Difference: Variableprojects (1 vs. 57)

Revision 572023-04-19 - AveryWold

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META TOPICPARENT name="VariableWorkingGroup"

FRITZ Marshal Corresponding Filters

Line: 53 to 53
  • Lead: Eric Bellm, others involved: Tony Rodriguez
  • Abstract: Population synthesis suggests there may be compact object binaries with detectable self-lensing signals in ZTF--we are searching to see if we can identify these non-interacting binaries.
  • Required Data Products: archival light curves

Identifying Variability in Serpens Cloud YSOs with ZTF

  • Collaborators: Avery Wold, Roberta Paladini, Luisa Rebull
  • Abstract: With Spitzer YSOVar Catalogs as priors, we use the long baseline photometry accumulated by ZTF to determine the variability in Serpens Main Cloud young stellar objects.
  • Required Data Products: archival light curves, forced photometry light curves

Student Thesis projects

  • NCU -- Jia-Yu Ou (advisor: Ngeow) Investigation of Mira in M33 [PhD thesis] -- using ZTF + archival data for the study of Mira in M33

Revision 562023-04-19 - PaulaSzkody

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META TOPICPARENT name="VariableWorkingGroup"

FRITZ Marshal Corresponding Filters

Line: 38 to 38
  • Required Data Products: Archival Lightcurves, PSF catalogs
  • Status on March 2022: Paper on the PL relation for contact binaries and RR Lyrae in globular clusters has been published and accepted, respectively.

Characterizing Cataclysmic Variables

  • Lead: Paula Szkody (UW), others involved: Isabel de Jesus Lima (UW grad visitor), Brooke Dicenzo (UW undergrad), Jan van Roestel
  • Abstract: We are using mainly the Growth Marshal to find and classify novae, dwarf novae and novalikes (SW Sex, polars, IPs) from light curves and followup spectral data, especially to compare number densities in and out of the galactic plane.
  • Lead: Paula Szkody (UW), Jan van Roestel
  • Abstract: We are using mainly the Fritz Marshal to find and classify novae, dwarf novae and novalikes (SW Sex, polars, IPs) from light curves and followup spectral data, especially to compare number densities in and out of the galactic plane.
  • Required Data Products: archival light curves, alerts

Close binaries at the centre of planetary nebulae

  • Lead: Albert Kong, others involved: Ray Li

Revision 552023-04-13 - ZachVanderbosch

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META TOPICPARENT name="VariableWorkingGroup"

FRITZ Marshal Corresponding Filters

Line: 70 to 70
  • People involved: Amruta Jaodand, Michael Coughlin, Megan Jones, David Kaplan, Tom Prince, Eric Bellm, Kevin Burdge,
  • Abstract: Many Fermi gamma-ray sources have turned out to be millisecond pulsar binaries, many of them rare black widow/redback/huntsman systems. To identify new candidates we are period searching ZTF data in Fermi error circles as well as cross-correlating other X-ray and radio catalogs and performing RV followup.
  • Required Data Products: matchfile lightcurves

White dwarf with transiting debris


White dwarfs with transiting planetary debris

  • Lead: Zach Vanderbosch, others involved: J.J. Hermes
  • Abstract: Transiting planetary debris systems offer a unique perspective into the earlier stages of disruption of planetary bodies around white dwarfs. We are using a combination of ZTF light curves and Gaia source catalogs to identify new candidates using a curated set of photometric variability metrics. We then use follow-up observing resources to characterize these systems in detail.
  • Required Data Products: Archival Lightcurves

LISA Gravitational Wave Sources in ZTF

  • Lead: Kevin Burdge

Revision 542022-04-06 - ChowChoongNgeow

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META TOPICPARENT name="VariableWorkingGroup"

FRITZ Marshal Corresponding Filters

Line: 34 to 34
  • Required Data Products: alerts, matchfile lightcurves

Calibration of period-luminosity relations using ZTF observed globular clusters

  • Lead: Chow-Choong Ngeow
  • Abstract: The main aim of this project is to calibrate the period-luminosity relations in ZTF gri-band using both RR Lyraes and contact binaries found in globular clusters (GC), as basic information for GC is already available in literature. This project is an extension of the GROWTH SURF 2018 Summer Research Program for Alison Duck (UMD).
  • Abstract: The main aim of this project is to calibrate the period-luminosity relations in ZTF gri-band using periodic variable stars (RR Lyraes, contact binaries, Type II Cepheids, Mira, etc) found in globular clusters (GC), as basic information for GC is already available in literature.
  • Required Data Products: Archival Lightcurves, PSF catalogs
  • Status on March 2021: Paper on the PL relation for contact binaries in globular clusters has been submittted; Paper on the PL relation for RR Lyrae in globular clusters is in-progress.
  • Status on March 2022: Paper on the PL relation for contact binaries and RR Lyrae in globular clusters has been published and accepted, respectively.

Characterizing Cataclysmic Variables

  • Lead: Paula Szkody (UW), others involved: Isabel de Jesus Lima (UW grad visitor), Brooke Dicenzo (UW undergrad), Jan van Roestel
  • Abstract: We are using mainly the Growth Marshal to find and classify novae, dwarf novae and novalikes (SW Sex, polars, IPs) from light curves and followup spectral data, especially to compare number densities in and out of the galactic plane.
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  • Required Data Products: archival light curves

Student Thesis projects

  • NCU -- Jia-Yu Ou (advisor: Ngeow) Investigation of Mira in M33 [PhD thesis] -- using ZTF + archival data for the study of Mira in M33
  • NCU -- Atharva Patil (advisor: Ngeow) Galactic Plane variable stars with ZTF [PhD thesis] -- using ZTF light curves cross-matched with PS1 and Gaia to characterize known variable stars in Galactic Plane (no classification)
  • NCU -- Vaidehi Varma (advisor: Ngeow) Identifying Blazhko RR Lyrae with ZTF [PhD thesis] -- using ZTF light curves to identfy Blazhko RR Lyrae
  • LBNL -- Michael Medford (advisor: Nugent): detection and characterization of microlensing events [PhD thesis]

Revision 532021-10-12 - EricBellm

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META TOPICPARENT name="VariableWorkingGroup"

FRITZ Marshal Corresponding Filters

Line: 49 to 49
  • Lead: Albert Kong, others involved: Ray Li
  • Abstract: By cross matching the Gaia catalogue with X-ray catalogues, we select candidates of AR Sco type objects for ZTF timing study.
  • Required Data Products: archival light curves, alerts


Searches for self-lensing compact object binaries with ZTF

  • Lead: Eric Bellm, others involved: Tony Rodriguez
  • Abstract: Population synthesis suggests there may be compact object binaries with detectable self-lensing signals in ZTF--we are searching to see if we can identify these non-interacting binaries.
  • Required Data Products: archival light curves

Student Thesis projects

  • NCU -- Atharva Patil (advisor: Ngeow) Galactic Plane variable stars with ZTF [PhD thesis] -- using ZTF light curves cross-matched with PS1 and Gaia to characterize known variable stars in Galactic Plane (no classification)

