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I Attachment HistorySorted descending Action Size Date Who Comment
Unknown file formatmpp PFS_timing_PFICS_timing_xls.mpp r2 r1 manage 474.5 K 2012-12-01 - 00:28 UnknownUser An attempt to describe the timing model as a Gantt chart in MS Project. 1 second in the timing model is 1 day in the MS Project schedule
Unknown file formatmpp PFS_timing_syseng127.mpp r2 r1 manage 205.5 K 2012-12-03 - 16:36 UnknownUser An attempt to model Naoyuki's proposed timing model as a Gantt chart. 1 second in the timing model is 1 minute in the MS Project schedule
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheetxlsx PFS_field_setup_timing.xlsx r1 manage 41.7 K 2012-10-16 - 22:16 UnknownUser A few different timing cases focusing on cobra movement and MC integration during move iterations
PDFpdf PFS_sequence.pdf r1 manage 114.4 K 2012-10-23 - 18:25 UnknownUser High level description of critical timing events. Written in response to Shiang-Yu's 10/19/2012 msg to syseng group.
Unknown file formatmpp PFS_timing_strobe.mpp r1 manage 384.0 K 2012-12-03 - 16:42 UnknownUser Proposed MCS timeline for strobed back illumination with 0.5 sec readout. Three image acquisitions are shown in the schedule, though it could be extended to an arbitrary number of cycles.
PowerPointppt Setup_timing_model_description.ppt r1 manage 856.5 K 2012-10-16 - 22:25 UnknownUser This has a field-setup timing diagram (p3) and a description of PHM's matlab code that figures out observing efficiency vs. various timing parameters and models.

This topic: Subaru/PFS > WebHome > PFIPasSystemTimingModel
Topic revision: r5 - 2012-12-03 - PeterMao
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