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Results from ZTF web retrieved at 00:24 (GMT)

GROWTH Marshal Scanning Schedule M : Sjoert, T : Sara, W : Suvi, Th : Erica, F : Charlotte GROWTH Marshal TDE Scanning Please see:
Atmospheric model for our SNe Ia observation. MickaelRigault 22 Oct 2015
Is the Universe Isotropic? Can we measurement the Attractor Masses? Bulk flow/shear simulation paper First draft (December 2015): Second draft (March...
ZTF Cosmology with SNe and gravitational lensing Working Group This is the Wiki page for the ZTF Working Group on cosmology with SNe and gravitational lensing. Some...
Agenda: ATELs General discussion Minutes Attendance: Jakob, Matteo, Ariel, Uli ZTF test run No news from test run yet. Weather currently bad. Connection...
Agenda SNe Ia found so far by ZTF AMPEL/Marshal plans Followup with SNIFS Minutes SNe Ia found so far by ZTF There are ~30 SNe Ia on the Marshal...
Agenda AMPEL status SNIFS observing plans Current SN Ia statistics SDSS V Minutes SNIFS observing First night: June 11 (main shifter Daniel...
Agenda Obtaining host redshifts Lightcurves of young Ia`s from the high cadence survey (Mattia) Star flats Minutes Host redshifts Ariel has been...
Agenda General updates Minutes Updates At last nights RCF telecon, Christoffer presented a quick estimate of SNe Ia comparing RCF to simsurvey simulations...
Agenda Proposed changes to MSIP (TESS shadowing) ZTF Phase II DR 1 data plans Minutes TESS shadowing proposal is to replace MSIP galactic plane survey...
Agenda SNIFS observations existing data updates on the reduction pipeline a name `Minutes` /a Minutes SNIFS data (see Jakob`s presentation for a detailed...
ZTF Ia Phone con: 2021 Apr 28 Meeting Agenda: 1. SNe of the week Joel J 2. How`s it going with lensing Joel J 3. Estimating redshifts in SNID Mickael R 4. AOB...
ZTF Ia Phone con: 2021 Feb 03 Meeting Agenda: People Introduction : Who you are, Where working ? Which topic and with who ? (Useful for the Y1 project list.) everyone...
ZTF Ia Phone con: 2021 Feb 10 Meeting Agenda: 1. SNe of the week Joel J 2. The physics of SNe: `ZTF19aambfxc` Rahul B 3. The Y1 dataset: `ZTF Hosts Update`...
ZTF Ia Phone con: 2021 Feb 17 Meeting Agenda: 1. SNe of the week Joel J 2. The physics of SNe: `SN2020udy` Kate M 3. Finding H0: `HST`ing TRGB candidates in ZTF...
ZTF Ia Phone con: 2021 Feb 24 Meeting Agenda: 1. SNe of the week Joel J 2. The physics of SNe Ia: `SuperCh SNe` Maxime D 3. Future plans: `An update on HST`ing...
ZTF Ia Phone con: 2021 Jun 23 Meeting Agenda: 1. SNe of the week Joel J 2. Gemini proposal status Adam M 3. Proposals in progress: P60 Mat S, Joel J Suhail...
ZTF Ia Phone con: 2021 Jun 30 Meeting Agenda: 1. SNe of the week Joel J 2. Proposals in progress: P60 Mat S, Joel J Suhail D 3. AOB / Close Participants (...
ZTF Ia Phone con: 2021 May 12 Meeting Agenda: 1. SNe of the week Joel J 2. Simulations of bumps: How well can we find them? Mark M 3. ZTF21aapehpx: What is it...
ZTF Ia Phone con: 2021 Nov 03 Meeting Agenda: 1. SuperCH SNe Georgios D 2. DR2 Update Mat S 3. AOB / Close Participants (9): Mat S, Suhail D, Georgios D...
ZTF Ia Phone con: 2021 Nov 17 Meeting Agenda: 1. SNe of the week Joel J 2. Simulation status / DR2 Update the group 3. AOB / Close Participants (15): Mickael...
ZTF Ia Phone con: 2021 Oct 20 Meeting Agenda: 1. SNe of the week Joel J 2. ZTF DR2 Mat S 4. AOB / Close Participants (12): Mat S, Joel J, Jakob N, Ariel...
