NGAO Functional Requirements

This page presents various drafts and background information on the NGAO functional requirements:

  1. Background information on requirements for NGAO (links)
  2. Original draft of functional requirements v0.1 (link)
  3. Draft of the AO system functional requirements sections (C. Neyman)
  4. Draft of the laser facility functional requirements sections (V. Velur)
  5. Etc

1. Background information on requirements for NGAO

2. Original draft of functional requirements

3. Working drafts v1.0 of AO system functional requirements

4. Working drafts v1.0 of Laser facility functional requirements

09/07/2007 PDF, rev 5 MS word, rev 5

5. other

-- ViswaVelur - 17 Aug 2007

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action SizeSorted descending Date Who Comment
PDFpdf sec8_laserIntroFRD_rev5.pdf r2 r1 manage 340.9 K 2007-09-08 - 01:43 UnknownUser  
Microsoft Word filedoc sec8_laserIntroFRD_rev5.doc r2 r1 manage 256.0 K 2007-09-08 - 01:43 UnknownUser  
Microsoft Word filedoc Sec72_AO_EncOpticalRelay_rev2.doc r1 manage 124.0 K 2007-09-08 - 00:37 UnknownUser AO enclosure and relay FRD section 7.2
Microsoft Word filedoc IntroFRD_rev2.doc r1 manage 105.0 K 2007-09-08 - 00:36 UnknownUser Introductory sections for the AO FRD
Microsoft Word filedoc Sec79_AO_CorrectorsDM_TT_rev2.doc r1 manage 97.5 K 2007-09-08 - 00:40 UnknownUser AO DM and tip tilt mirror FRD section 7.9
Microsoft Word filedoc Sec77_AO_RealTimeControlRev0.2.doc r1 manage 76.0 K 2007-09-08 - 00:38 UnknownUser AO real-time control FRD section 7.7
Microsoft Word filedoc Sec78_AO_NonRealTimeControlRev0.2.doc r1 manage 49.5 K 2007-09-08 - 00:39 UnknownUser AO non real-time control FRD section 7.8

This topic: Keck/NGAO > FunctionalRequirements
Topic revision: r29 - 2007-09-08 - ViswaVelur
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