Timing Review March 15, 2017

This review will examine the current observation overheads and speed-performance trades. These affect both:

  • survey efficiency
  • data delivery time (and thus time from observation to event detection)

It is understood that we do not have final, or in some cases even preliminary results, but the purpose of this meeting is to focus attention on these important issues. All overheads are up for discussion including but not limited to command processing, readout time, repointing, control loops (guide, focus), filter exchanges, FITS file writing and data transport to IPAC. Processing speed at IPAC is not on the agenda.

The official timing diagram for an exposure sequence is here: (a screen shot is included below)


Time 2017, March 15, 11 am
Location Cahill 126
Polycom Phone (626) 395-8884
Backup Phone (626) 395-8646
Video conferencing Zoom between Dekany and Zolkower


Start Minutes Presenter Topic
11:00 10 Smith Introduction: Timing diagram; timing budget allocations
11:10 15 Henning Telescope slew and settling
11:25 10 Henning Dome and windscreen slew and settling
11:35 10 Porter Filter exchange
11:45 10 Milburn Tip-Tilt-Focus analysis; guider latency
11:55 10 Cromer Hexapod control
12:10 15 Kaye CCD readout time; noise-speed trade
12:20 10 Hale Camera command processing; compression, FITS writing
12:30 10 Riddle Data transfer from ZTF servers to IPAC
12:40 10 Riddle Observation scheduling and control
12:50 10 Dekany Future milestones and dates
13:00 15 Discussion and action item review
13:15     Adjorn

Please attach your presentations below.


Speakers are asked to present:

  • Design values
  • Describe current/planned measurement methods
  • Data on current performance (if available).
  • Speed-performance trades (eg. read noise vs. read speed; slew time vs. settling accuracy)
  • Plans for further tests and improvements.
  • Timeline for further work

Timing diagram as at Mar 13, 2017:

-- RogerSmith - 13 Mar 2017

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action SizeSorted ascending Date Who Comment
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheetxlsx ZTF_command_sequence_timing.xlsx r1 manage 56.1 K 2017-03-14 - 23:12 DavidHale measured ZTF command timing
PowerPointppt Timing_Review_2016-03-15.ppt r1 manage 218.5 K 2017-03-14 - 23:13 DavidHale ZTF Timing Review: Camera Command Processing
PNGpng ZTF_exposure_timing.png r2 r1 manage 350.4 K 2017-03-14 - 19:03 RogerSmith V2.4, as at Mar 14, 2017
PowerPointpptx TimingPerformance.pptx r1 manage 1473.6 K 2017-03-15 - 00:23 UnknownUser Timing Review CCD clocking and readout
PowerPointpptx ZTF_Timing_Review_#8211_Filter_Exchanger.pptx r1 manage 6660.6 K 2017-03-14 - 21:14 UnknownUser ZTF Timing Review – Filter Exchanger

This topic: Palomar/ZTF > WebHome > PerformanceBudgets > TimingReview_Mar15_2017
Topic revision: r7 - 2017-03-15 - RogerSmith
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