdWetherell
Dec 2009 887 0 0 156 WebTopicCreator
110 WebHome
 56 WebStatistics
 50 WebSearch
 38 WebChanges
 36 WebTopicList
 32 TestTopicWithSpaces
 32 DavesNewTopicSubtopic
 32 FMoS
 31 ThisisMaheshBurseSandBoxTopic
 29 WebNotify
Nov 2009 938 0 0 135 WebTopicCreator
124 WebHome
104 WebStatistics
 54 WebPreferences
 41 ThisisMaheshBurseSandBoxTopic
 35 WebSearch
 33 WebSearchAdvanced
 33 WebTopicList
 32 TestTopicWithSpaces
 31 MaryWhiteSandbox
 31 FMoS
Oct 2009 1617 0 0 259 WebTopicCreator
171 WebHome
140 WebStatistics
131 WebPreferences
112 WebSearch
 64 ThisisMaheshBurseSandBoxTopic
 50 WebTopicList
 49 WebChanges
 48 WebNotify
 44 TestTopicWithSpaces
 43 DavesNewTopicSubtopic
Sep 2009 1012 0 0 164 WebTopicCreator
102 WebHome
 73 WebStatistics
 70 WebSearch
 44 WebTopicList
 44 WebPreferences
 34 FMoS
 32 WebNotify
 31 DavesFakeLinkII
 30 WebChanges
 29 DavesFakeLink
Aug 2009 872 0 0 163 WebTopicCreator
 72 WebSearch
 71 WebHome
 49 WebStatistics
 33 WebChanges
 29 TestTopicWithSpaces
 28 WebTopicList
 28 DavesFakeLink
 28 FMoS
 25 MaryWhiteSandbox
 25 WebNotify
Jul 2009 986 7 1 209 WebTopicCreator
107 WebHome
 58 WebStatistics
 54 WebSearch
 37 WebTopicList
 35 MaryWhiteSandbox
 32 TestTopicWithSpaces
 29 WebSearchAdvanced
 29 NewDocument
 28 DavesNewTopicSubtopic
 28 FMoS
  8 MaheshBurse
Jun 2009 1099 0 0 241 WebTopicCreator
124 WebHome
 64 WebSearch
 53 WebStatistics
 40 WebTopicList
 38 FMoS
 37 WebSearchAdvanced
 35 MaryWhiteSandbox
 35 DavesNewTopicSubtopic
 35 WebChanges
 34 TestTopicWithSpaces
May 2009 997 0 0 207 WebTopicCreator
119 WebHome
 65 WebSearch
 52 WebStatistics
 39 WebTopicList
 39 FMoS
 36 TestTopicWithSpaces
 36 WebChanges
 36 DavesFakeLink
 32 WebSearchAdvanced
 32 MaryWhiteSandbox
Apr 2009 792 0 0 164 WebTopicCreator
 67 WebHome
 49 WebSearch
 48 WebStatistics
 36 WebTopicList
 34 FMoS
 30 MaryWhiteSandbox
 29 DavesNewTopicSubtopic
 29 WebChanges
 25 WebSearchAdvanced
 24 TestTopicWithSpaces
Mar 2009 1305 0 0 274 WebTopicCreator
100 WebHome
 81 WebSearch
 63 WebStatistics
 51 TestTopicWithSpaces
 49 WebTopicList
 48 DavesNewTopicSubtopic
 48 NewDocument
 43 WebSearchAdvanced
 43 DavesNewTopicName
 39 MaryWhiteSandbox
Feb 2009 991 0 0 205 WebTopicCreator
103 WebHome
 51 WebStatistics
 46 WebSearch
 38 WebTopicList
 36 NewDocument
 35 TestTopicWithSpaces
 34 WebSearchAdvanced
 34 FMoS
 31 DavesFakeLinkII
 29 DavesNewTopicName
Jan 2009 969 0 0 203 WebTopicCreator
 75 WebHome
 49 WebSearch
 45 WebStatistics
 40 TestTopicWithSpaces
 39 DavesNewTopicSubtopic
 37 FMoS
 36 DavesNewTopicName
 36 NewDocument
 33 WebSearchAdvanced
 32 WebTopicList
Dec 2008 1355 0 0 251 WebTopicCreator