Revision 522021-07-13 - AlbertKong

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META TOPICPARENT name="VariableWorkingGroup"

FRITZ Marshal Corresponding Filters

Line: 41 to 41
  • Lead: Paula Szkody (UW), others involved: Isabel de Jesus Lima (UW grad visitor), Brooke Dicenzo (UW undergrad), Jan van Roestel
  • Abstract: We are using mainly the Growth Marshal to find and classify novae, dwarf novae and novalikes (SW Sex, polars, IPs) from light curves and followup spectral data, especially to compare number densities in and out of the galactic plane.
  • Required Data Products: archival light curves, alerts

Close binaries at the centre of planetary nebulae

  • Lead: Albert Kong, others involved: Ray Li
  • Abstract: The aim of this project is to use ZTF light curves to identify close binaries at the centre of planetary nebulae. In particular, we are interested in double degenerate systems that will show eclipses or ellipsoidal modulations.
  • Required Data Products: archival light curves, alerts

Identification of AR Sco type objects with ZTF

  • Lead: Albert Kong, others involved: Ray Li
  • Abstract: By cross matching the Gaia catalogue with X-ray catalogues, we select candidates of AR Sco type objects for ZTF timing study.
  • Required Data Products: archival light curves, alerts


Student Thesis projects

  • NCU -- Atharva Patil (advisor: Ngeow) Galactic Plane variable stars with ZTF [PhD thesis] -- using ZTF light curves cross-matched with PS1 and Gaia to characterize known variable stars in Galactic Plane (no classification)

Revision 512021-06-17 - AlbertKong

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META TOPICPARENT name="VariableWorkingGroup"

FRITZ Marshal Corresponding Filters

Line: 6 to 6
  CVs/dwarf novae outbursts (Szkody/vanRoestel)
Xrays sources watchlist (Bellm)
X-ray sources watchlist (Bellm/Kong)
  Dippers (Mahabal)

Revision 502021-06-09 - JanVanRoestel

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META TOPICPARENT name="VariableWorkingGroup"

GROWTH Marshal Science Programs & Corresponding Filters


FRITZ Marshal Corresponding Filters

  Young stellar objects (Hillenbrand/Kuhn)
CVs/dwarf novae outbursts (Szkody/Kupfer)

M31 (Kupfer/Prince)

CVs/dwarf novae outbursts (Szkody/vanRoestel)
  Xrays sources watchlist (Bellm)
O'Connell binaries (Graham, Drake)

(ML) Classification of variable objects

Dippers (Mahabal)
  • Coordinated by Jan van Roestel (full list of people in google doc)
AM CVn (vanRoestel/Szkody)


  • Lead: Mahabal, others involved: Drake
  • Abstract: Use alerts to find irregular dimming events in the ZTF alertstream. These objects have dust or possibly giant planets with huge rings around them.
  • Required Data Products: alerts

Searching for Boyajian's Star Analogs

  • People involved: Eric Bellm, Jim Davenport, Kyle Boone, Meredith Rawls, Brigitta Sipocz, Keaton Bell, Colin Slater, Daniela Huppenkothen, Bryce Kalmbach, and any other DIRAC Time Domain Group members
  • Abstract: We are searching ZTF light curves for infrequent short-term variability ("dips") similar to Boyajian's Star. This unique F star was observed by Kepler to exhibit dips as well as a long-term gradual decrease in brightness, and the physical origin of variability is not understood. Our work is online at https://github.com/dirac-institute/ZTF_Boyajian.
  • Required Data Products: matchfile lightcurves

O'Connol binaries

  • Lead: Matthew Graham, others involved: Drake
  • Abstract: O'connol binaries show anomalous periodic variability
  • Required Data Products: archival light curves

(ML) Classification of variable objects

  • Coordinated by Jan van Roestel & Ashish Mahabal (full list of people in google doc)
  • Abstract: We are making a general catalog of variable objects (stars, AGN). More details can be found here.
  • Required data products: archival lightcurves

Searches for state-changing X-ray binaries

  • Lead: Eric Bellm, grad student David Wang, Amruta Jaodand
  • Abstract: Accreting NS & BH X-ray binaries show outbursts and state transitions due to accretion disk instabilities. Many more of these systems are predicted to exist than are presently known, and optical variability provides a sensitive tool for identifying them. We are performing searches on several fronts: a) monitoring alerts from known XRBs to identify new outbursts as they happen b) performing generic searches for outbursts from cataloged X-ray sources in the alert stream and c) performing more sensitive variability searches in the matchfiles (along with Burdge, Coughlin, et al.)
  • Required Data Products: alerts, matchfile lightcurves

Searches for counterparts to Fermi unassociated sources

  • People involved: Amruta Jaodand, Michael Coughlin, Megan Jones, David Kaplan, Tom Prince, Eric Bellm, Kevin Burdge,
  • Abstract: Many Fermi gamma-ray sources have turned out to be millisecond pulsar binaries, many of them rare black widow/redback/huntsman systems. To identify new candidates we are period searching ZTF data in Fermi error circles as well as cross-correlating other X-ray and radio catalogs and performing RV followup.
  • Required Data Products: matchfile lightcurves

Stellar flare occurance rates

  • Lead: Jim Davenport, with Eric Bellm & undergraduate Courtney Klein
  • Abstract: We are using HiCAPS continuous cadence lightcurves to identify stellar flares and measure the flare occurrence rate across the HR diagram
  • Required Data Products: matchfile lightcurves

Calibration of period-luminosity relations using ZTF observed globular clusters

  • Lead: Chow-Choong Ngeow
  • Abstract: The main aim of this project is to calibrate the period-luminosity relations in ZTF gri-band using both RR Lyraes and contact binaries found in globular clusters (GC), as basic information for GC is already available in literature. This project is an extension of the GROWTH SURF 2018 Summer Research Program for Alison Duck (UMD).
  • Required Data Products: Archival Lightcurves, PSF catalogs
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  • Required Data Products: Archival Lightcurves, PSF catalogs
  • Status on March 2021: Paper on the PL relation for contact binaries in globular clusters has been submittted; Paper on the PL relation for RR Lyrae in globular clusters is in-progress.

