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  • Fix common mode subtraction
  • Look at GEN2 Run 7 that Eamon processed. Fiducials are not moving together

Cobra Stage Center Metrology Procedure

Taking the Data:

  1. Unplug USB cables from computer. Plug in everything on the optical table. (Pump, Camera, Power Supplies, Light Source, etc.).
  2. Turn on all the power supplies and make sure the boards light up.
  3. Plug in USB cables to computer.
  4. Open MSim and run Setup_camera.lst. When the script pauses, do not advance it.
  5. Wait for camera to warm up (20-30 minutes). You can use the thermocouple reader to watch the temperature and wait for it to stabilize.
  6. Put lens cap on.
  7. Setup_camera.lst should still be paused. Advance it.
  8. Take lens cap off.
  9. Open metrology_S2_center4.lst outside of MSim. If necessary, edit it. Update the uncommented version.
  10. Run metrology_S2_center4_uncommented.lst.
  11. When it finishes, close MSim.

Processing the Data:

  1. Open PFS_tests folder (shortcut on the desktop). There should be some new folders near the top (the folders are named with a datestamp).
  2. Check the folders to make sure they have the right number of images. Rename them “datestamp_dark_image” or “datestamp_S1_centers”, as appropriate. If there was a problem and the folders contain junk data that you do not need, delete them.
  3. Open matlab script S1_load.
  4. Type “matlabpool” into command window to open up parallel processing.
  5. Change the file path in the script S1_load to match the filepath of one of the image folders.
  6. Run S1_load.
  7. Run S1_plot.
  8. You should see three plots; One should show all the centroids in real space. One should show the radial residuals. One should show the fiducial spread. Ideally, the centroids in real space should trace out a circle. The radial residuals should be +-0.5 from 0, and the fiducial spread should be +-0.05. If anything looks drastically off, something is probably wrong.
  9. Save the structure “data” as a .mat file. (Name it something like cobra_centers_XX.mat.)
  10. Type “clear all; clc; clf;” into the command window.
  11. Repeat 5-10 for all the folders of images that you want to process.
  12. Email all the .mat files to Peter.

Test Matrix

Test Gen2 Gen3
Center Repeatability – Stage 1 10 centers – ~180 points per circle 10 centers – ~180 points per circle
Center Repeatability – Stage 2 10 centers – ~90 points per half circle 10 centers – ~90 points per circle
Motor Map – Stage 1 10 maps – ~15deg regions 10 maps – ~15deg regions
Motor Map – Stage 2 10 maps – ~15deg regions 10 maps – ~15deg regions
Off-time Tuning 100 iterations each of 1ms, 2ms, 4ms @ 500 steps off hardstop 100 iterations each of 1ms, 2ms, 4ms @ 500 steps off hardstop
Move Repeatability – Stage 1 100 moves of: 1, 10, 100, 1000, 5000mrad 100 moves of: 1, 10, 100, 1000, 5000mrad
Move Repeatability – Stage 2 100 moves of: 1, 10, 100, 1000, 2000mrad 100 moves of: 1, 10, 100, 1000, 2000mrad
Target Tests 300 targets 300 targets


Motor Array ID8 Stage On-time Off-timeSorted descending N-Steps Test Description Data Location Status
GEN2 2.1 1 .18ms 2ms 20 S1 Centers desktop/metrology/S1_center_results Complete (10 sets)
GEN3 2.5 1 .13ms 2ms 15 S1 Centers desktop/metrology/S1_center_results Complete (10 sets)
GEN2 2.1 2 .18ms 2ms 25 S2 Centers desktop/metrology/link_length_results Complete (10 sets)
GEN3 2.5 2 .13ms 2ms 15 S2 Centers desktop/metrology/link_length_results Complete (10 sets)
GEN2 2.1 1 .18ms 2ms 1,3,28,279,1397 Move Repeatability desktop/metrology/Motor_error_assesment_results Complete (2 sets)
GEN3 2.5 1 .13ms 2ms 1,12,124,620 Move Repeatability desktop/metrology/Motor_error_assesment_results Complete (2 sets)
GEN2 2.1 1 .18ms 1,2,4ms 500 S1 Off-Time Tuning desktop/metrology/S1_Off_time_results Complete (2 sets each of 1,2,4 ms off)
GEN3 2.5 1 .13ms 1,2,4ms 500 S1 Off-Time Tuning desktop/metrology/S1_Off_time_results Complete (2 sets each of 1,2,4 ms off)
GEN2 2.1 2 .18ms 1,2,4ms 500 S2 Off-Time Tuning desktop/metrology/S2_Off_time_results Complete (1 sets each of 1,2,4 ms off)
GEN3 2.5 2 .13ms 1,2,4ms 500 S2 Off-Time Tuning desktop/metrology/S2_Off_time_results Complete (1 sets each of 1,2,4 ms off)
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Topic revision: r9 - 2013-10-28 - EamonPartos
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