100 WebHome
 95 WebPreferences
 91 WebSearch
 69 DavesFakeLinkII
 66 WebStatistics
 50 WebTopicList
 45 NewDocument
 43 DavesNewTopicSubtopic
 39 DavesNewTopicName
 38 TestTopicWithSpaces
Nov 2008 1171 2 0 247 WebTopicCreator
123 WebHome
 56 WebSearch
 55 WebStatistics
 44 DavesNewTopicSubtopic
 44 DavesFakeLinkII
 44 NewDocument
 42 WebTopicList
 40 WebSearchAdvanced
 37 DavesNewTopicName
 37 FMoS
  1 MaryWhite
  1 DaveBraun
Oct 2008 1343 0 0 315 WebTopicCreator
125 WebSearch
 87 WebHome
 57 DavesNewTopicSubtopic
 56 WebTopicList
 51 DavesFakeLinkII
 49 WebSearchAdvanced
 47 FMoS
 46 WebStatistics
 42 DavesFakeLink
 40 NewDocument
Sep 2008 1180 0 0 265 WebTopicCreator
110 WebSearch
 77 WebHome
 54 DavesFakeLink
 52 DavesFakeLinkII
 49 DavesNewTopicName
 49 WebStatistics
 48 DavesNewTopicSubtopic
 47 WebTopicList
 46 FMoS
 38 WebPreferences
Aug 2008 960 0 0 207 WebTopicCreator
 87 WebHome
 71 WebSearch
 48 WebStatistics
 37 WebTopicList
 33 DavesFakeLinkII
 32 FMoS
 31 DavesNewTopicSubtopic
 30 DavesNewTopicName
 30 DavesFakeLink
 29 NewDocument
Jul 2008 803 0 0 192 WebTopicCreator
 85 WebHome
 83 WebSearch
 43 WebStatistics
 42 PluginTestEmptyPlugin
 37 WebChanges
 36 WebIndex
 33 WebSearchAdvanced
 29 CommentPluginExampleComments
 23 WebNotify
 22 WebTopicList
Jun 2008 462 0 0 111 WebTopicCreator
 66 WebHome
 38 WebSearch
 23 WebSearchAdvanced
 21 PluginTestEmptyPlugin
 21 CommentPluginExampleComments
 21 WebChanges
 17 WebStatistics
 17 WebLeftBar
 16 WebTopicList
 12 WebIndex
May 2008 411 0 0 104 WebTopicCreator
 40 WebHome
 39 WebSearch
 21 PluginTestEmptyPlugin
 15 WebIndex
 15 WebNotify
 15 WebPreferences
 15 WebChanges
 13 WebSearchAdvanced
 13 CommentPluginExampleComments
 10 WebTopicList
Apr 2008 327 0 0  74 WebTopicCreator
 41 WebSearch
 34 WebHome
 16 CommentPluginExampleComments
 14 WebSearchAdvanced
 13 WebTopicList
 12 WebStatistics
 11 PluginTestEmptyPlugin
 11 WebChanges
 11 WebLeftBar
 10 WebPreferences
Mar 2008 391 1 0 105 WebPreferences
 92 WebStatistics
 55 WebHome
 28 WebTopicCreator
 20 WebSearch
 13 WebNotify
 12 WebTopicList
 11 CommentPluginExampleComments
  9 WebChanges
  8 WebSearchAdvanced
  6 WebLeftBar
  1 DaveBraun
Feb 2008 128 0 0  27 WebTopicCreator
 25 WebSearch
  9 WebHome
  8 WebNotify
  8 WebTopicList
  6 WebStatistics
  3 PluginTestEmptyPlugin
  3 CommentPluginExampleComments
  3 WebPreferences
  3 WebChanges
  2 WebSearchAdvanced
Jan 2008 13 0 0   3 WebTopicCreator
  1 WebSearchAdvanced
  1 WebTopicList
  1 WebHome
  1 CommentPluginExampleComments
  1 WebSearch
  1 WebNotify
  1 WebStatistics
  1 WebPreferences
  1 WebLeftBar
  1 WebChanges


