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Revision 42019-10-03 - IvaKostadinova

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1. Overview

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 MT members are permanent members. If a member of the Management Team resigns, or is no longer a member of GROWTH,, an election to replace that member shall be conducted as soon as reasonably possible.

4. Working Groups and Committees

The activities within GROWTH are organized in four main streams (Science, Undergraduate Education, Graduate Education & Training and Methodology). Each stream is assigned an officer who oversees all activities and sub-projects within their stream. The Officers report to the MT Chair during regular MT meetings (see section on meetings below). Activities within each stream may be further divided into a series of working groups (WGs). Each WG has 1 or 2 leads (see Working Groups Leads. GROWTH also has two committees responsible for reviewing applications for our undergraduate and graduate/postdoc research exchange programs. Officers and WG leads are appointed by the MT Chair after voting (see section below on voting). Any GROWTH team member may join a WG by contacting the WG lead and requesting to join. Ad-hoc, time-limited WG or committees may be established, as needed, by the Management Team to address specific science or education goals of the project.
The activities within GROWTH are organized in four main streams (Science, Undergraduate Education, Graduate Education & Training and Methodology). Each stream is assigned an officer who oversees all activities and sub-projects within their stream. The Officers report to the MT Chair during regular MT meetings (see section on meetings below). Activities within each stream may be further divided into a series of working groups (WGs). Each WG has 1 or 2 leads (see Working Groups Leads. GROWTH also has two committees responsible for reviewing applications for our undergraduate and graduate/postdoc research exchange programs. Officers and WG leads are appointed by the MT Chair after voting (see section below on voting). Any GROWTH team member may join a WG by contacting the WG lead and requesting to join. Ad-hoc, time-limited WG or committees may be established, as needed, by the Management Team to address specific science or education goals of the project.

5. Meetings

 Science WGs meet weekly (see Science Meetings). MT meetings are held quarterly (see Managements Meetings). All members of the partnership meet once a year at the GROWTH annual conference. Education WGs meet ?????? An annual educators workshop is part of the GROWTH conference each year.

6. Voting

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 Election of Officer and WG lead positions, changes any policy as well as acceptance of new partners requires supermajority vote.

7. Proposals

The GROWTH MT shall be notified by email (title, co-Is, abstract) about any observing or grant proposals in which membership or participation in GROWTH is directly referenced in advance of the proposal’s submission deadline. The individual who is anticipated to serve as Principal Investigator (PI) or a Co-I for the proposal (if the PI is not a GROWTH member) is responsible to provide the notification.
The GROWTH MT shall be notified by email (title, co-Is, abstract) about any observing or grant proposals in which membership or participation in GROWTH is directly referenced in advance of the proposal’s submission deadline. The individual who is anticipated to serve as Principal Investigator (PI) or a Co-I for the proposal (if the PI is not a GROWTH member) is responsible to provide the notification.

8. Policies and Procedures

 New policies as well as amendments to existing procedures and policies in this document may be proposed by and voted for by the Management Team members (supermajority required). If any team member has reasons to believe that GROWTH procedures or policies are not being followed correctly, that person is obligated to express his or her concerns to at least one member of the Management Team. The Management Team shall discuss a resolution and report back to the GROWTH team.
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 New policies as well as amendments to existing procedures and policies in this document may be proposed by and voted for by the Management Team members (supermajority required). If any team member has reasons to believe that GROWTH procedures or policies are not being followed correctly, that person is obligated to express his or her concerns to at least one member of the Management Team. The Management Team shall discuss a resolution and report back to the GROWTH team.

9. Code of Conduct and Other Policies

GROWTH subscribes to and follows the Caltech code of conduct and policies on
Everyone within the GROWTH collaboration should sign and adhere to the GROWTH code of conduct. In addition, GROWTH continues to endorse the Caltech code of conduct and policies on
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 Any external communication in the form of press release, requests for interviews, multimedia, blogs, outreach & other public events, etc shall be coordinated by the GROWTH Coordinator.

11. Advisory Board

GROWTH has a seven-member External Advisory Board (EAB). The EAB meets with GROWTH annually at the GROWTH conference. The EAB advises the collaboration on its management, science progress, and strategic planning and submits a written report which may be shared with the entire GROWTH partnership. GROWTH MT should prepare a reply to the EAB report no later than half a year after the report was received. The EAB is also on hand to assist the collaboration throughout the year if the need arises. An EAB member may elect to step down at any time, but is encouraged to give the MT a minimum of one month’s notice. When a vacancy arises, any MT member may nominate a prospective replacement. If deemed suitable after voting by the MT, the Chair will announce the EAB member.
GROWTH has a seven-member External Advisory Board (EAB). The EAB meets with GROWTH annually at the GROWTH conference. The EAB advises the collaboration on its management, science progress, and strategic planning and submits a written report which may be shared with the entire GROWTH partnership. GROWTH MT should prepare a reply to the EAB report no later than half a year after the report was received. The EAB is also on hand to assist the collaboration throughout the year if the need arises. An EAB member may elect to step down at any time, but is encouraged to give the MT a minimum of one month’s notice. When a vacancy arises, any MT member may nominate a prospective replacement. If deemed suitable after voting by the MT, the Chair will announce the EAB member.
  -- IvaKostadinova - 19 Oct 2016 \ No newline at end of file

Revision 32017-02-27 - ThomasKupfer

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1. Overview

Revision 22016-10-20 - IvaKostadinova

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1. Overview

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 MT members are permanent members. If a member of the Management Team resigns, or is no longer a member of GROWTH,, an election to replace that member shall be conducted as soon as reasonably possible.