Characterizing Cataclysmic Variables

  • Lead: Paula Szkody (UW), others involved: Isabel de Jesus Lima (UW grad visitor), Brooke Dicenzo (UW undergrad)
  • Lead: Paula Szkody (UW), others involved: Isabel de Jesus Lima (UW grad visitor), Brooke Dicenzo (UW undergrad), Jan van Roestel
  • Abstract: We are using mainly the Growth Marshal to find and classify novae, dwarf novae and novalikes (SW Sex, polars, IPs) from light curves and followup spectral data, especially to compare number densities in and out of the galactic plane.
  • Required Data Products: archival light curves

Searching for Boyajian's Star Analogs

  • People involved: Jim Davenport, Kyle Boone, Meredith Rawls, Eric Bellm, Brigitta Sipocz, Keaton Bell, Colin Slater, Daniela Huppenkothen, Bryce Kalmbach, and any other DIRAC Time Domain Group members
  • Abstract: We are searching ZTF light curves for infrequent short-term variability ("dips") similar to Boyajian's Star. This unique F star was observed by Kepler to exhibit dips as well as a long-term gradual decrease in brightness, and the physical origin of variability is not understood. Our work is online at https://github.com/dirac-institute/ZTF_Boyajian.
  • Required Data Products: matchfile lightcurves
  • Required Data Products: archival light curves, alerts


Student Thesis projects

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  • NCU -- Vaidehi Varma (advisor: Ngeow) Identifying Blazhko RR Lyrae with ZTF [PhD thesis] -- using ZTF light curves to identfy Blazhko RR Lyrae
  • LBNL -- Michael Medford (advisor: Nugent): detection and characterization of microlensing events [PhD thesis]

LISA Gravitational Wave Sources in ZTF

  • Lead: Kevin Burdge (advisor: Prince)
  • Abstract: Using ZTF lightcurves, we can systematically search for LISA gravitational wave sources by looking for periodic signatures in objects with periods of less than 30 minutes. We are specifically targeting binary systems with orbital periods less than 60 minutes, containing two compact objects (either WD, NS, or BH systems), as these systems will emit gravitational waves in the LISA sensitivity band. Our goal is to significantly increase the number of known LISA verification binaries, as well as carefully characterize the systems we discover.
  • Required Data Products: Archival Lightcurves

A search for compact objects with ZTF

  • Lead: Draco Reed (adviser: Michael Coughlin); others involved: Kevin Burdge, Jan van Roestel, Tom Prince.
  • Abstract: The project aims to find and characterize compact objects with ZTF. In addition to Kevin's thesis project concentrating on white dwarf - white dwarf systems by period searching blue objects (as determined by PS1), we have also begun a search on Swift X-ray sources. From this latter search, we have already found a known helium dwarf nova, and are expanding the search now. We will characterize the systems found with KPED.
  • Required data products: archival lightcurves and statistics

Postdoc projects


Searches for counterparts to Fermi unassociated sources

  • People involved: Amruta Jaodand, Michael Coughlin, Megan Jones, David Kaplan, Tom Prince, Eric Bellm, Kevin Burdge,
  • Abstract: Many Fermi gamma-ray sources have turned out to be millisecond pulsar binaries, many of them rare black widow/redback/huntsman systems. To identify new candidates we are period searching ZTF data in Fermi error circles as well as cross-correlating other X-ray and radio catalogs and performing RV followup.
  • Required Data Products: matchfile lightcurves

White dwarf with transiting debris

  • Lead: Zach VanderBosch
  • Abstract:
  • Required Data Products: Archival Lightcurves

LISA Gravitational Wave Sources in ZTF

  • Lead: Kevin Burdge
  • Abstract: Using ZTF lightcurves, we can systematically search for LISA gravitational wave sources by looking for periodic signatures in objects with periods of less than 30 minutes. We are specifically targeting binary systems with orbital periods less than 60 minutes, containing two compact objects (either WD, NS, or BH systems), as these systems will emit gravitational waves in the LISA sensitivity band. Our goal is to significantly increase the number of known LISA verification binaries, as well as carefully characterize the systems we discover.
  • Required Data Products: Archival Lightcurves

The population of short period hot subdwarfs/helium stars using ZTF lightcurves

  • Lead: Thomas Kupfer
  • Abstract: The project aims to find and characterize short period helium stars/sdB stars in ZTF, including binaries and pulsators. One goal is to discover and characterize hot subdwarf pulsators. The second goal is to find and characterize the population of short period sdB binaries mostly due to ellipsoidal modulation as well as the predicted semi-detached hot subdwarf binaries.
  • Required data products: Mostly archival lightcurves
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  • Abstract: The project aims to find and characterize short period helium stars/sdB stars in ZTF, including binaries and pulsators. One goal is to discover and characterize hot subdwarf pulsators. The second goal is to find and characterize the population of short period sdB binaries mostly due to ellipsoidal modulation as well as the predicted semi-detached hot subdwarf binaries.
  • Required data products: Mostly archival lightcurves

The population of eclipsing white dwarfs (dWD, WD+MS)


The population of eclipsing white dwarfs (dWD, WD+RD/BD)

  • Lead: Jan van Roestel; others involved: Kevin Burdge, Michael Coughlin, Keaton Bell, Thomas Kupfer.
  • Abstract: The project aims to find and characterize the population of periodic eclipsing white dwarf systems including; WD+RD systems (detached + accreting; aka period-bouncer CVs), long period AM CVn, `EL CVn' binaries (pre-He WD systems) and long period dWDs.
  • Required data products: archival lightcurves and statistics, (negative) alerts for fully eclipsing of WDs

A search for eclipsing planetisimals around white dwarfs

  • Keaton Bell, Matthew Graham
  • Abstract: A search for anything orbiting a white dwarf which causes irregular eclipses
  • Required data products: archival lightcurves and statistics, alerts for fully eclipsing of WDs

RR Lyrae Discovery in ALert Stream and Lightcurve ~ (photometric) metallicity Relation

  • Lead: V. Zach Golkhou
  • Abstract: We aim to create a general catalog of variable stars for ZTF alert database including RR Lyrae and annotate them with their estimated photometric metallicity.
  • Required data products: alert database lightcurves

AMCVn binaries

  • Lead: Jan van Roestel; others involved: Kevin Burdge, Thomas Kupfer, Tom Prince
  • Abstract: Use the ZTF alerts and archival data to systematically study the population of AM CVN systems. Search for deep eclipses using alerts to find eclipsing systems to characterize them in detail.
  • Required data products: archival lightcurves and statistics, alerts

Radial velocity followup of PS1 RR Lyrae

  • Lead: Judy Cohen, Nina Hernitschek
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  • People: Phillipson, Bellm
  • Abstract: We aim to characterize the temporal variability of potentially accreting sources in ZTF in order to identify new systems that may not be detectable by period searches or outbursts.
  • Required data products: Archival light curves

Microlensing events

  • People: Mroz, Rodriguez
  • Abstract: use ZTF to find microlensing events
  • Required data products: Archival light curves


Stellar flare occurance rates

  • Lead: Jim Davenport, with Eric Bellm & undergraduate Courtney Klein
  • Abstract: We are using HiCAPS continuous cadence lightcurves to identify stellar flares and measure the flare occurrence rate across the HR diagram
  • Required Data Products: matchfile lightcurves

RR Lyrae Discovery in ALert Stream and Lightcurve ~ (photometric) metallicity Relation

  • Lead: V. Zach Golkhou
  • Abstract: We aim to create a general catalog of variable stars for ZTF alert database including RR Lyrae and annotate them with their estimated photometric metallicity.
  • Required data products: alert database lightcurves