  • Do not edit this topic, it is updated automatically. (You can also force an update)
  • TWikiDocumentation tells you how to enable the automatic updates of the statistics.
  • Suggestion: You could archive this topic once a year and delete the previous year's statistics from the table.

Top Menu of Sandbox Web

This topic defines the menu structure of the Sandbox web, used by the TopMenuSkin.

  • Disable WYSIWYG editor for this page:
    • Set EDITMETHOD = raw

Related topics: TopMenuSkin, TopMenuSkinHomeMenu, TopMenuSkinTopicMenu

Number of topics: 39


  Simple search | Attachment search | Help
TIP: to search for all topics that contain "SOAP", "WSDL", a literal "web service", but not "shampoo", write: soap wsdl "web service" -shampoo
Search where:

(otherwise search Sandbox Web only)
Sort results by:

Make search:
(semicolon ; for and) about regular expression search
Don't show:

Do show: about BookView
Limit results to: (all to show all topics)

Other search options:

Search Attachments in Sandbox Web

Attachment name:   Show all | Help
Use wildcards, such as *.doc
Topic name:
Use wildcards, such as * for all topics

Total: 0 topics, 0 attachments

Other search options:

Statistics for Sandbox Web

Month: Topic
Sorted descending
Most popular
topic views:
Top contributors for
topic save and uploads:
Jan 2010 922 18 2 196 WebTopicCreator
127 WebHome
 50 WebStatistics
 47 TestTopic0
 32 WebSearch
 29 WebTopicList
 27 TestTopicWithSpaces
 26 DavesFakeLink
 26 ThisisMaheshBurseSandBoxTopic
 25 MaryWhiteSandbox
 25 DavesNewTopicSubtopic
 20 EdWetherell
Jul 2009 986 7 1 209 WebTopicCreator
107 WebHome
 58 WebStatistics
 54 WebSearch
 37 WebTopicList
 35 MaryWhiteSandbox
 32 TestTopicWithSpaces
 29 WebSearchAdvanced
 29 NewDocument
 28 DavesNewTopicSubtopic
 28 FMoS
  8 MaheshBurse
2024-06 376
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
109 SrWiemanProjStatus
  87 WebPreferences
  61 WebCreateNewTopic
  36 JCsFakeDoc
  26 ThisisMaheshBurseSandBoxTopic
  17 DavesFakeLinkII
    5 WebTopicCreator
    4 WebSearchAdvanced
    4 WebHome
    4 WebIndex
2024-05 1843
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
483 WebCreateNewTopic
337 SrWiemanProjStatus
180 WebPreferences
109 ThisisMaheshBurseSandBoxTopic
  90 JCsFakeDoc
  81 WebHome
  67 DavesFakeLinkII
  53 WebChanges
  46 WebSearch
  42 WebNotify
2024-04 399
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
80 WebCreateNewTopic
59 WebHome
24 SrWiemanProjStatus
22 WebPreferences
19 WebSearch
15 WebTopicList
14 WebChanges
13 JCsFakeDoc
12 WebTopicCreator
11 ErdalCanAlkoclarSandbox
2024-03 233
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
50 ErdalCanAlkoclarSandbox
35 WebHome
18 WebCreateNewTopic
15 SrWiemanProjStatus
11 WebChanges
10 WebSearch
10 WebLeftBar
  8 WebPreferences
  7 PluginTestJQueryPlugin
  7 JCsFakeDoc
2024-02 167
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
44 ErdalCanAlkoclarSandbox
19 WebHome
16 WebCreateNewTopic
10 WebChanges
  8 WebPreferences
  6 JCsFakeDoc
  6 SrWiemanProjStatus
  5 WebTopicCreator
  4 WebSearchAdvanced
  3 WebTopicList
2024-01 91
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
15 WebHome
14 SrWiemanProjStatus
10 WebCreateNewTopic
  8 WebPreferences
  5 ErdalCanAlkoclarSandbox
  4 WebLeftBar
  4 WebChanges
  3 WebSearchAdvanced
  3 WebNotify
  3 WebSearch
2023-12 85
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
34 SrWiemanProjStatus
12 WebHome
  8 WebPreferences
  7 WebChanges
  4 ErdalCanAlkoclarSandbox
  3 WebSearch
  2 WebSearchAdvanced
  2 WebLeftBar
  1 PluginTestJQueryPlugin
  1 WebIndex
2023-10 193
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
21 WebHome
19 WebCreateNewTopic
13 SrWiemanProjStatus
  8 WebSearch
  7 PluginTestJQueryPlugin
  7 WebNotify
  7 ErdalCanAlkoclarSandbox
  6 WebTopMenu
  6 WebPreferences
  6 DavesFakeLink
2023-09 45
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
10 SrWiemanProjStatus
  4 WebCreateNewTopic
  4 WebSearch
  4 WebChanges
  4 WebLeftBar
  3 WebHome
  2 ErdalCanAlkoclarSandbox
  2 ThisisMaheshBurseSandBoxTopic
  2 BrunoFemenia
  1 PetersFakeLink
2023-08 1157
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
878 SrWiemanProjStatus
  31 WebHome
  20 WebChanges
  16 PluginTestJQueryPlugin
  16 WebCreateNewTopic
  14 WebPreferences
  13 WebIndex
  11 WebNotify
  10 WebSearchAttachments
  10 WebLeftBar
2023-07 202
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
34 ErdalCanAlkoclarSandbox
25 WebChanges
16 WebCreateNewTopic
15 WebHome
  9 WebSearchAttachments
  9 SrWiemanProjStatus
  7 WebTopMenu