4. Working Groups and Committees

The activities within GROWTH are organized in four main streams (Science, Undergraduate Education, Graduate Education & Training and Methodology). Each stream is assigned an officer who oversees all activities and sub-projects within their stream. The Officers report to the MT Chair during regular MT meetings (see section on meetings below). Activities within each stream may be further divided into a series of working groups (WGs). Each WG has 1 or 2 leads. GROWTH also has two committees responsible for reviewing applications for our undergraduate and graduate/postdoc research exchange programs. Officers and WG leads are appointed by the MT Chair after voting (see section below on voting). Any GROWTH team member may join a WG by contacting the WG lead and requesting to join. Ad-hoc, time-limited WG or committees may be established, as needed, by the Management Team to address specific science or education goals of the project.
The activities within GROWTH are organized in four main streams (Science, Undergraduate Education, Graduate Education & Training and Methodology). Each stream is assigned an officer who oversees all activities and sub-projects within their stream. The Officers report to the MT Chair during regular MT meetings (see section on meetings below). Activities within each stream may be further divided into a series of working groups (WGs). Each WG has 1 or 2 leads (see Working Groups Leads. GROWTH also has two committees responsible for reviewing applications for our undergraduate and graduate/postdoc research exchange programs. Officers and WG leads are appointed by the MT Chair after voting (see section below on voting). Any GROWTH team member may join a WG by contacting the WG lead and requesting to join. Ad-hoc, time-limited WG or committees may be established, as needed, by the Management Team to address specific science or education goals of the project.

5. Meetings

Science WGs meet weekly. MT meetings are held quarterly. All members of the partnership meet once a year at the GROWTH annual conference. Education WGs meet ?????? An annual educators workshop is part of the GROWTH conference each year.
Science WGs meet weekly (see Science Meetings). MT meetings are held quarterly (see Managements Meetings). All members of the partnership meet once a year at the GROWTH annual conference. Education WGs meet ?????? An annual educators workshop is part of the GROWTH conference each year.

6. Voting

To the extent possible, the GROWTH partnership shall strive for consensus on issues under discussion. If a consensus on an issue cannot be developed in a reasonable amount of time, the Chair may call for a vote on the issue.
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9. Code of Conduct and Other Policies

GROWTH subscribes to and follows the Caltech code of conduct and policies on
  • Conflict of Interest
  • Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity Employment
  • Unlawful Harassment
  • Sexual Violence
Click here to see a full list of Caltech's policies and regulations. Additional information about sexual misconduct is available here.
Click here to see a full list of Caltech's policies and regulations. Additional information about sexual misconduct is available here.
Anyone within or outside the GROWTH team who feels one or more of these policies have been violated, shall contact the GROWTH program coordinator or communicate directly and confidentially with one of Caltech's policies coordinators.
Anyone within or outside the GROWTH team who feels one or more of these policies have been violated, shall contact the GROWTH program coordinator or communicate directly and confidentially with one of Caltech's policies coordinators.

10. Internal and External Communication

GROWTH maintains several mailing lists for the purpose of internal communication to the entire partnership or sub-groups within the partnership.
GROWTH maintains several mailing lists for the purpose of internal communication to the entire partnership or sub-groups within the partnership.
  Any external communication in the form of press release, requests for interviews, multimedia, blogs, outreach & other public events, etc shall be coordinated by the GROWTH Coordinator.

Revision 12016-10-19 - IvaKostadinova

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1. Overview

GROWTH (Global Relay of Observatories Watching Transients Happen) is an international collaboration of 12 (6 US and 6 international) partners engaged in frontier science in time-domain astronomy. The partnership employs a network of observatories longitudinally spread around the world to ensure prompt and uninterrupted multiwavelength follow-up observations of transient astronomical objects in the first 24 hours after detection. The main science goals of GROWTH are to search for and study EM counterparts of gravitational waves following LIGO triggers gather multi-wavelength observations of supernovae in the hours after detection in order to confirm their astrophysical nature use the network of observatories to characterize and determine the orbits of near-earth asteroids. In addition to the scientific objective of GROWTH, the group of partners is involved in educational & training activities which include, but are not limited to

  • Data-driven curriculum development for time-domain astronomy courses
  • International summer research program for undergraduate students
  • Exchange visits for graduate students and postdocs among partner institutions to stimulate and foster new scientific collaborations

2. Membership

New partnerships can form on a variety of basis including but not limited to (1) adding a new observational facility to GROWTH and gaining access to our network of observatories, (2) any research collaborations involving exchange or joint development of data analysis tools, pipelines, etc or (3) any collaboration in the development of educational tools for time-domain astronomy courses and outreach. Our Membership Policy describes levels of Membership and the process by which researchers and institutions can join the GROWTH partnership.