ZTF Ia Phone con: 2021 Sep 08 Meeting Agenda: 1. SNe of the week Joel J 2. Meeting times / format The group 3. ZTF21abiuvdk Mickael R 4. Briday et al Mickael...
ZTF Ia Phone con: 2021 Sep 22 Meeting Agenda: 1. SNe of the week Joel J 2. ZTFDR2: Updates and plans The group 3. AMPEL and the dipole Valery 4. AOB / Close...
ZTF Cosmology with SNIa, gravitational lensing and SNIa physics Working Group This is the Wiki page for the ZTF Working Group on cosmology with SNe and gravitational...
website Friday, May 20, 2016: Wrapping Up iPTF iPTF Status Image Subtraction 9:00 9:30 Cao PTFHalpha.pdf: Narrow Band Imaging 9:30 10:00 Cook...
Several components of the ZTF survey are now working very well. The instrument is steadily producing alerts with an initial photometry that looks better than expected...
SNWG Telecon Presentations Telecon 2024 05 29 Minutes Telecon 2024 05 15 Anna`s ptf/pub/ZTF/SNWGPresentations/IcBL Projects.pdf...
Simulation of SNe Observation for Survey Strategy Observations All simulation results presented on this page have been obtained assuming a survey rate of 3760 square...
Science White Papers Call for white papers See the call for white papers for instructions on submission content. White papers should be uploaded to this page by...
Summary day 1 Graham state of the survey Full sky coverage in g, r. First DR on May 1. MSIP data. References: complete in g and r for grid 1 , building i. At least...
Summary day 2 Neill (SEDM overview): review SEDM enhancements to increase reliability. Basically rebuilt the instrument from mechanical point of view, airtight enclosure...
Summary day 3 Eli Waxman emission from GW counterparts. Review r process elements, models of GW merger and ejecta. Summary of observations. Summaryof specific model...
ZTF Tele conferences We are using Adobe Connect: snia/ TeleConf22102015 TeleConf05112015 TeleConf19112015 TeleConf...
Attended: Jakob, Mickael, Markus, Raphael, Laura, Semeli, Ariel Apologies to everyone for delaying the starting time of the meeting (`Force majeure`). Telcon `technology...
Title ZTF papers Submission to the Publication Board: To submit a paper for review by the Publication Board, add the PDF to be reviewed to the PDF column, and e...
Supernovae and Relativistic Explosions WG Papers in Preparation In preparation ZTF22aaezyos Lead: Gene? (UIUC) Supervisor : Kaustav Kashyap Das, Mansi Kasliwal...
Marshal Science Programs Corresponding Filters 1) Fast Transients, Rapidly Evolving Transients (i.e. afterglows, 18cow like events; contact: Yuhan Yao Anna Ho...
ZTF Tele conferences args We do it from Skype for now, the 2nd and 4th Thursday TeleConf20102015 MickaelRigault 22 Oct 2015
ZTF Collaboration Meeting, Stockholm, August 6 10, 2018 Monday August 6, 2018 Morning Session Chair: Jesper Sollerman Welcome 8:50 9:00 Sollerman...
Berlin 2020 : Individual contributed talks (Tue March 24th 15.00 CET) Please upload contributions here. Comments BTS presentation 2020.pdf: RCF/BTS talk
ZTF Collaboration Meeting, Weizmann Rehovot, March 12 15, 2019 Meeting Weizmann website is here. Photos from the meeting will be uploaded to the meeting website...
Team Meeting 10 13 May, Paris This team meeting will be hosted by IN2P3 and is taking place on May 10 13 in Paris, France. All details about the meeting can be viewed...
ZTF Team Meeting Oct 19 21, 2020 Virtual meeting, zoom connection A dedicated slack channel is set up for this meeting. In ztfgeneral slack channel, there is a...
Material on SWG science for the first light press release AGN TDEs SWG The ZTF Northern Sky Survey will be a transformative survey for the study of tidal disruption...
ZTF papers Submission to the Publication Board: To submit a paper for review by the Publication Board, add the PDF to be reviewed to the PDF column, and e mail ztf...
Number of topics: 46

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