  6 PluginTestJQueryPlugin
  6 WebSearch
  6 WebTopicCreator
2023-06 187
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
38 WebCreateNewTopic
14 WebTopicList
11 WebPreferences
11 ErdalCanAlkoclarSandbox
10 WebSearch
  9 WebSearchAdvanced
  7 WebLeftBar
  6 PluginTestJQueryPlugin
  6 ThisisMaheshBurseSandBoxTopic
  6 JQueryPluginExamples
2023-05 54
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
2023-04 235
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
26 WebHome
26 SrWiemanProjStatus
14 WebCreateNewTopic
14 WebChanges
12 WebTopicList
12 WebSearchAdvanced
11 WebPreferences
10 ErdalCanAlkoclarSandbox
  9 WebNotify
  8 WebSearch
2023-03 230
(2 unique users)
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
92 WebCreateNewTopic
20 WebHome
13 SrWiemanProjStatus
  8 WebTopicList
  8 WebTopMenu
  8 ErdalCanAlkoclarSandbox
  8 WebSearchAdvanced
  6 WebSearch
  6 WebPreferences
  5 WebSearchAttachments
2023-02 111
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
32 WebCreateNewTopic
12 WebHome
  6 WebSearchAdvanced
  5 WebIndex
  5 WebNotify
  5 WebPreferences
  5 WebSearchAttachments
  5 SrWiemanProjStatus
  4 WebTopicList
  4 WebSearch
2023-01 74
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
21 WebCreateNewTopic
10 WebHome
  4 WebTopicList
  4 WebSearch
  4 WebChanges
  3 WebSearchAdvanced
  3 PluginTestJQueryPlugin
  3 WebTopMenu
  3 WebNotify
  3 JCsFakeDoc
2022-12 144
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
66 WebCreateNewTopic
24 WebHome
  6 WebSearchAttachments
  5 WebSearch
  5 WebSearchAdvanced
  3 JQueryPluginExamples
  2 PluginTestJQueryPlugin
  2 ThisisMaheshBurseSandBoxTopic
  2 NewDocument
  2 SrWiemanProjStatus
2022-11 188
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
74 WebCreateNewTopic
14 WebHome
  8 SrWiemanProjStatus
  5 PluginTestJQueryPlugin
  5 WebNotify
  5 WebPreferences
  5 WebSearchAttachments
  5 BFCNewTopic
  5 JQueryPluginExamples
  5 WebChanges
2022-10 195
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
55 WebCreateNewTopic
13 WebChanges
  6 WebNotify
  6 WebSearchAdvanced
  6 TestTopicWithSpaces
  5 WebHome
  5 WebSearch
  5 JCsFakeDoc
  5 CommentPluginExampleComments
  5 SrWiemanProjStatus
2022-09 236
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
106 WebCreateNewTopic
  11 WebHome
  11 WebSearchAdvanced
    7 WebSearch
    7 JQueryPluginExamples
    6 WebTopicList
    6 WebIndex
    6 WebSearchAttachments
    6 WebChanges
    5 WebNotify
2022-08 147
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
55 WebCreateNewTopic
  7 WebTopicCreator
  7 WebPreferences
  6 WebSearchAttachments
  5 WebSearchAdvanced
  5 WebHome
  5 WebChanges
  5 BFCNewTopic
  4 WebTopicList
  4 WebSearch
2022-07 129
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
2022-06 115
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
2022-05 101
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
28 WebHome
10 WebCreateNewTopic
  4 WebIndex
  4 DavesFakeLink
  4 ThisisMaheshBurseSandBoxTopic
  4 BrunoFemenia
  3 PluginTestJQueryPlugin
  3 JCsFakeDoc
  3 WebSearchAttachments
  3 BFCNewTopic
2022-04 254
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
51 WebCreateNewTopic
25 WebHome
11 WebTopicList
10 JCsFakeDoc
  9 WebSearch
  9 WebChanges
  8 SteveKayeSandbox
  8 WebTopicCreator
  7 WebNotify
  7 JQueryPluginExamples
2022-03 216
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
50 WebCreateNewTopic
14 WebSearch
10 WebChanges
  9 WebHome
  9 WebSearchAttachments
  8 WebTopicList
  8 SteveKayeSandbox
  8 WebTopMenu
  8 JCsFakeDoc
  8 WebSearchAdvanced
2022-02 100
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
43 WebCreateNewTopic
  6 WebHome
  4 PluginTestJQueryPlugin
  4 WebPreferences
  4 DavesFakeLink
  4 WebSearchAttachments
  3 WebSearchAdvanced
  3 WebTopicCreator
  3 WebTopMenu
  3 WebSearch
2022-01 292
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
41 WebCreateNewTopic
35 WebHome
18 WebPreferences
18 SrWiemanProjStatus
16 JCsFakeDoc
16 WebChanges
10 WebNotify
10 DavesFakeLink
  9 PluginTestJQueryPlugin
  9 WebSearch
2021-12 90
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
2021-11 134
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
27 WebCreateNewTopic
10 WebHome
  6 WebSearchAdvanced
  5 WebSearchAttachments
  5 SrWiemanProjStatus
  4 PluginTestJQueryPlugin
  4 WebTopicList
  4 WebSearch
  4 WebTopMenu
  4 JQueryPluginExamples
2021-10 591
(2 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
261 WebHome
  52 WebCreateNewTopic
  33 WebPreferences
  22 SrWiemanProjStatus
