Documents describing the effort to develop a simulated physical model of the PFI bench and associated components necessary for closing the Cobra positioning loop.

-- PeterMao - 19 Mar 2013

  • PFIsimulator_summary.ppt: details of the physical modelling effort. fiber identification, error propagation, coordinate transformations, distortion correction

  • PositionDeterminationErrorCalc.pdf: white paper on the position determination error. This paper explains how the position determination error in Dave Braun's error budget is broken down into fundamental components. It also touches on WFC high frequency distortion error and how it affects position determination error.

  • PFI_configuration_simulator_DRAFT.pdf: white paper on the configuration simulator. This paper gives an overview of the configuration simulator, which is the tool I used to determine the convergence properties of PFI Cobras/science fibers onto target positions under PDR error budget allocations and other scenarios.

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who CommentSorted descending
PDFpdf PositionDeterminationErrorCalc.pdf r1 manage 347.8 K 2013-03-19 - 23:23 UnknownUser white paper on the position determination error
PDFpdf PFI_configuration_simulator_DRAFT.pdf r1 manage 433.6 K 2013-03-19 - 23:24 UnknownUser white paper on the configuration simulator
PowerPointppt PFI_physical_modelling_overview-v2.ppt r1 manage 1221.5 K 2012-11-19 - 16:19 UnknownUser Overview and current status of the physical modeling effort at Caltech. Fiducial fiber identification is considered a solved problem.
PowerPointppt PFIsimulator_summary.ppt r2 r1 manage 9946.5 K 2012-12-03 - 18:41 UnknownUser details of the physical modelling effort. fiber identification, error propagation, coordinate transformations, distortion correction

This topic: Subaru/PFS > WebHome > PFIPasPhysicalModeling
Topic revision: r4 - 2013-03-19 - PeterMao
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