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PDFpdf NGAO_WBS_RGD_v_01_level_6.pdf r1 manage 45.2 K 2006-08-25 - 19:24 RichardDekany WBS to Level 6
PDFpdf NGAO_WBS_RGD_v_01_level_3.pdf r1 manage 35.2 K 2006-08-25 - 19:24 RichardDekany WBS to Level 3
PDFpdf NGAO_WBS_RGD_v_01_level_2.pdf r1 manage 22.3 K 2006-08-25 - 19:24 RichardDekany WBS to Level 2
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheetxls NGAO_SD_Team_Meetings_v_06.xls r1 manage 62.0 K 2006-09-12 - 07:51 RichardDekany Version 0.6, w/ color coding
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheetxls NGAO_SD_Team_Meetings_v_03.xls r1 manage 62.0 K 2006-08-18 - 00:05 RichardDekany Version 0.3
PDFpdf WBS_Architecture_DG_Aug2506.pdf r1 manage 16.5 K 2006-08-25 - 21:58 UnknownUser Suggestion for Work Breakdown Structure - in org-chart format
PDFpdf Keck_NGAO_WBS_Dictionary_(partial,_draft_8-25-06_rev1,_DG).pdf r1 manage 91.2 K 2006-08-25 - 22:42 UnknownUser revised - includes enties for real-time controller
Visio documentvsd NGAO_SD_org_chart.vsd r1 manage 111.0 K 2006-09-07 - 20:26 UnknownUser NGAO Org chart as of Sept 7, 2006
Microsoft Word filedoc NGAO_SD_System_Eng_Mgmt_Plan_v04.doc r1 manage 469.0 K 2006-09-06 - 21:11 UnknownUser  
Unknown file formatmpp NGAO_SD_schedule_v7.mpp r1 manage 439.0 K 2006-09-12 - 19:39 PeterWizinowich Latest version of the project plan (9/12/06)
Unknown file formatmpp NGAO_SD_schedule_v6.mpp r1 manage 256.5 K 2006-09-06 - 21:23 UnknownUser Latest version of the project plan
Microsoft Word filedoc NGAO_SD_System_Eng_Mgmt_Plan_v09.doc r1 manage 1220.5 K 2006-09-12 - 19:41 PeterWizinowich Latest version of System Engineering Management Plan (SEMP), from Peter Wizinowich, Sept. 12, 2006
Microsoft Word filedoc NGAO_SD_System_Eng_Mgmt_Plan_v05.doc r1 manage 546.5 K 2006-09-07 - 20:25 UnknownUser Latest version of System Engineering Management Plan (SEMP), from Peter Wizinowich, Sept 7, 2006
Microsoft Word filedoc NGAO_SD_System_Eng_Mgmt_Plan_v08.doc r2 r1 manage 1065.0 K 2006-09-11 - 20:34 PeterWizinowich Latest version of System Engineering Management Plan (SEMP), from Peter Wizinowich, Sept 11, 2006
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheetxls NGAO_SD_Team_Meetings_v_05.xls r1 manage 61.5 K 2006-09-07 - 19:37 RichardDekany Incorporating Peter's comments
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheetxls SD_phase_WBS_dictionary_v03.xls r1 manage 36.5 K 2006-08-24 - 20:05 RichardDekany Early draft, WBS structure unclear
PDFpdf NGAO_SD_schedule_v6.pdf r1 manage 56.8 K 2006-09-06 - 21:25 UnknownUser (PDF form of above)
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Topic revision: r14 - 2006-09-12 - PeterWizinowich
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