IFPAC System Documentation

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Green - Document completed

ZTFDesignDocumentTemplate - Use this template for design documents

  • Single Board Controller
    • Single Board Controller Overview
      • Single Board Controller Layout Documents
        • Single Board Controller Layout Document - Empty Document
          • Functional block placement (clock functions, bias functions, and signal chain)
          • Ground plane layout and analysis
          • Configuration Control
          • Power consumption
          • Board temperature gradients and thermal analysis
    • Clock Driver
      • Clock Driver Schematic Documents
        • All clock channels - Empty Document
      • Clock Driver Design Documents
        • Clock Design and Noise Analysis - Empty Document
          • Clock voltage range
          • Clock voltage resolution
          • Clock voltage noise analysis
          • Clock voltage amplifier design
          • Clock driving current and load analysis
          • Clock switching speed
          • Required voltages
          • Power supply noise requirements (PSRR Analysis)
          • Power consumption
          • Heat dissipation/Thermal analysis
    • Bias Voltages
      • Bias Voltage Schematic Documents
        • All bias channels - Empty Document
      • Bias Voltage Design Documents
        • Bias Design and Noise Analysis - Empty Document
          • Bias voltage range
          • Bias voltage resolution
          • Bias voltage noise analysis
          • Bias voltage amplifier design
          • Bias voltage driving current and load analysis
          • Required voltages
          • Power supply noise requirements (PSRR Analysis)
          • Power consumption
          • Heat dissipation/Thermal analysis
    • Video Chain
      • Video Chain Schematic Documents
      • Video Chain Design Documents
        • Preamplifier Design and Noise Analysis Document - Last updated 1/10/2014
          • Grounding Scheme
          • Power supply noise analysis (PSRR Analysis and ADC bias analysis)
          • Required voltages
          • Power consumption
          • Heat dissipation/thermal analysis
        • ADC Buffer Amplifier Design and Noise Analysis - Last updated 1/10/2014
          • Anti-Aliasing Filter Design - Last updated 1/10/2014
          • ADC communications/digital interface
          • Video chain voltage offset noise analysis
          • ADC biasing scheme
          • Grounding Scheme
          • Power supply noise analysis (PSRR Analysis and ADC bias analysis)
          • Required voltages
          • Power consumption
          • Heat dissipation/thermal analysis
    • On-Board Digital Logic
      • FPGA Design Documents
        • FPGA Design Document - Empty Document
          • FPGA block diagram
          • FPGA schematic and pinout
          • FPGA core firmware
          • Multi-board FPGA synchronization
          • Programmability/diagnostic outputs
          • USB communication interface
          • Clock driver interface
          • Waveform generator
          • DAC interface
          • ADC interface
          • Data processing
          • Required voltages
          • Power consumption
          • Heat dissipation/thermal analysis
      • Communication Design Documents
        • Communication Design Document - Empty Document
          • Communication block diagram
          • Communication schematic
          • USB Communication chipset
          • FPGA/USB interface
          • Communication Traffic Control
          • Fiber optic chipset
          • USB configuration
          • Required voltages
          • Power consumption
          • Heat dissipation/thermal analysis
    • Chassis
      • Power Supply Board vs. Chassis Power Supply Trade Study
        • Trade off study of power supply board versus power for chassis
        • Voltage/Current Requirements
        • Voltage Noise Requirements
        • Power Dissipation
        • Thermal Analysis/Thermal Management/Active Cooling
        • Connector Pinouts
      • Backplane Documents
        • Full backplane schematic
        • Connector Pinouts
        • Mounting Hardware
        • Test Points
      • Mechanical Documents
        • Solidworks drawing of Chassis
        • Mounting points for Chassis
        • Cooling/Temperature Monitoring of Chassis
        • State of Health Monitoring of Chassis

  • Communication Firmware Documents
    • Firmware for USB chipset - Empty Document
      • USB Protocol
      • Bit rate control
      • Communication protocol
      • Control/Handshaking protocol and signals
  • FPGA Code
    • FPGA Core Firmware Document - Empty Document
      • Compiling FPGA Firmware
      • JTAG interface for FPGA
      • EEPROM
      • Firmware code verification
      • Firmware Updating/Maintenance

