070709 Claire Max's notes NGAO Architecture Meeting Monday 07/09/07 Wed: Take stock of needed changes of science requirements and their implications for the various architectures. ~3pm formal discussion, before then informal __________ Britton talk: Performance Budgets Summary WFE spreadsheet assumes perfect sensing and correction of null modes (e.g. focus etc). Use Ralf's simulations of tomography error. Needs to be included later. Should include 25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles for both theta0 and r0 variation, for the EGS science case in particular. PDR costing: keep some funds aside for research and development on various methods for getting good PSF information. Astrometry report: asked for 140nm WFE for GC, without much specific analysis. I don't think this should be a requirement unless/until they understand what the current limitations on astrometric error really are. Contrast: need to follow up on whether the 6 to 10 lambda/D is radius or diameter Polarization: I need to put a requirement in the science requirements document. es.g. transmission for the two linear polarizations must be calibratable to within xxx percent over a yyy time period. Backgrounds: needs careful analysis for each system architecture candidate. Antonin and Law have the tools to do this (or at least a good start on them.) Antonin and Law should be joint authors on a KAON regarding backgrounds. Observing efficiency: Currently 37% of time is lost due to operational overhead, 25% due to weather, 16% due to system faults. My conclusion: need to budget funding for systems engineering for PDR phase. _________ Neyman talk: Trade Studies Summary MCAO astrometric distortion: can be decreased with the "right" control system (have to know where each DM went). Need to keep this as part of the evaluation of the "wide field" option architecture. How much can the astrometric distortion be decreased, in real life? LGS asterism: Concluded that 5 LGS wasn't adequate for the EGS science case (but used WFE rather than EE for figure of merit: need to review given the additional trade study on EE). Also, Rich used a 6 LGS configuration in his WFE spreadsheet (rather than Ralf's 5 LGS). LGS fratricide due to Rayleigh: needs more simulation to see how well you can do with a CW mode-locked laser (e.g. SOR laser) Keck AO upgrade: to succeed would need to set up a new laboratory system on which to do development and testing. Instruments: Rich makes the point that instrument by instrument, we may want to allocate more or less error budget to the instruments, so that the AO system will be easier/cheaper to build. Claire makes the point that imagers (vis and NIR) can be built with low WFE (e.g. 30 nm). Anna makes the point that IFUs that use lenslets have inherently lower WFE, but that they are also inherently much larger physically than slicer-based IFUs, and they have inherently smaller FOV. Anna and Sean estimate that slicer-based IFUs to date have all had internal WFE >~ 100 nm (they need to check this by talking with Eikenberry and the SWIFT people). Don: Laser uplink correction. Allow WFS's to have pulse trackers in future that can take advantage of a very small laser spot. Need a launch telescope with D=1m. Peter says see if we can include this in the functional requirements document as an upgrade path. _____________ Science and System Requirements: Peter and Claire's summary spreadsheet: Question (Anna): does the deployable NIR instrument have to have imagers as well as IFUs? David says we should add a 6th column to the summary spreadsheet, for the IFU dIFU: 120" diameter circle (not square) Tiny fields of view for vis instruments and for the NIR IFU: Anna says probably want bigger FOVs because need to accommodate dithering Nyquist sampling: note that one exo-Jupiter requirement states that they need 1.5 x Nyquist sampling Cases where you use the science target for TT: exo_jups, some asteroids, Io, etc Brian asks what fraction of the science light is permissible to take away to use for tip-tilt measurement. We should specify on some chart which cases will use the science object itself for the TT information. Claire should think about required EE for visible light spectroscopy. Rich says we may want higher EEs and/or in smaller lenslets/spaxels for some of the visible light spectroscopic science. We should think about this. Sky coverage vs. wavefront error: SRD v1 had better treatment of WFE vs. sky coverage requirement. We should try to retain this in the new versions of the SCRD and SRD. e.g. WFE xx for sky coverage of yy, WFE ww for sky coverage of zz Need to quantify to what level of precision you need to know the PSF for each science case Need to develop an error budget for astrometry, especially for GC Drop the goal of nonsidereal tracking for the dIFU column Acquisition accuracy: instead of 200 mas, we should write this as 1/10th of the narrowest dimension of the instrument field of view Nod requirements: need to specify what size nods will be needed long term drifts: we wrote 5 mas/hr. Rich has been carrying 30 mas/hr. We need to think about what number makes the most sense here. NGS mode for dIFU? Now we say it's a goal. But it would not be needed if you could switch easily from the dIFU to the NIR spectrograph. We should state that there is not a requirement to have a non-AO mode for our usually-AO instruments. Need to think about overall distribution of instruments on whatever telescope NGAO is on: are there reasonable non-AO instruments to switch to? We should specify whether we need vertical angle mode or fixed angle mode for high contrast imaging applications Add polarimetry requirements to the summary spreadsheet Claire: need to drop the question mark about 30% increase in sky background for narrow-field instruments