A search for eclipsing planetisimals around white dwarfs

  • Keaton Bell, Matthew Graham
  • Abstract: A search for anything orbiting a white dwarf which causes irregular eclipses
  • Required data products: archival lightcurves and statistics, alerts for fully eclipsing of WDs

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="poster.png" attr="" comment="UW AAS 235 Poster (draft)" date="1580238069" name="poster.png" path="poster.png" size="1352211" user="JamesDavenport" version="1"

Revision 492021-05-19 - EricBellm

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META TOPICPARENT name="VariableWorkingGroup"

GROWTH Marshal Science Programs & Corresponding Filters

Line: 16 to 16
  • Coordinated by Jan van Roestel (full list of people in google doc)
  • Abstract: We are making a general catalog of variable objects (stars, AGN). More details can be found here.
  • Required data products: archival lightcurves

(ML) Alert Stream Classification

  • Coordinated by V. Zach Golkhou
  • Abstract: We are making a general catalog of variable stars for ZTF alerts DB
  • Required data products: alert database lightcurves

Searches for state-changing X-ray binaries

  • Lead: Eric Bellm, grad student David Wang, Amruta Jaodand
  • Abstract: Accreting NS & BH X-ray binaries show outbursts and state transitions due to accretion disk instabilities. Many more of these systems are predicted to exist than are presently known, and optical variability provides a sensitive tool for identifying them. We are performing searches on several fronts: a) monitoring alerts from known XRBs to identify new outbursts as they happen b) performing generic searches for outbursts from cataloged X-ray sources in the alert stream and c) performing more sensitive variability searches in the matchfiles (along with Burdge, Coughlin, et al.)
  • Required Data Products: alerts, matchfile lightcurves

Searches for counterparts to Fermi unassociated sources

  • People involved: Eric Bellm, Kevin Burdge, Michael Coughlin, Amruta Jaodand, Megan Jones, David Kaplan, Tom Prince
  • People involved: Amruta Jaodand, Michael Coughlin, Megan Jones, David Kaplan, Tom Prince, Eric Bellm, Kevin Burdge,
  • Abstract: Many Fermi gamma-ray sources have turned out to be millisecond pulsar binaries, many of them rare black widow/redback/huntsman systems. To identify new candidates we are period searching ZTF data in Fermi error circles as well as cross-correlating other X-ray and radio catalogs and performing RV followup.
  • Required Data Products: matchfile lightcurves

Stellar flare occurance rates

Revision 482021-04-12 - EricBellm

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META TOPICPARENT name="VariableWorkingGroup"

GROWTH Marshal Science Programs & Corresponding Filters

Line: 21 to 21
  • Abstract: We are making a general catalog of variable stars for ZTF alerts DB
  • Required data products: alert database lightcurves

Searches for state-changing X-ray binaries

  • Lead: Eric Bellm, undergrad Rebecca Kyer, Amruta Jaodand
  • Lead: Eric Bellm, grad student David Wang, Amruta Jaodand
  • Abstract: Accreting NS & BH X-ray binaries show outbursts and state transitions due to accretion disk instabilities. Many more of these systems are predicted to exist than are presently known, and optical variability provides a sensitive tool for identifying them. We are performing searches on several fronts: a) monitoring alerts from known XRBs to identify new outbursts as they happen b) performing generic searches for outbursts from cataloged X-ray sources in the alert stream and c) performing more sensitive variability searches in the matchfiles (along with Burdge, Coughlin, et al.)
  • Required Data Products: alerts, matchfile lightcurves

Searches for counterparts to Fermi unassociated sources

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  • People: Suhail, Mroz
  • Abstract: Parallax measurements of Galactic Cepheids are one of three methods to anchor the Cepheid P-L for measuring distances to Type Ia supernova host galaxies. Recent calibration of the distance scale with Cepheid parallaxes use data from the Gaia DR2 (Riess et al. 2018b). The aim of our project is to understand the properties of the sample of Cepheids (50 in total) which have Gaia parallaxes and photometry from HST in R18b using ZTF data. Moreover, the ZTF data can provide an independent test of the criteria used in selecting Cepheids for distance scale studies.
  • Required data products: Archival light curves
-- ThomasKupfer - 10 Apr 2018
  • UW AAS 235 Poster (draft):

Stochastic Variability of Galactic XRBs

  • People: Phillipson, Bellm
  • Abstract: We aim to characterize the temporal variability of potentially accreting sources in ZTF in order to identify new systems that may not be detectable by period searches or outbursts.
  • Required data products: Archival light curves
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="poster.png" attr="" comment="UW AAS 235 Poster (draft)" date="1580238069" name="poster.png" path="poster.png" size="1352211" user="JamesDavenport" version="1"

Revision 472021-03-24 - ChowChoongNgeow

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META TOPICPARENT name="VariableWorkingGroup"

GROWTH Marshal Science Programs & Corresponding Filters

Line: 37 to 37
  • Lead: Chow-Choong Ngeow
  • Abstract: The main aim of this project is to calibrate the period-luminosity relations in ZTF gri-band using both RR Lyraes and contact binaries found in globular clusters (GC), as basic information for GC is already available in literature. This project is an extension of the GROWTH SURF 2018 Summer Research Program for Alison Duck (UMD).
  • Required Data Products: Archival Lightcurves, PSF catalogs
  • Status on March 2021: Paper on the PL relation for contact binaries in globular clusters has been submittted; Paper on the PL relation for RR Lyrae in globular clusters is in-progress.

Characterizing Cataclysmic Variables

  • Lead: Paula Szkody (UW), others involved: Isabel de Jesus Lima (UW grad visitor), Brooke Dicenzo (UW undergrad)
  • Abstract: We are using mainly the Growth Marshal to find and classify novae, dwarf novae and novalikes (SW Sex, polars, IPs) from light curves and followup spectral data, especially to compare number densities in and out of the galactic plane.
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Student Thesis projects

  • NCU -- Atharva Patil (advisor: Ngeow) Galactic Plane variable stars with ZTF [PhD thesis] -- using ZTF light curves cross-matched with PS1 and Gaia to characterize known variable stars in Galactic Plane (no classification)
  • NCU -- Vaidehi Varma (advisor: Ngeow) Identifying Blazhko RR Lyrae with ZTF [PhD thesis] -- using ZTF light curves to identfy Blazhko RR Lyrae
  • LBNL -- Michael Medford (advisor: Nugent): detection and characterization of microlensing events [PhD thesis]

LISA Gravitational Wave Sources in ZTF

Revision 462021-01-12 - MatthewGraham

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META TOPICPARENT name="VariableWorkingGroup"

GROWTH Marshal Science Programs & Corresponding Filters

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  Xrays sources watchlist (Bellm)
O'Connell binaries (Graham, Drake)

(ML) Classification of variable objects

  • Coordinated by Jan van Roestel (full list of people in google doc)

Revision 452020-10-28 - ChowChoongNgeow

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META TOPICPARENT name="VariableWorkingGroup"