  21 CommentPluginTemplateExample
  19 CommentPluginExampleComments
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  18 WebNotify
  18 JQueryPluginExamples
  17 WebSearch
2021-06 31
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
2021-05 108
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
20 WebHome
13 WebCreateNewTopic
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  3 WebPreferences
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2021-04 148
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
20 WebHome
16 WebCreateNewTopic
14 WebChanges
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  6 PluginTestJQueryPlugin
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2021-03 106
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
13 WebHome
13 WebCreateNewTopic
13 WebChanges
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  8 WebNotify
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  3 PluginTestJQueryPlugin
  3 WebIndex
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2021-01 82
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
12 WebChanges
  9 WebHome
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  5 WebCreateNewTopic
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  2 SteveKayeSandbox
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2020-11 11
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
2020-10 41
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
2020-09 249
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
52 WebHome
27 WebCreateNewTopic
17 WebPreferences
16 SrWiemanProjStatus
15 WebChanges
13 JCsFakeDoc
10 WebSearch
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2020-08 177
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
44 WebHome
21 WebCreateNewTopic
10 SrWiemanProjStatus
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2020-07 378
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
50 WebHome
44 JQueryPluginExamples
28 WebCreateNewTopic
19 WebChanges
16 WebSearch
13 WebNotify
13 SrWiemanProjStatus
10 JCsFakeDoc
10 WebSearchAttachments
10 WebSearchAdvanced
2020-06 329
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
48 JQueryPluginExamples
45 WebHome
17 WebNotify
17 SrWiemanProjStatus
15 WebCreateNewTopic
14 WebPreferences
13 JCsFakeDoc
11 PluginTestJQueryPlugin
10 BrunoFemeniaSandbox
  9 NewDocument
2020-05 212
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
44 JQueryPluginExamples
35 WebHome
14 WebChanges
12 WebCreateNewTopic
10 WebSearch
  9 WebNotify
  7 WebTopMenu
  7 JCsFakeDoc
  7 WebSearchAdvanced
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2020-04 115
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
33 WebCreateNewTopic
15 WebHome
  5 WebSearchAdvanced
  4 DavesFakeLink
  4 JQueryPluginExamples
  4 DavesNewTopicName
  3 PluginTestJQueryPlugin
  3 WebIndex
  3 WebSearch
  3 WebTopMenu
2020-03 275
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
47 WebCreateNewTopic
46 WebHome
17 SrWiemanProjStatus
16 WebPreferences
16 WebChanges
14 JCsFakeDoc
11 WebIndex
10 WebSearch
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2020-01 142
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
20 WebHome
14 WebChanges
  9 WebSearch
  9 WebCreateNewTopic
  8 WebNotify
  6 PetersFakeLink
  6 DavesNewTopicSubtopic
  5 BrunoFemeniaSandbox
  4 WebPreferences
  4 JCsFakeDoc
2019-12 178
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
19 WebCreateNewTopic
17 WebHome
16 WebChanges
14 WebSearch
  9 WebNotify
  9 WebTopicCreator
  6 PluginTestJQueryPlugin
  6 WebSearchAttachments
  5 WebIndex
  5 SteveKayeSandbox
2019-11 381
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
72 WebCreateNewTopic
48 WebHome
42 SrWiemanProjStatus
21 WebSearch
19 WebPreferences
18 JCsFakeDoc
18 WebChanges
13 WebSearchAdvanced
12 WebTopicList
11 WebNotify
2019-10 173
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
46 WebCreateNewTopic
18 WebSearch
18 WebSearchAdvanced
15 WebHome
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  6 WebPreferences
  6 JCsFakeDoc
  5 WebNotify
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  4 JQueryPluginExamples
2019-09 405
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
123 WebCreateNewTopic
  39 WebHome
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  20 SrWiemanProjStatus
  20 WebSearchAdvanced
  19 WebPreferences
  17 JCsFakeDoc
  16 WebChanges
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  10 JQueryPluginExamples
2019-08 478
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