Host Software
  • Review Documents
    • Software Requirements Document - Empty Document
      • Descriptions of system requirements
      • Descriptions of functional requirements
    • Software Architecture Document - Empty Document
      • Description of the overall layout of the software
      • Instrument context diagram
      • List and descriptions of software units
      • List and descriptions of interfaces between units
      • List and descriptions of interfaces between software and hardware
    • Preliminary Design Review Document - Empty Document
    • Detailed Design Review Document - Empty Document
    • Instrument Users Manual - Empty Document
      • Startup procedure description
      • Shutdown procedure description
      • List of operations and how they are used
    • System Command Summary - Empty Document
  • Software Module Descriptions
    • CCD Control Software - Empty Document
    • Environmental Monitoring Software - Empty Document
    • Power Control Software - Empty Document
    • Filter Control Software - Empty Document
    • Shutter Control Software - Empty Document
    • Focus Control Software - Empty Document
    • Supervisory Control Software - Empty Document
    • Temperature Control Software - Empty Document
    • Data Logging Software - Empty Document
    • Vacuum Monitoring Software - Empty Document
  • Software Inter-Process Communications (IPC) Documents
    • CCD Server Main to Client Interface - Empty Document
    • CCD Server Main to CCD Controller API Interface - Empty Document
    • CCD Server Main to CCD Readout Thread Interface - Empty Document
    • CCD Server Main to FITS Header Thread Interface - Empty Document
    • CCD Readout Thread to CCD Controller API Interface - Empty Document
    • CCD Controller API to CCD USB Driver Interface - Empty Document
  • Interfaces to Control Hardware Documents
    • Filter Control Software to Filter Controller Interface - Empty Document
    • Focus Control Software to Focus Controller Interface - Empty Document
    • Power Control Software to Power Controller Interface - Empty Document
    • Shutter Control Software to Shutter Controller Interface - Empty Document
    • Temperature Control Software to Termperature Controller Interface - Empty Document
    • Vacuum Monitoring Software to Vacuum Gauge Interface - Empty Document
  • FITS File Documents
    • FITS File Document - Empty Document
      • List of header keywords
      • Sources for keyword values
      • How keywords are collected from sources
      • When keywords are collected from sources
      • When is the header written
      • When and how are the pixel data written
    • TCS to FITS Header Thread Interface - Empty Document
    • Filter Control Software to FITS Header Thread Interface - Empty Document
    • Shutter Control Software to FITS Header Thread Interface - Empty Document
    • Focus Control Software to FITS Header Thread Interface - Empty Document
    • Environmental Monitor Software to FITS Header Thread Interface - Empty Document
    • Temperature Control Software to FITS Header Thread Interface - Empty Document

Software Tools

  • Waveform Generation
    • Waveform Creator Software Documentation - Empty Document
    • Waveform Creator Software - Empty Document
      • Waveform commands
      • Waveform output bit assignments
      • How to define waveforms
      • Waveform display software
      • How to load waveforms to single board controller

-- StephenKaye - 02 Jan 2014

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date WhoSorted descending Comment
PDFpdf ADCBufferSchematic.pdf r1 manage 35.6 K 2014-01-10 - 23:41 UnknownUser ADC Buffer Schematic
Microsoft Word filedocx Anti-AliasingFilterDesign.docx r1 manage 720.6 K 2014-01-10 - 22:48 UnknownUser Anti-Aliasing Filter Design and Motivation
Microsoft Word filedoc PreamplifierDesignDocument.doc r1 manage 1257.0 K 2014-01-09 - 00:24 UnknownUser Preamplifier Design and Noise Analysis Document
Microsoft Word filedocx VideoPostProcessorDesignDocument.docx r1 manage 148.1 K 2014-01-10 - 22:42 UnknownUser ADC Buffer Design and Noise Analysis
Microsoft Word filedocx ZTFDesignDocumentTemplate.docx r2 r1 manage 23.2 K 2014-01-15 - 21:38 UnknownUser Design Document Template

This topic: Palomar/ZTF > WebHome > DetectorReadout > IfpacDocumentation
Topic revision: r15 - 2014-02-05 - RichardDekany
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