---++[[111101_Team_Meeting_6][<]]IRMS mini-Study Team Meeting #7 [[112911_Team_Meeting_8][>]] Date: Friday, Nov 11, 2011<br> Time: 9-9:30am PDT<br> Location: Caltech, Cahill room 126<br> *Participation (update as appropriate)* |*Attending*: R. Dekany, K. Matthews| |*Call-in*: N. Konidaris, B. Moshasher| |*Unavailable*: B. Weber| *Dial-in* * 888-387-8686 * Conference participant ID: 746-0475 *Agenda (tentative)* * 0900 - 0910 CAD model update - Bob * 0910 - 0920 OIWFS performance model input parameter collection - Rich * 0920 - 0930 Science Team activities - Bahram *Minutes* * Rich discussed MOSFIRE cost accounting with Sean Adkins on Nov 4. They agreed a written request to Sean for his support in assembling costs would then lead to Sean's estimation of the effort (and potentially a request for project funding to support this effort). * Bob has made progress receiving updated thermal interface detailed CAD information from Vlad at HIA, though MOSFIRE demands continue in the near-term. * Rich has started from the ORD-CCR24 section (IRMS) to get a handle on the OIWFS performance requirements * The 80% EE limit is presumably an instrument requirement, not a NFIRAOS+IRMS requirement across the entire FoV, but this is to be determined. * A question regarding the necessary capture range for focus from the OIWFS arose - how out-of-focus might the delivered NFIRAOS beam be? Presumably NFIRAOS could use it's ACQ to do a coarse focus, but if the sodium layer is moving rapidly and theres lag between ACQ focus and getting light into the IRMS OIWFS, how far off might we be? - Rich to check on IRIS' assumption for this. * Rich will begin a document that will eventually capture the flow-down of requirements to OIWFS performance requirements. * Bahram is working on the science case, but without a postdoc is carrying this load single-handedly. Still, he has a goal of distributing this to the science team by Thanksgiving. *Meeting schedule* * IRMS Team Meeting #8 will be Tues, Nov 29 at 9a * That agenda will include a review of the remainder of the project schedule, which is somewhat behind due to demands from MOSFIRE, SEDM, PALM-3000 and other projects. *Outstanding Actions* * Rich to work with TMTO (Brent) to assess suitability of external OIWFS in terms of sky coverage and performance (by Dec 2) * Rich to make written request to WMKO (Sean) to support MOSFIRE cost detail in support of the IRMS estimate (by Dec 15) * Rich to contact UCLA (Ian) to request UCLA detail MOSFIRE cost breakdown (by Dec 10)
This topic: TMT/IRMS
Topic revision: r5 - 2011-11-29 - RichardDekany
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