Near IR Tip-Tilt Sensor System Design Review (SDR):

Date: Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Time: 10:30am-4:00pm HST / 12:30am-6:00pm PST
Reviewers: Corinne Boyer (TMT, chair), Antonin Bouchez (GMT), Sean Adkins (WMKO), Randy Campbell (WMKO)
Telecon number: (877) 280-4645 with passcode 540030
Hualalai Conference Room Polycom IP:
COO Meeting Room Polycom IP:

12:30. Introduction
12:40. System Requirements
13:20. Design Overview, Trade Studies & Performance
14:10. Camera Design & Interface
14:30. Break
14:50. Real-time Controller Design Requirements
15:10. System Compliance
15:20. Risks & Mitigation
15:40. Management Plan
16:20. Discussion + Q&A
16:45. Reviewer Discussion
17:30. Reviewer Report
17:50. End

Reviewer Questions and Answers:
SDR Reviewer Questions Form

Recommended Reading:

Systems Engineering Management Plan Appendices:

Link to More Detailed Information: NIR TT Sensor

Review Presentations:

Reviewer Report:

Response to SDR Panel Recommendations:

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Microsoft Excel Spreadsheetxls NIRTTSSDR_RIX.xls r1 manage 70.0 K 2010-11-17 - 01:54 UnknownUser Near IR TTS SDR Reviewer Questions
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Topic revision: r7 - 2010-11-17 - PeterWizinowich
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