GROWTH Marshal Science Programs & Corresponding Filters

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  • Lead: Jim Davenport, with Eric Bellm & undergraduate Courtney Klein
  • Abstract: We are using HiCAPS continuous cadence lightcurves to identify stellar flares and measure the flare occurrence rate across the HR diagram
  • Required Data Products: matchfile lightcurves

Calibration of RR Lyrae period-luminosity relations using ZTF observed globular clusters


Calibration of period-luminosity relations using ZTF observed globular clusters

  • Lead: Chow-Choong Ngeow
  • Abstract: The main aim of this project is to calibrate the period-luminosity relations in ZTF gri-band using RR Lyraes found in globular clusters (GC), as basic information for GC is already available in literature. This project is an extension of the GROWTH SURF 2018 Summer Research Program for Alison Duck (UMD).
  • Abstract: The main aim of this project is to calibrate the period-luminosity relations in ZTF gri-band using both RR Lyraes and contact binaries found in globular clusters (GC), as basic information for GC is already available in literature. This project is an extension of the GROWTH SURF 2018 Summer Research Program for Alison Duck (UMD).
  • Required Data Products: Archival Lightcurves, PSF catalogs

Characterizing Cataclysmic Variables

  • Lead: Paula Szkody (UW), others involved: Isabel de Jesus Lima (UW grad visitor), Brooke Dicenzo (UW undergrad)
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Student Thesis projects

  • NCU -- Vaidehi Varma (advisor: Ngeow) Investigation of Blazhko RR Lyrae with ZTF Light Curves [PhD thesis]
  • NCU -- Atharva Patil (advisor: Ngeow) Galactic Plane variable stars with ZTF [PhD thesis]
  • NCU -- Atharva Patil (advisor: Ngeow) Galactic Plane variable stars with ZTF [PhD thesis] -- using ZTF light curves cross-matched with PS1 and Gaia to characterize known variable stars in Galactic Plane (no classification)
  • LBNL -- Michael Medford (advisor: Nugent): detection and characterization of microlensing events [PhD thesis]

LISA Gravitational Wave Sources in ZTF

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  • Lead: Judy Cohen, Nina Hernitschek
  • Abstract: We are using ZTF data to verify the periods and zero-phases for the sample of about 500 RR Lyr in the outer halo of the Milky Way for which we have radial velocities at one specific date. The sample is from the PS1 RR Lyr catalog, and we use their phasing parameters, but worry that over the interval between when the PS1 imaging was done and the present (almost a decade now) if the PS1 parameters are very slightly off, the prediction for the current phases will be wrong, and our correction from observed radial velocity on date X to the systemic radial velocity of the star will not be correct.
  • Required data products: alert database lightcurves

Be stars Variability

  • Lead: Chandler Lee; others involved: Chow-Choong Ngeow, Po-Chieh Yu
  • Abstract: This project aimed to study and characterize variability of Be stars using ZTF (and some archival data such as ASAS-SN), mainly aimed for faint Be stars, with various time-scales.
  • Required data products: PSF catalogs, and archival light curves
  • NCU -- Chandler Lee for Be stars variability

Searching and Characterising Pulsar Binaries

  • Lead: Amruta Jaodand (Caltech) others involved: Tom Prince, Kevin Brudge, Michael Coughlin, Ashish Mahabal, Eric Bellm et al
  • Abstract: Using periodicity searches, ML to find interesting pulsar bianry candidates which could be vetted with multi-wavelength (specifically X-ray) follow ups. Intial part of the porject focussed on knpwn redback, black widows to characterise the search pipeline.
    We are also monitoring the known systems for any state changes and watching out for correlations with other all sky surveys. A part of the project may involves cross-corraltion with Fermi catalog.

Revision 442020-10-28 - AmrutaJaodand

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GROWTH Marshal Science Programs & Corresponding Filters

Line: 40 to 40
  • Lead: Paula Szkody (UW), others involved: Isabel de Jesus Lima (UW grad visitor), Brooke Dicenzo (UW undergrad)
  • Abstract: We are using mainly the Growth Marshal to find and classify novae, dwarf novae and novalikes (SW Sex, polars, IPs) from light curves and followup spectral data, especially to compare number densities in and out of the galactic plane.
  • Required Data Products: archival light curves

Searching and Characterising Pulsar Binaries

  • Lead: Amruta Jaodand (Caltech) others involved: Tom Prince, Kevin Brudge, Michael Coughlin, Ashish Mahabal, Eric Bellm et al
  • Abstract: Using periodicity searches, ML to find interesting pulsar bianry candidates which could be vetted with multi-wavelength (specifically X-ray) follow ups. Intial part of the porject focussed on knpwn redback, black widows to characterise the search pipeline.
    We are also monitoring the known systems for any state changes and watching out for correlations with other all sky surveys. A part of the project may involves cross-corraltion with Fermi catalog.
  • Required Data Products: Folded light curves, long term lightcurves

Searching for Boyajian's Star Analogs

  • People involved: Jim Davenport, Kyle Boone, Meredith Rawls, Eric Bellm, Brigitta Sipocz, Keaton Bell, Colin Slater, Daniela Huppenkothen, Bryce Kalmbach, and any other DIRAC Time Domain Group members
  • Abstract: We are searching ZTF light curves for infrequent short-term variability ("dips") similar to Boyajian's Star. This unique F star was observed by Kepler to exhibit dips as well as a long-term gradual decrease in brightness, and the physical origin of variability is not understood. Our work is online at https://github.com/dirac-institute/ZTF_Boyajian.
Line: 100 to 94
  • Abstract: This project aimed to study and characterize variability of Be stars using ZTF (and some archival data such as ASAS-SN), mainly aimed for faint Be stars, with various time-scales.
  • Required data products: PSF catalogs, and archival light curves
  • NCU -- Chandler Lee for Be stars variability

Searching and Characterising Pulsar Binaries

  • Lead: Amruta Jaodand (Caltech) others involved: Tom Prince, Kevin Brudge, Michael Coughlin, Ashish Mahabal, Eric Bellm et al
  • Abstract: Using periodicity searches, ML to find interesting pulsar bianry candidates which could be vetted with multi-wavelength (specifically X-ray) follow ups. Intial part of the porject focussed on knpwn redback, black widows to characterise the search pipeline.
    We are also monitoring the known systems for any state changes and watching out for correlations with other all sky surveys. A part of the project may involves cross-corraltion with Fermi catalog.
  • Required Data Products: Folded light curves, long term lightcurves


  • People: Suhail, Mroz
  • Abstract: Parallax measurements of Galactic Cepheids are one of three methods to anchor the Cepheid P-L for measuring distances to Type Ia supernova host galaxies. Recent calibration of the distance scale with Cepheid parallaxes use data from the Gaia DR2 (Riess et al. 2018b). The aim of our project is to understand the properties of the sample of Cepheids (50 in total) which have Gaia parallaxes and photometry from HST in R18b using ZTF data. Moreover, the ZTF data can provide an independent test of the criteria used in selecting Cepheids for distance scale studies.