202 WebCreateNewTopic
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  28 WebSearchAdvanced
  19 WebHome
  16 WebNotify
  14 SrWiemanProjStatus
  11 BFCNewTopic
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    9 WebTopicList
    8 WebPreferences
2019-07 503
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
196 WebCreateNewTopic
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  24 SrWiemanProjStatus
  19 WebSearchAdvanced
  11 DavesFakeLink
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  10 NewDocument
    9 BFCNewTopic
2019-06 312
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
142 WebCreateNewTopic
  32 WebSearch
  25 WebHome
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    9 WebTopMenu
    8 SrWiemanProjStatus
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    5 JQueryPluginExamples
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2019-05 238
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
115 WebCreateNewTopic
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  11 WebPreferences
  10 WebSearchAdvanced
    9 WebHome
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    5 CommentPluginTemplateExample
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    5 SrWiemanProjStatus
2019-04 104
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
16 WebCreateNewTopic
16 WebChanges
  9 WebHome
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  7 SrWiemanProjStatus
  4 WebPreferences
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  3 WebTopicList
  3 WebNotify
  3 DavesFakeLink
2019-03 91
(2 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
22 WebCreateNewTopic
14 WebChanges
  7 WebHome
  4 PluginTestJQueryPlugin
  4 WebSearchAttachments
  4 WebTopicCreator
  3 WebTopMenu
  2 WebIndex
  2 CommentPluginTemplateExample
  2 WebPreferences
2019-02 18
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
2019-01 466
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
225 SrWiemanProjStatus
  33 WebCreateNewTopic
  26 WebHome
  20 WebSearch
  18 WebPreferences
  15 WebChanges
  14 JCsFakeDoc
  13 WebTopicList
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2018-12 355
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
53 WebCreateNewTopic
49 WebHome
36 WebSearch
19 SrWiemanProjStatus
18 WebPreferences
18 WebChanges
17 JCsFakeDoc
15 WebNotify
15 WebSearchAdvanced
11 WebTopicList
2018-11 50
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
2018-10 112
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
22 WebCreateNewTopic
11 WebHome
11 SrWiemanProjStatus
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  5 BrunoFemeniaSandbox
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  4 PetersFakeLink
  4 WebSearchAdvanced
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  3 WebSearch
2018-09 26
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
2018-07 15
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
2018-06 16
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
2018-04 204
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
24 WebHome
24 WebChanges
20 WebCreateNewTopic
16 WebSearch
11 WebNotify
10 SrWiemanProjStatus
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  5 PetersFakeLink
2018-02 15
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
2017-12 14
(1 unique users)
(0 unique users)
(0 unique users)
May 2016 553 0 0  71 WebHome
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Mar 2016 408 0 0  61 WebTopicCreator
 53 WebSearch
 52 WebHome
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 14 JCsFakeDoc
 12 WebNotify
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Sep 2012 153 0 0  30 WebHome
 24 WebTopicCreator
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  7 DavesFakeLink
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  5 TestTopicWithSpaces
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Dec 2011 124 0 0  24 WebTopicCreator
 15 WebSearch
 13 WebHome
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  5 DavesFakeLink
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  4 MaryWhiteSandbox
  4 WebIndex
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Jun 2011 38321 0 0 9633 WebTopicCreator
6949 WebSearch
909 WebIndex
873 WebHome
817 WebLeftBar
817 WebStatistics
776 WebTopicList
775 ThisisMaheshBurseSandBoxTopic
774 TestTopicWithSpaces
774 WebChanges
769 MaryWhiteSandbox
May 2011 10512 0 0 2423 WebTopicCreator
1758 WebSearch
462 MaryWhiteSandbox
384 DavesFakeLink
383 FMoS
339 WebPreferences
304 WebHome
232 WebStatistics
217 ThisisMaheshBurseSandBoxTopic
