Difference: AvailableTechnicalProjects (1 vs. 13)

Revision 132017-07-19 - FrankMasci

Line: 1 to 1

Technical Projects Needing a Champion

* optimize/regularize inputs for ZOGY algorithm; test on iPTF data; in progress and looking better! See latest PTF testing with test products (contacts: Frank & Brad)

* contingent on ZOGY performance: research real-bogus classification schemes for point source transients: simple filtering vs machine-learning (contact: Frank; Tom Prince to ask JPL team for inputs)
* contingent on ZOGY performance: research real-bogus classification schemes for point source transients: simple filtering vs machine-learning (contact: Frank; Tom Prince to ask JPL team for inputs)
  * look at proposed pointing grid and evaluate chip gaps, local galaxy positions, Galactic Plane, sufficient calibration information (at chip level) to enable good astrometric and photometric calibration using Gaia and PS1 respectively... (contact: Eric)

Revision 122017-05-05 - FrankMasci

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Technical Projects Needing a Champion

* optimize/regularize inputs for ZOGY algorithm; test on iPTF data; in progress and looking better! See latest PTF testing with test products (contacts: Frank & Brad)
* optimize/regularize inputs for ZOGY algorithm; test on iPTF data; in progress and looking better! See latest PTF testing with test products (contacts: Frank & Brad)
  * contingent on ZOGY performance: research real-bogus classification schemes for point source transients: simple filtering vs machine-learning (contact: Frank; Tom Prince to ask JPL team for inputs)

* look at proposed pointing grid and evaluate chip gaps, local galaxy positions, Galactic Plane, sufficient calibration information (at chip level) to enable good astrometric and photometric calibration using Gaia and PS1 respectively... (contact: Eric)

* methodology for low spatial-frequency flats (dedicated star flat experiments and generation using intermediate pipeline products from IPAC; contacts: Frank & Jakob)
* methodology for low spatial-frequency flats (dedicated star flat experiments and generation using intermediate pipeline products from IPAC; contacts: Frank & Jakob)
  * flat-fielding tests with new dome screen and lamps that we are about to start building (contact: Thomas)

Revision 112017-05-01 - FrankMasci

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Technical Projects Needing a Champion

* optimize/regularize inputs for ZOGY algorithm; test on iPTF data; in progress and looking better! See latest PTF testing with test products (contacts: Frank & Brad)

* contingent on ZOGY performance: research real-bogus classification schemes for point source transients: simple filtering vs machine-learning (contact: Frank)
* contingent on ZOGY performance: research real-bogus classification schemes for point source transients: simple filtering vs machine-learning (contact: Frank; Tom Prince to ask JPL team for inputs)
  * look at proposed pointing grid and evaluate chip gaps, local galaxy positions, Galactic Plane, sufficient calibration information (at chip level) to enable good astrometric and photometric calibration using Gaia and PS1 respectively... (contact: Eric)
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  * flat-fielding tests with new dome screen and lamps that we are about to start building (contact: Thomas)
* low-priority: a better streak detector for finding fast-moving objects in individual exposures; e.g., Hough or Radon transform (contact: Frank)
* low-priority: a better streak detector for finding fast-moving objects in individual exposures; e.g., Hough or Radon transform (contact: Frank)
  * additional pipeline software modules following detector/optical system characterization; masking of ghosts (see PTF strategy); bright source halos; diffraction spikes; bleeds, other? (contact: Frank)

Revision 102017-03-15 - FrankMasci

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Technical Projects Needing a Champion

* optimize/regularize inputs for ZOGY algorithm; test on iPTF data; replicate Eran's results when available (contacts: Frank & Brad)
* optimize/regularize inputs for ZOGY algorithm; test on iPTF data; in progress and looking better! See latest PTF testing with test products (contacts: Frank & Brad)
  * contingent on ZOGY performance: research real-bogus classification schemes for point source transients: simple filtering vs machine-learning (contact: Frank)
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  * methodology for low spatial-frequency flats (dedicated star flat experiments and generation using intermediate pipeline products from IPAC; contacts: Frank & Jakob)
* flat-fielding tests with new dome screen and lamps that we are about to start building. (contact: Thomas)
* flat-fielding tests with new dome screen and lamps that we are about to start building (contact: Thomas)
  * low-priority: a better streak detector for finding fast-moving objects in individual exposures; e.g., Hough or Radon transform (contact: Frank)
* additional pipeline software modules following detector/optical system characterization; masking of ghosts, bright source halos, diffraction spikes, bleeds, other? (contact: Frank)
* additional pipeline software modules following detector/optical system characterization; masking of ghosts (see PTF strategy); bright source halos; diffraction spikes; bleeds, other? (contact: Frank)
  * also from detector characterization: generation of "static" bad-pixel masks on readout-channel basis for use in pipeline (contact: Frank)
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  * build general tool for ra/dec <-> field/CCD position (contact: Eric) Uli has built some of this into the simsurvey package. Documentation to come.
* build fake transient injection pipeline; includes tool to recover and associate with output event stream (contact: Frank)
* build fake transient injection pipeline; includes tool to recover and associate with output event stream (initial specs/thoughts; contact: Frank)
  * devise and integrate algorithm for varying exposure time with conditions (contact: Eric)