Revision 432020-10-23 - MichaelCoughlin

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GROWTH Marshal Science Programs & Corresponding Filters

Line: 63 to 63
  • Abstract: Using ZTF lightcurves, we can systematically search for LISA gravitational wave sources by looking for periodic signatures in objects with periods of less than 30 minutes. We are specifically targeting binary systems with orbital periods less than 60 minutes, containing two compact objects (either WD, NS, or BH systems), as these systems will emit gravitational waves in the LISA sensitivity band. Our goal is to significantly increase the number of known LISA verification binaries, as well as carefully characterize the systems we discover.
  • Required Data Products: Archival Lightcurves

A search for compact objects with ZTF

  • Lead: Draco Reed (adviser: Michael Coughlin); others involved: Kevin Burdge, Jan van Roestel, Tom Prince.
  • Abstract: The project aims to find and characterize compact objects with ZTF. In addition to Kevin's thesis project concentrating on white dwarf - white dwarf systems by period searching blue objects (as determined by PS1), we have also begun a search on Swift X-ray sources. From this latter search, we have already found a known helium dwarf nova, and are expanding the search now. We will characterize the systems found with KPED.
  • Required data products: archival lightcurves and statistics

Postdoc projects

The population of short period hot subdwarfs/helium stars using ZTF lightcurves

Line: 80 to 85
  • Keaton Bell, Matthew Graham
  • Abstract: A search for anything orbiting a white dwarf which causes irregular eclipses
  • Required data products: archival lightcurves and statistics, alerts for fully eclipsing of WDs

A search for compact objects with ZTF

  • Lead: Michael Coughlin; others involved: Kevin Burdge, Jan van Roestel.
  • Abstract: The project aims to find and characterize compact objects with ZTF. In addition to Kevin's thesis project concentrating on white dwarf - white dwarf systems by period searching blue objects (as determined by PS1), we have also begun a search on Swift X-ray sources. From this latter search, we have already found a known helium dwarf nova, and are expanding the search now. We will characterize the systems found with KPED.
  • Required data products: archival lightcurves and statistics

RR Lyrae Discovery in ALert Stream and Lightcurve ~ (photometric) metallicity Relation

  • Lead: V. Zach Golkhou
  • Abstract: We aim to create a general catalog of variable stars for ZTF alert database including RR Lyrae and annotate them with their estimated photometric metallicity.

Revision 422020-08-08 - KevinBurdge

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GROWTH Marshal Science Programs & Corresponding Filters

Line: 60 to 60

LISA Gravitational Wave Sources in ZTF

  • Lead: Kevin Burdge (advisor: Prince)
  • Abstract: Using ZTF lightcurves, we can systematically search for LISA gravitational wave sources by looking for periodic signatures in objects with periods of less than 30 minutes. We are specifically targeting binary systems with orbital periods less than 30 minutes, containing two compact objects (either WD, NS, or BH systems), as these systems will emit gravitational waves in the LISA sensitivity band. Our goal is to significantly increase the number of known LISA verification binaries, as well as carefully characterize the systems we discover.
  • Abstract: Using ZTF lightcurves, we can systematically search for LISA gravitational wave sources by looking for periodic signatures in objects with periods of less than 30 minutes. We are specifically targeting binary systems with orbital periods less than 60 minutes, containing two compact objects (either WD, NS, or BH systems), as these systems will emit gravitational waves in the LISA sensitivity band. Our goal is to significantly increase the number of known LISA verification binaries, as well as carefully characterize the systems we discover.
  • Required Data Products: Archival Lightcurves

Postdoc projects

Revision 412020-07-02 - AmrutaJaodand

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GROWTH Marshal Science Programs & Corresponding Filters

Line: 41 to 41
  • Abstract: We are using mainly the Growth Marshal to find and classify novae, dwarf novae and novalikes (SW Sex, polars, IPs) from light curves and followup spectral data, especially to compare number densities in and out of the galactic plane.
  • Required Data Products: archival light curves

Searching and Characterising Pulsar Binaries

  • Lead: Amruta Jaodand (Caltech) others involved: Tom Prince, Kevin Brudge, Michael Coughlin, Ashish Mahabal, Eric Bellm et al
  • Abstract: Using periodicity searches, ML to find interesting pulsar bianry candidates which could be vetted with multi-wavelength (specifically X-ray) follow ups. Intial part of the porject focussed on knpwn redback, black widows to characterise the search pipeline.
    We are also monitoring the known systems for any state changes and watching out for correlations with other all sky surveys. A part of the project may involves cross-corraltion with Fermi catalog.
  • Required Data Products: Folded light curves, long term lightcurves

Searching for Boyajian's Star Analogs

  • People involved: Jim Davenport, Kyle Boone, Meredith Rawls, Eric Bellm, Brigitta Sipocz, Keaton Bell, Colin Slater, Daniela Huppenkothen, Bryce Kalmbach, and any other DIRAC Time Domain Group members
  • Abstract: We are searching ZTF light curves for infrequent short-term variability ("dips") similar to Boyajian's Star. This unique F star was observed by Kepler to exhibit dips as well as a long-term gradual decrease in brightness, and the physical origin of variability is not understood. Our work is online at https://github.com/dirac-institute/ZTF_Boyajian.

Revision 402020-04-09 - JanVanRoestel

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GROWTH Marshal Science Programs & Corresponding Filters

Line: 97 to 97
  • Required data products: PSF catalogs, and archival light curves
  • NCU -- Chandler Lee for Be stars variability


  • People: Suhail, Mroz
  • Abstract: Parallax measurements of Galactic Cepheids are one of three methods to anchor the Cepheid P-L for measuring distances to Type Ia supernova host galaxies. Recent calibration of the distance scale with Cepheid parallaxes use data from the Gaia DR2 (Riess et al. 2018b). The aim of our project is to understand the properties of the sample of Cepheids (50 in total) which have Gaia parallaxes and photometry from HST in R18b using ZTF data. Moreover, the ZTF data can provide an independent test of the criteria used in selecting Cepheids for distance scale studies.
  • Required data products: Archival light curves
 -- ThomasKupfer - 10 Apr 2018
  • UW AAS 235 Poster (draft):
  • UW AAS 235 Poster (draft):
META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="poster.png" attr="" comment="UW AAS 235 Poster (draft)" date="1580238069" name="poster.png" path="poster.png" size="1352211" user="JamesDavenport" version="1"

Revision 392020-01-28 - JamesDavenport

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GROWTH Marshal Science Programs & Corresponding Filters

Line: 98 to 98

-- ThomasKupfer - 10 Apr 2018

  • UW AAS 235 Poster (draft):

META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="poster.png" attr="" comment="UW AAS 235 Poster (draft)" date="1580238069" name="poster.png" path="poster.png" size="1352211" user="JamesDavenport" version="1"

Revision 382019-12-04 - MeredithRawls2

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META TOPICPARENT name="VariableWorkingGroup"

GROWTH Marshal Science Programs & Corresponding Filters

Line: 41 to 41
  • Abstract: We are using mainly the Growth Marshal to find and classify novae, dwarf novae and novalikes (SW Sex, polars, IPs) from light curves and followup spectral data, especially to compare number densities in and out of the galactic plane.
  • Required Data Products: archival light curves