207 WebNotify
205 WebSearchAdvanced
Apr 2011 4444 0 0 1313 WebTopicCreator
925 WebSearch
148 WebHome
131 WebPreferences
111 WebStatistics
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Mar 2011 4131 0 0 1222 WebTopicCreator
874 WebSearch
128 WebStatistics
119 WebHome
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Feb 2011 4005 0 0 1183 WebTopicCreator
823 WebSearch
143 WebHome
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 59 MaryWhiteSandbox
 59 DavesNewTopicName
 57 ThisisMaheshBurseSandBoxTopic
 54 CommentPluginExampleComments
Jan 2011 3972 0 0 1253 WebTopicCreator
875 WebSearch
 99 WebHome
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 49 MaryWhiteSandbox
 48 ThisisMaheshBurseSandBoxTopic
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Dec 2010 4275 0 0 1279 WebTopicCreator
908 WebSearch
134 WebStatistics
111 WebHome
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 63 WebPreferences
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 50 DavesFakeLink
Nov 2010 5677 0 0 1633 WebTopicCreator
1119 WebSearch
303 WebStatistics
150 WebHome
145 WebPreferences
117 ThisisMaheshBurseSandBoxTopic
111 WebChanges
 84 DavesNewTopicName
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 72 WebNotify
Oct 2010 6839 0 0 2046 WebTopicCreator
1422 WebSearch
263 WebStatistics
191 WebPreferences
166 ThisisMaheshBurseSandBoxTopic
148 WebHome
 97 DavesFakeLinkII
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 78 WebNotify
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 76 DavesNewTopicSubtopic
Sep 2010 5444 0 0 1592 WebTopicCreator
1117 WebSearch
196 WebHome
121 WebPreferences
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 76 FMoS
 74 WebSearchAdvanced
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Aug 2010 5400 0 0 1678 WebTopicCreator
1186 WebSearch
144 WebHome
 86 WebStatistics
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 73 WebPreferences
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 70 WebNotify
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 67 FMoS
Jul 2010 4388 0 0 1333 WebTopicCreator
940 WebSearch
116 WebHome
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 68 WebTopicList
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 62 FMoS
 61 WebNotify
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 60 TestTopicWithSpaces
 59 DavesNewTopicSubtopic
Jun 2010 587 0 0  88 WebHome
 79 WebTopicCreator
 28 WebStatistics
 25 WebSearch
 25 WebChanges
 23 WebTopicList
 23 WebNotify
 21 WebLeftBar
 19 WebIndex
 18 TestTopicWithSpaces
 18 DavesNewTopicName
May 2010 1050 0 0 192 WebTopicCreator
118 WebHome
 80 WebSearch
 49 WebStatistics
 38 DavesNewTopicSubtopic
 35 WebTopicList
 35 WebChanges
 31 MaryWhiteSandbox
 31 WebLeftBar
 31 NewDocument
 30 WebPreferences
Apr 2010 834 0 0 145 WebTopicCreator
111 WebHome
 46 WebStatistics
 38 DavesNewTopicSubtopic
 33 WebTopicList
 32 WebSearch
 29 WebLeftBar
 29 NewDocument
 24 WebChanges
 24 FMoS
 24 ThisisMaheshBurseSandBoxTopic
Mar 2010 882 0 0 160 WebTopicCreator
127 WebHome
 66 DavesNewTopicSubtopic
 40 WebStatistics
 39 WebSearch
 35 WebTopicList
 32 FMoS
 26 MaryWhiteSandbox
 25 WebChanges
 24 TestTopicWithSpaces
 24 WebPreferences
Feb 2010 738 7 0 122 WebTopicCreator
100 WebHome
 33 WebTopicList
 33 WebStatistics
 30 DavesNewTopicSubtopic
 26 WebNotify
 26 FMoS
 25 WebSearch
 25 TestTopic0
 22 WebPreferences
 22 ThisisMaheshBurseSandBoxTopic
  7 EdWetherell
Dec 2009 887 0 0 156 WebTopicCreator
110 WebHome
 56 WebStatistics
 50 WebSearch
 38 WebChanges
 36 WebTopicList
 32 TestTopicWithSpaces
 32 DavesNewTopicSubtopic
 32 FMoS
 31 ThisisMaheshBurseSandBoxTopic
 29 WebNotify
Nov 2009 938 0 0 135 WebTopicCreator
124 WebHome
104 WebStatistics
 54 WebPreferences
 41 ThisisMaheshBurseSandBoxTopic
 35 WebSearch
 33 WebSearchAdvanced
 33 WebTopicList
 32 TestTopicWithSpaces
 31 MaryWhiteSandbox
 31 FMoS
Oct 2009 1617 0 0 259 WebTopicCreator
171 WebHome
140 WebStatistics
131 WebPreferences
112 WebSearch
 64 ThisisMaheshBurseSandBoxTopic
 50 WebTopicList
 49 WebChanges
 48 WebNotify
 44 TestTopicWithSpaces
 43 DavesNewTopicSubtopic
Sep 2009 1012 0 0 164 WebTopicCreator
102 WebHome
 73 WebStatistics
 70 WebSearch
 44 WebTopicList
 44 WebPreferences
 34 FMoS
 32 WebNotify
 31 DavesFakeLinkII
 30 WebChanges
 29 DavesFakeLink
Aug 2009 872 0 0 163 WebTopicCreator
 72 WebSearch
 71 WebHome
 49 WebStatistics
 33 WebChanges
 29 TestTopicWithSpaces
 28 WebTopicList
 28 DavesFakeLink
 28 FMoS
 25 MaryWhiteSandbox
 25 WebNotify
Jun 2009 1099 0 0 241 WebTopicCreator
124 WebHome