* build cloud avoidance software (contact: Eric) \ No newline at end of file

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="FakeTransientInjectionPipeline_thoughts.pdf" attr="" comment="Initial thoughts/specs for fake-transient injectionPL." date="1489617251" name="FakeTransientInjectionPipeline_thoughts.pdf" path="FakeTransientInjectionPipeline_thoughts.pdf" size="71991" stream="FakeTransientInjectionPipeline_thoughts.pdf" user="Main.FrankMasci" version="1"

Revision 92017-02-27 - FrankMasci

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Technical Projects Needing a Champion

Line: 8 to 8
  * look at proposed pointing grid and evaluate chip gaps, local galaxy positions, Galactic Plane, sufficient calibration information (at chip level) to enable good astrometric and photometric calibration using Gaia and PS1 respectively... (contact: Eric)
* methodology for low spatial-frequency flats (PS1-based ZPVMs or dedicated star flats; contacts: Frank & Jakob)
* methodology for low spatial-frequency flats (dedicated star flat experiments and generation using intermediate pipeline products from IPAC; contacts: Frank & Jakob)
  * flat-fielding tests with new dome screen and lamps that we are about to start building. (contact: Thomas)
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- photometric sensitivity;
- photometric calibration accuracy with respect to PS1 using different input calibrator cuts;
- flat-fielding accuracy (low and high spatial frequency corrections);

- related: create residual ZP-Variation Maps (ZPVMs) using all calibrated photometry on nightly/weekly timescales vs airmass?

- related: create residual ZP-Variation Maps (ZPVMs) using all PS1-calibrated photometry on nightly/weekly timescales (vs airmass?)
- "bad" pixel counts;
- real vs bogus statistics.

Revision 82017-02-24 - FrankMasci

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Technical Projects Needing a Champion

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  * new DIQ vs wind tests to evaluate wind screen performance; automation (not currently present) (contact: Roger)
* general analysis tools/scripts to assess and trend on-sky performance: image quality; astrometric precision; photometric precision; photometric sensitivity; flat-fielding accuracy; "bad" pixel counts; real vs bogus statistics.
* general analysis tools/scripts to assess and trend on-sky performance and tune pipeline parameters (contacts: Frank & Jakob)
- image quality;
- astrometric precision;
- photometric precision;
- photometric sensitivity;
- photometric calibration accuracy with respect to PS1 using different input calibrator cuts;
- flat-fielding accuracy (low and high spatial frequency corrections);
- related: create residual ZP-Variation Maps (ZPVMs) using all calibrated photometry on nightly/weekly timescales vs airmass?
- "bad" pixel counts;
- real vs bogus statistics.
  * scattered light monitoring using diagnistic illuminator that normally illuminates inside fo shutter, to shine light on dirt/condensation on corrector with dark sky behind. Monitoring the change over time could give us a way to quantify the need to clean the corrector. (contact: Roger)

Revision 72017-02-08 - FrankMasci

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Technical Projects Needing a Champion

* optimize/regularize inputs for ZOGY algorithm using iPTF data; replicate Eran's results when available (contacts: Frank & Brad)
* optimize/regularize inputs for ZOGY algorithm; test on iPTF data; replicate Eran's results when available (contacts: Frank & Brad)
  * contingent on ZOGY performance: research real-bogus classification schemes for point source transients: simple filtering vs machine-learning (contact: Frank)

Revision 62017-02-08 - FrankMasci

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Technical Projects Needing a Champion