Searching for Boyajian's Star Analogs

  • People involved: Jim Davenport, Kyle Boone, Meredith Rawls, Eric Bellm, Brigitta Sipocz, Keaton Bell, Colin Slater, Daniela Huppenkothen, Bryce Kalmbach, and any other DIRAC Time Domain Group members
  • Abstract: We are searching ZTF light curves for infrequent short-term variability ("dips") similar to Boyajian's Star. This unique F star was observed by Kepler to exhibit dips as well as a long-term gradual decrease in brightness, and the physical origin of variability is not understood. Our work is online at https://github.com/dirac-institute/ZTF_Boyajian.
  • Required Data Products: matchfile lightcurves

Student Thesis projects

  • NCU -- Vaidehi Varma (advisor: Ngeow) Investigation of Blazhko RR Lyrae with ZTF Light Curves [PhD thesis]

Revision 372019-11-29 - ChowChoongNgeow

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GROWTH Marshal Science Programs & Corresponding Filters

Line: 43 to 43

Student Thesis projects

  • NCU -- Vaidehi Varma (advisor: Ngeow) for Search and Characterize RR Lyrae in ZTF [PhD thesis]
  • NCU -- Vaidehi Varma (advisor: Ngeow) Investigation of Blazhko RR Lyrae with ZTF Light Curves [PhD thesis]
  • NCU -- Atharva Patil (advisor: Ngeow) Galactic Plane variable stars with ZTF [PhD thesis]
  • NCU -- Lin-Lin Teng (advisor: Wing Ip) Variability of T Tauri stars [Master thesis]
  • LBNL -- Michael Medford (advisor: Nugent): detection and characterization of microlensing events [PhD thesis]

LISA Gravitational Wave Sources in ZTF

Revision 362019-11-22 - JanVanRoestel

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GROWTH Marshal Science Programs & Corresponding Filters

Line: 63 to 63
  • Required data products: Mostly archival lightcurves

The population of eclipsing white dwarfs (dWD, WD+MS)

  • Lead: Jan van Roestel; others involved: Keaton Bell, Thomas Kupfer.
  • Abstract: The project aims to find and characterize the population of eclipsing white dwarf systems including; WD+RD systems, `EL CVn' binaries (pre-He WD systems), and any white dwarf with comets, debris, and planets around them. We will use ZTF lightcurves to search for eclipsing systems.
  • Required data products: archival lightcurves and statistics, alerts for fully eclipsing of WDs
  • Lead: Jan van Roestel; others involved: Kevin Burdge, Michael Coughlin, Keaton Bell, Thomas Kupfer.
  • Abstract: The project aims to find and characterize the population of periodic eclipsing white dwarf systems including; WD+RD systems (detached + accreting; aka period-bouncer CVs), long period AM CVn, `EL CVn' binaries (pre-He WD systems) and long period dWDs.
  • Required data products: archival lightcurves and statistics, (negative) alerts for fully eclipsing of WDs

A search for eclipsing planetisimals around white dwarfs

  • Keaton Bell, Matthew Graham

Revision 352019-09-26 - JanVanRoestel

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META TOPICPARENT name="VariableWorkingGroup"

GROWTH Marshal Science Programs & Corresponding Filters

Line: 24 to 24
  • Abstract: Accreting NS & BH X-ray binaries show outbursts and state transitions due to accretion disk instabilities. Many more of these systems are predicted to exist than are presently known, and optical variability provides a sensitive tool for identifying them. We are performing searches on several fronts: a) monitoring alerts from known XRBs to identify new outbursts as they happen b) performing generic searches for outbursts from cataloged X-ray sources in the alert stream and c) performing more sensitive variability searches in the matchfiles (along with Burdge, Coughlin, et al.)
  • Required Data Products: alerts, matchfile lightcurves

Searches for counterparts to Fermi unassociated sources

  • Lead: ? People involved: David Kaplan, Tom Prince, Eric Bellm, Kevin Burdge, Michael Coughlin, ... (?)
  • People involved: Eric Bellm, Kevin Burdge, Michael Coughlin, Amruta Jaodand, Megan Jones, David Kaplan, Tom Prince
  • Abstract: Many Fermi gamma-ray sources have turned out to be millisecond pulsar binaries, many of them rare black widow/redback/huntsman systems. To identify new candidates we are period searching ZTF data in Fermi error circles as well as cross-correlating other X-ray and radio catalogs and performing RV followup.
  • Required Data Products: matchfile lightcurves

Stellar flare occurance rates

Revision 342019-09-18 - EricBellm

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META TOPICPARENT name="VariableWorkingGroup"

GROWTH Marshal Science Programs & Corresponding Filters

Line: 20 to 20
  • Abstract: We are making a general catalog of variable stars for ZTF alerts DB
  • Required data products: alert database lightcurves

Searches for state-changing X-ray binaries

  • Lead: Eric Bellm, undergrad Rebecca Kyer
  • Lead: Eric Bellm, undergrad Rebecca Kyer, Amruta Jaodand
  • Abstract: Accreting NS & BH X-ray binaries show outbursts and state transitions due to accretion disk instabilities. Many more of these systems are predicted to exist than are presently known, and optical variability provides a sensitive tool for identifying them. We are performing searches on several fronts: a) monitoring alerts from known XRBs to identify new outbursts as they happen b) performing generic searches for outbursts from cataloged X-ray sources in the alert stream and c) performing more sensitive variability searches in the matchfiles (along with Burdge, Coughlin, et al.)
  • Required Data Products: alerts, matchfile lightcurves

Searches for counterparts to Fermi unassociated sources

Revision 332019-09-17 - JanVanRoestel

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GROWTH Marshal Science Programs & Corresponding Filters

Line: 83 to 84
  • Abstract: We aim to create a general catalog of variable stars for ZTF alert database including RR Lyrae and annotate them with their estimated photometric metallicity.
  • Required data products: alert database lightcurves

Radial velocity followup of PS1 RR Lyrae

  • Lead: Judy Cohen, Nina Hernitschek
  • Abstract: We are using ZTF data to verify the periods and zero-phases for the sample of about 500 RR Lyr in the outer halo of the Milky Way for which we have radial velocities at one specific date. The sample is from the PS1 RR Lyr catalog, and we use their phasing parameters, but worry that over the interval between when the PS1 imaging was done and the present (almost a decade now) if the PS1 parameters are very slightly off, the prediction for the current phases will be wrong, and our correction from observed radial velocity on date X to the systemic radial velocity of the star will not be correct.
  • Required data products: alert database lightcurves

Be stars Variability

  • Lead: Chandler Lee; others involved: Chow-Choong Ngeow, Po-Chieh Yu
  • Abstract: This project aimed to study and characterize variability of Be stars using ZTF (and some archival data such as ASAS-SN), mainly aimed for faint Be stars, with various time-scales.