 64 WebSearch
 53 WebStatistics
 40 WebTopicList
 38 FMoS
 37 WebSearchAdvanced
 35 MaryWhiteSandbox
 35 DavesNewTopicSubtopic
 35 WebChanges
 34 TestTopicWithSpaces
May 2009 997 0 0 207 WebTopicCreator
119 WebHome
 65 WebSearch
 52 WebStatistics
 39 WebTopicList
 39 FMoS
 36 TestTopicWithSpaces
 36 WebChanges
 36 DavesFakeLink
 32 WebSearchAdvanced
 32 MaryWhiteSandbox
Apr 2009 792 0 0 164 WebTopicCreator
 67 WebHome
 49 WebSearch
 48 WebStatistics
 36 WebTopicList
 34 FMoS
 30 MaryWhiteSandbox
 29 DavesNewTopicSubtopic
 29 WebChanges
 25 WebSearchAdvanced
 24 TestTopicWithSpaces
Mar 2009 1305 0 0 274 WebTopicCreator
100 WebHome
 81 WebSearch
 63 WebStatistics
 51 TestTopicWithSpaces
 49 WebTopicList
 48 DavesNewTopicSubtopic
 48 NewDocument
 43 WebSearchAdvanced
 43 DavesNewTopicName
 39 MaryWhiteSandbox
Feb 2009 991 0 0 205 WebTopicCreator
103 WebHome
 51 WebStatistics
 46 WebSearch
 38 WebTopicList
 36 NewDocument
 35 TestTopicWithSpaces
 34 WebSearchAdvanced
 34 FMoS
 31 DavesFakeLinkII
 29 DavesNewTopicName
Jan 2009 969 0 0 203 WebTopicCreator
 75 WebHome
 49 WebSearch
 45 WebStatistics
 40 TestTopicWithSpaces
 39 DavesNewTopicSubtopic
 37 FMoS
 36 DavesNewTopicName
 36 NewDocument
 33 WebSearchAdvanced
 32 WebTopicList
Dec 2008 1355 0 0 251 WebTopicCreator
100 WebHome
 95 WebPreferences
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 69 DavesFakeLinkII
 66 WebStatistics
 50 WebTopicList
 45 NewDocument
 43 DavesNewTopicSubtopic
 39 DavesNewTopicName
 38 TestTopicWithSpaces
Nov 2008 1171 2 0 247 WebTopicCreator
123 WebHome
 56 WebSearch
 55 WebStatistics
 44 DavesNewTopicSubtopic
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 44 NewDocument
 42 WebTopicList
 40 WebSearchAdvanced
 37 DavesNewTopicName
 37 FMoS
  1 MaryWhite
  1 DaveBraun
Oct 2008 1343 0 0 315 WebTopicCreator
125 WebSearch
 87 WebHome
 57 DavesNewTopicSubtopic
 56 WebTopicList
 51 DavesFakeLinkII
 49 WebSearchAdvanced
 47 FMoS
 46 WebStatistics
 42 DavesFakeLink
 40 NewDocument
Sep 2008 1180 0 0 265 WebTopicCreator
110 WebSearch
 77 WebHome
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 52 DavesFakeLinkII
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 49 WebStatistics
 48 DavesNewTopicSubtopic
 47 WebTopicList
 46 FMoS
 38 WebPreferences
Aug 2008 960 0 0 207 WebTopicCreator
 87 WebHome
 71 WebSearch
 48 WebStatistics
 37 WebTopicList
 33 DavesFakeLinkII
 32 FMoS
 31 DavesNewTopicSubtopic
 30 DavesNewTopicName
 30 DavesFakeLink
 29 NewDocument
Jul 2008 803 0 0 192 WebTopicCreator
 85 WebHome
 83 WebSearch
 43 WebStatistics
 42 PluginTestEmptyPlugin
 37 WebChanges
 36 WebIndex
 33 WebSearchAdvanced
 29 CommentPluginExampleComments
 23 WebNotify
 22 WebTopicList
Jun 2008 462 0 0 111 WebTopicCreator
 66 WebHome
 38 WebSearch
 23 WebSearchAdvanced
 21 PluginTestEmptyPlugin
 21 CommentPluginExampleComments
 21 WebChanges
 17 WebStatistics
 17 WebLeftBar
 16 WebTopicList
 12 WebIndex
May 2008 411 0 0 104 WebTopicCreator
 40 WebHome
 39 WebSearch
 21 PluginTestEmptyPlugin
 15 WebIndex
 15 WebNotify
 15 WebPreferences
 15 WebChanges
 13 WebSearchAdvanced
 13 CommentPluginExampleComments
 10 WebTopicList
Apr 2008 327 0 0  74 WebTopicCreator
 41 WebSearch
 34 WebHome
 16 CommentPluginExampleComments
 14 WebSearchAdvanced
 13 WebTopicList
 12 WebStatistics
 11 PluginTestEmptyPlugin
 11 WebChanges
 11 WebLeftBar
 10 WebPreferences
Mar 2008 391 1 0 105 WebPreferences
 92 WebStatistics
 55 WebHome
 28 WebTopicCreator
 20 WebSearch
 13 WebNotify
 12 WebTopicList
 11 CommentPluginExampleComments
  9 WebChanges
  8 WebSearchAdvanced
  6 WebLeftBar
  1 DaveBraun
Feb 2008 128 0 0  27 WebTopicCreator
 25 WebSearch
  9 WebHome
  8 WebNotify
  8 WebTopicList
  6 WebStatistics
  3 PluginTestEmptyPlugin
  3 CommentPluginExampleComments
  3 WebPreferences
  3 WebChanges
  2 WebSearchAdvanced
Jan 2008 13 0 0   3 WebTopicCreator
  1 WebSearchAdvanced
  1 WebTopicList
  1 WebHome
  1 CommentPluginExampleComments
  1 WebSearch
  1 WebNotify
  1 WebStatistics
  1 WebPreferences
  1 WebLeftBar
  1 WebChanges


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  • Suggestion: You could archive this topic once a year and delete the previous year's statistics from the table.

Top Menu of Sandbox Web

This topic defines the menu structure of the Sandbox web, used by the TopMenuSkin.

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Related topics: TopMenuSkin, TopMenuSkinHomeMenu, TopMenuSkinTopicMenu

Number of topics: 38

Topic revision: r15 - 2012-08-22 - RobinBruno
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