3. Management Structure

The Management team of GROWTH consists of the PI, Co-PI and the Co-Investigators from each partner institution. The Chair of the Management team is the GROWTH PI. In case of absence of the Chair for a limited duration, the Co-PI assumes that role. New Institutional Partners of GROWTH have the right to one seat in the Management Team. The Management Team has the power to plan future activities, conduct an annual review of GROWTH Membership, arbitrate disputes, and conduct other functions that are necessary in order to ensure that the partnership is able to achieve its goals. If the Chair is required to act in an executive capacity, the Chair shall take reasonable steps to ensure that the advice of the other Management Team members is obtained. The Chair shall report all actions undertaken and any decisions taken, either individually or by the Management Team, on a regular basis to the entire partnership.

MT members are permanent members. If a member of the Management Team resigns, or is no longer a member of GROWTH,, an election to replace that member shall be conducted as soon as reasonably possible.

4. Working Groups and Committees

The activities within GROWTH are organized in four main streams (Science, Undergraduate Education, Graduate Education & Training and Methodology). Each stream is assigned an officer who oversees all activities and sub-projects within their stream. The Officers report to the MT Chair during regular MT meetings (see section on meetings below). Activities within each stream may be further divided into a series of working groups (WGs). Each WG has 1 or 2 leads. GROWTH also has two committees responsible for reviewing applications for our undergraduate and graduate/postdoc research exchange programs. Officers and WG leads are appointed by the MT Chair after voting (see section below on voting). Any GROWTH team member may join a WG by contacting the WG lead and requesting to join. Ad-hoc, time-limited WG or committees may be established, as needed, by the Management Team to address specific science or education goals of the project.

5. Meetings

Science WGs meet weekly. MT meetings are held quarterly. All members of the partnership meet once a year at the GROWTH annual conference. Education WGs meet ?????? An annual educators workshop is part of the GROWTH conference each year.

6. Voting

To the extent possible, the GROWTH partnership shall strive for consensus on issues under discussion. If a consensus on an issue cannot be developed in a reasonable amount of time, the Chair may call for a vote on the issue. Members of the MT are eligible to vote. All voting is confidential and will be conducted by email or web polls. A minimum of one week shall be allowed for MT members to transmit their votes. The quorum for a vote is two-thirds of the Members eligible to vote on the given question. A supermajority is defined as two-thirds of the votes cast. Election of Officer and WG lead positions, changes any policy as well as acceptance of new partners requires supermajority vote.

7. Proposals

The GROWTH MT shall be notified by email (title, co-Is, abstract) about any observing or grant proposals in which membership or participation in GROWTH is directly referenced in advance of the proposal’s submission deadline. The individual who is anticipated to serve as Principal Investigator (PI) or a Co-I for the proposal (if the PI is not a GROWTH member) is responsible to provide the notification.

8. Policies and Procedures

New policies as well as amendments to existing procedures and policies in this document may be proposed by and voted for by the Management Team members (supermajority required). If any team member has reasons to believe that GROWTH procedures or policies are not being followed correctly, that person is obligated to express his or her concerns to at least one member of the Management Team. The Management Team shall discuss a resolution and report back to the GROWTH team.

9. Code of Conduct and Other Policies

GROWTH subscribes to and follows the Caltech code of conduct and policies on

  • Conflict of Interest
  • Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity Employment
  • Unlawful Harassment
  • Sexual Violence

Click here to see a full list of Caltech's policies and regulations. Additional information about sexual misconduct is available here.

Anyone within or outside the GROWTH team who feels one or more of these policies have been violated, shall contact the GROWTH program coordinator or communicate directly and confidentially with one of Caltech's policies coordinators.

10. Internal and External Communication

GROWTH maintains several mailing lists for the purpose of internal communication to the entire partnership or sub-groups within the partnership.

Any external communication in the form of press release, requests for interviews, multimedia, blogs, outreach & other public events, etc shall be coordinated by the GROWTH Coordinator.

11. Advisory Board

GROWTH has a seven-member External Advisory Board (EAB). The EAB meets with GROWTH annually at the GROWTH conference. The EAB advises the collaboration on its management, science progress, and strategic planning and submits a written report which may be shared with the entire GROWTH partnership. GROWTH MT should prepare a reply to the EAB report no later than half a year after the report was received. The EAB is also on hand to assist the collaboration throughout the year if the need arises. An EAB member may elect to step down at any time, but is encouraged to give the MT a minimum of one month’s notice. When a vacancy arises, any MT member may nominate a prospective replacement. If deemed suitable after voting by the MT, the Chair will announce the EAB member.

-- IvaKostadinova - 19 Oct 2016

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