comparisons of PTFIDE vs ZOGY on iPTF data (contact: Frank)
* optimize/regularize inputs for ZOGY algorithm using iPTF data; replicate Eran's results when available (contacts: Frank & Brad)
Look at proposed pointing grid and evaluate chip gaps, local galaxy positions, Galactic Plane... (contact: Eric)
* contingent on ZOGY performance: research real-bogus classification schemes for point source transients: simple filtering vs machine-learning (contact: Frank)
Flat fielding tests with new dome screen and lamps that we are about to start building. (contact: Thomas)
* look at proposed pointing grid and evaluate chip gaps, local galaxy positions, Galactic Plane, sufficient calibration information (at chip level) to enable good astrometric and photometric calibration using Gaia and PS1 respectively... (contact: Eric)
Analysis of historical DIQ to correlate more carefully with wind speed and direction (albeit with direction measured elsewhere on the mountain) (contact: Eric)
* methodology for low spatial-frequency flats (PS1-based ZPVMs or dedicated star flats; contacts: Frank & Jakob)
New DIQ vs wind tests to evaluate wind screen performance; automation (not currently present) (contact: Roger)
* flat-fielding tests with new dome screen and lamps that we are about to start building. (contact: Thomas)
scattered light monitoring using diagnistic illuminator that normally illuminates inside fo shutter, to shine light on dirt/condensation on corrector with dark sky behind. Monitoring the change over time could give us a way to quantify the need to clean the corrector. (contact: Roger)
* low-priority: a better streak detector for finding fast-moving objects in individual exposures; e.g., Hough or Radon transform (contact: Frank)
understand available hardware for atmospheric monitoring (contact: Shri)
* additional pipeline software modules following detector/optical system characterization; masking of ghosts, bright source halos, diffraction spikes, bleeds, other? (contact: Frank)
build general tool for ra/dec <-> field/CCD position (contact: Eric) Uli has built some of this into the simsurvey package. Documentation to come.
* also from detector characterization: generation of "static" bad-pixel masks on readout-channel basis for use in pipeline (contact: Frank)
build fake transient injection pipeline (contact: Frank)
* analysis of historical DIQ to correlate more carefully with wind speed and direction (albeit with direction measured elsewhere on the mountain) (contact: Eric)
devise and integrate algorithm for varying exposure time with conditions (contact: Eric)
* new DIQ vs wind tests to evaluate wind screen performance; automation (not currently present) (contact: Roger)
build cloud avoidance software (contact: Eric)
 \ No newline at end of file
* general analysis tools/scripts to assess and trend on-sky performance: image quality; astrometric precision; photometric precision; photometric sensitivity; flat-fielding accuracy; "bad" pixel counts; real vs bogus statistics.

* scattered light monitoring using diagnistic illuminator that normally illuminates inside fo shutter, to shine light on dirt/condensation on corrector with dark sky behind. Monitoring the change over time could give us a way to quantify the need to clean the corrector. (contact: Roger)

* understand available hardware for atmospheric monitoring (contact: Shri)

* build general tool for ra/dec <-> field/CCD position (contact: Eric) Uli has built some of this into the simsurvey package. Documentation to come.

* build fake transient injection pipeline; includes tool to recover and associate with output event stream (contact: Frank)

* devise and integrate algorithm for varying exposure time with conditions (contact: Eric)

* build cloud avoidance software (contact: Eric)

Revision 52017-02-06 - EricBellm

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Technical Projects Needing a Champion

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  understand available hardware for atmospheric monitoring (contact: Shri)
build general tool for ra/dec <-> field/CCD position (contact: Eric)
build general tool for ra/dec <-> field/CCD position (contact: Eric) Uli has built some of this into the simsurvey package. Documentation to come.
  build fake transient injection pipeline (contact: Frank)

Revision 42017-02-05 - EricBellm

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Technical Projects Needing a Champion

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 build general tool for ra/dec <-> field/CCD position (contact: Eric)

build fake transient injection pipeline (contact: Frank) \ No newline at end of file

devise and integrate algorithm for varying exposure time with conditions (contact: Eric)

build cloud avoidance software (contact: Eric)

 \ No newline at end of file

Revision 32016-11-30 - EricBellm

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Technical Projects Needing a Champion

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 understand available hardware for atmospheric monitoring (contact: Shri)

build general tool for ra/dec <-> field/CCD position (contact: Eric) \ No newline at end of file

build fake transient injection pipeline (contact: Frank)
 \ No newline at end of file

Revision 22016-11-22 - EricBellm

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Technical Projects Needing a Champion

comparisons of PTFIDE vs ZOGY on iPTF data (contact: Frank)

Look at proposed pointing grid and evaluate chip gaps, local galaxy positions, Galactic Plane... (contact: Eric)
  Flat fielding tests with new dome screen and lamps that we are about to start building. (contact: Thomas)
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 scattered light monitoring using diagnistic illuminator that normally illuminates inside fo shutter, to shine light on dirt/condensation on corrector with dark sky behind. Monitoring the change over time could give us a way to quantify the need to clean the corrector. (contact: Roger)

understand available hardware for atmospheric monitoring (contact: Shri)

build general tool for ra/dec <-> field/CCD position (contact: Eric)
 \ No newline at end of file

Revision 12016-11-21 - EricBellm

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Technical Projects Needing a Champion

comparisons of PTFIDE vs ZOGY on iPTF data (contact: Frank)

Flat fielding tests with new dome screen and lamps that we are about to start building. (contact: Thomas)

Analysis of historical DIQ to correlate more carefully with wind speed and direction (albeit with direction measured elsewhere on the mountain) (contact: Eric)

New DIQ vs wind tests to evaluate wind screen performance; automation (not currently present) (contact: Roger)

scattered light monitoring using diagnistic illuminator that normally illuminates inside fo shutter, to shine light on dirt/condensation on corrector with dark sky behind. Monitoring the change over time could give us a way to quantify the need to clean the corrector. (contact: Roger)

understand available hardware for atmospheric monitoring (contact: Shri)

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