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Results from GROWTH web retrieved at 12:00 (GMT)

GROWTH Annual Meetings The GROWTH team meets every year to share research activities among partners, discuss ongoing activities and plan the future research efforts...
Annual Reports Report Year 1 (Oct 2015 Oct 2016) Report Year 2 (Oct 2016 Oct 2017) Report Year 3 (Oct 2017 Oct 2018) Report Year 4 (Oct...
List of GROWTH follow up Object PI Follow up Gaia16aye Lukasz Wyrzykowski (wyrzykow #64; and Nadia Blagorodnova (nblago #64; Follow...
Introduction Welcome to our team! This page will provide you with useful information about team members, mailing lists, regular telecon meetings and other aspects...
Graduate/Postdoc Exchange Program Every year, the GROWTH program offers opportunities to graduate students and postdocs currently affiliated with any of the partner...
1. Overview GROWTH (Global Relay of Observatories Watching Transients Happen) is an international collaboration of 12 (6 US and 6 international) partners engaged...
Overview Purpose GROWTH sends out a bi monthly or quarterly newsletter to the GROWTH community of faculty, staff, postdocs, graduate and undergraduate students spread...
US Partners Institute of Technology Mansi Kasliwal (Principal Investigator) Tom Prince (Co PI) Iva (Ivona) Kostadinova (Program Coordinator) Diego...
LIGO/Virgo G299232 GCN CIRCULAR 21757: LIGO/Virgo G299232: RATIR Optical and NIR Observations of Swift UVOT source GCN CIRCULAR 21756: LIGO/Virgo G299232: WHT...
List Name (append Who should subscribe When to use Link to subscribe growthgeneral This list comprises all GROWTH team members...
On Photons from the First Neutron Star Merger: The GROWTH Perspective Writing Assignment Volunteer list Figures: Optical and Infrared Light Curve...
GROWTH Management Team Meetings The management team of GROWTH meets quarterly via a telecon to discuss project management issues and lay out short and long term goals...
General Questions How do I sign up to the GROWTH marshal? Everyone who wants to use the GROWTH Marshal can sign up on the following page Marshal...
Signing up Everyone who wants to use the GROWTH Marshal can sign up on the following page Marshal accounts need to be approved by the marshal...
Marshal Science Programs Each Science Program on the marshal has a designated PI. The PI of a science program is responsible for adding members to the program (they...
1. Purpose The goal of this policy is to define membership within the GROWTH partnership in order to set expectations and provide a framework for effective and fair...
NSF Report 2016 2017 Participants List Contributions of talks/presentations Report NSF Report 2015 2016 List NSF Report IvaKostadinova...
GROWTH Organizational Structure Management structure v2.png:
1. Purpose GROWTH is a collaboration of researchers who use our global network of observatories to conduct rapid follow up observations of fast transients. The goals...
Introduction The GROWTH project was invited for a reverse site visit to Washington DC to present ongoing activities, achievements up to date and plans for the remaining...
EMGW Astrophysics Telecons These telecons take place bi weekly starting Nov 7, 2017 11am PST time. Group members present in Caltech gather in Mansi`s office (Room...
Overview SmartStart is the external evaluator we work with to assess the progress and impact of the GROWTH project. SmartStart provides us with regular reports. These...
GROWTH SURF Up to date information about the GROWTH SURF for undergraduate students is available on our website at internships...
GROWTH Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the GROWTH web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in . and...
Statistics for GROWTH Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save...
GROWTH Astronomy School GROWTH organizes schools on multiwavelength follow up of transient sources. The school is 3 day long and include lectures and python modules...
Leads of GROWTH Working Groups Management Team Chair Mansi Kasliwal (mansi #64; (1) Science Officer Mansi Kasliwal (mansi #64;astro.caltech...
Number of topics: 27

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