Revision 322019-09-13 - ZachGolkhou

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META TOPICPARENT name="VariableWorkingGroup"

GROWTH Marshal Science Programs & Corresponding Filters

Line: 15 to 15
  • Coordinated by Jan van Roestel (full list of people in google doc)
  • Abstract: We are making a general catalog of variable objects (stars, AGN). More details can be found here.
  • Required data products: archival lightcurves

(ML) Alert Stream Classification

  • Coordinated by V. Zach Golkhou
  • Abstract: We are making a general catalog of variable stars for ZTF alerts DB
  • Required data products: alert database lightcurves

Searches for state-changing X-ray binaries

  • Lead: Eric Bellm, undergrad Rebecca Kyer
  • Abstract: Accreting NS & BH X-ray binaries show outbursts and state transitions due to accretion disk instabilities. Many more of these systems are predicted to exist than are presently known, and optical variability provides a sensitive tool for identifying them. We are performing searches on several fronts: a) monitoring alerts from known XRBs to identify new outbursts as they happen b) performing generic searches for outbursts from cataloged X-ray sources in the alert stream and c) performing more sensitive variability searches in the matchfiles (along with Burdge, Coughlin, et al.)
Line: 74 to 78
  • Abstract: The project aims to find and characterize compact objects with ZTF. In addition to Kevin's thesis project concentrating on white dwarf - white dwarf systems by period searching blue objects (as determined by PS1), we have also begun a search on Swift X-ray sources. From this latter search, we have already found a known helium dwarf nova, and are expanding the search now. We will characterize the systems found with KPED.
  • Required data products: archival lightcurves and statistics

RR lyrae period-metallicity

  • Lead: Zach et al.
  • Abstract: RR lyrae period-metallicity
  • Required data products:

RR Lyrae Discovery in ALert Stream and Lightcurve ~ (photometric) metallicity Relation

  • Lead: V. Zach Golkhou
  • Abstract: We aim to create a general catalog of variable stars for ZTF alert database including RR Lyrae and annotate them with their estimated photometric metallicity.
  • Required data products: alert database lightcurves

Be stars Variability

  • Lead: Chandler Lee; others involved: Chow-Choong Ngeow, Po-Chieh Yu

Revision 312019-09-13 - MichaelMedford

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GROWTH Marshal Science Programs & Corresponding Filters

Line: 42 to 42
  • NCU -- Vaidehi Varma (advisor: Ngeow) for Search and Characterize RR Lyrae in ZTF [PhD thesis]
  • NCU -- Atharva Patil (advisor: Ngeow) Galactic Plane variable stars with ZTF [PhD thesis]
  • NCU -- Lin-Lin Teng (advisor: Wing Ip) Variability of T Tauri stars [Master thesis]
  • LBNL -- Michael Medford (advisor: Nugent): detection and characterization of microlensing events
  • LBNL -- Michael Medford (advisor: Nugent): detection and characterization of microlensing events [PhD thesis]

LISA Gravitational Wave Sources in ZTF

Revision 302019-09-13 - EricBellm

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GROWTH Marshal Science Programs & Corresponding Filters

Line: 10 to 10
  Xrays sources watchlist (Bellm)

General projects/Group projects

  • UW -- Eric Bellm (+ grad student?): searches for state-changing X-ray binaries

  • UW -- Courtney Klein [advisors: Eric Bellm, Jim Davenport]: stellar flare occurrence rates

  • Fermi binary search (Kaplan/Bellm/Coughlin +...)

(ML) Classification of variable objects

  • Coordinated by Jan van Roestel (full list of people in google doc)
  • Abstract: We are making a general catalog of variable objects (stars, AGN). More details can be found here.
  • Required data products: archival lightcurves

Searches for state-changing X-ray binaries

  • Lead: Eric Bellm, undergrad Rebecca Kyer
  • Abstract: Accreting NS & BH X-ray binaries show outbursts and state transitions due to accretion disk instabilities. Many more of these systems are predicted to exist than are presently known, and optical variability provides a sensitive tool for identifying them. We are performing searches on several fronts: a) monitoring alerts from known XRBs to identify new outbursts as they happen b) performing generic searches for outbursts from cataloged X-ray sources in the alert stream and c) performing more sensitive variability searches in the matchfiles (along with Burdge, Coughlin, et al.)
  • Required Data Products: alerts, matchfile lightcurves

Searches for counterparts to Fermi unassociated sources

  • Lead: ? People involved: David Kaplan, Tom Prince, Eric Bellm, Kevin Burdge, Michael Coughlin, ... (?)
  • Abstract: Many Fermi gamma-ray sources have turned out to be millisecond pulsar binaries, many of them rare black widow/redback/huntsman systems. To identify new candidates we are period searching ZTF data in Fermi error circles as well as cross-correlating other X-ray and radio catalogs and performing RV followup.
  • Required Data Products: matchfile lightcurves

Stellar flare occurance rates

  • Lead: Jim Davenport, with Eric Bellm & undergraduate Courtney Klein
  • Abstract: We are using HiCAPS continuous cadence lightcurves to identify stellar flares and measure the flare occurrence rate across the HR diagram
  • Required Data Products: matchfile lightcurves

Calibration of RR Lyrae period-luminosity relations using ZTF observed globular clusters

  • Lead: Chow-Choong Ngeow

Revision 292019-09-06 - JanVanRoestel

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GROWTH Marshal Science Programs & Corresponding Filters


GROWTH Marshal Science Programs & Corresponding Filters

  Young stellar objects (Hillenbrand/Kuhn)
Line: 10 to 10
  Xrays sources watchlist (Bellm)

General projects


General projects/Group projects

  • UW -- Eric Bellm (+ grad student?): searches for state-changing X-ray binaries
  • UW -- Courtney Klein [advisors: Eric Bellm, Jim Davenport]: stellar flare occurrence rates
  • Fermi binary search (Kaplan/Bellm + ...)

(ML) Classification of variable objects

  • Fermi binary search (Kaplan/Bellm/Coughlin +...)

(ML) Classification of variable objects

  • Coordinated by Jan van Roestel (full list of people in google doc)
  • Abstract: We are making a general catalog of variable objects (stars, AGN). More details can be found here.
  • Required data products: archival lightcurves

Calibration of RR Lyrae period-luminosity relations using ZTF observed globular clusters


Calibration of RR Lyrae period-luminosity relations using ZTF observed globular clusters

  • Lead: Chow-Choong Ngeow
  • Abstract: The main aim of this project is to calibrate the period-luminosity relations in ZTF gri-band using RR Lyraes found in globular clusters (GC), as basic information for GC is already available in literature. This project is an extension of the GROWTH SURF 2018 Summer Research Program for Alison Duck (UMD).
  • Required Data Products: Archival Lightcurves, PSF catalogs

Characterizing Cataclysmic Variables


Characterizing Cataclysmic Variables

  • Lead: Paula Szkody (UW), others involved: Isabel de Jesus Lima (UW grad visitor), Brooke Dicenzo (UW undergrad)
  • Abstract: We are using mainly the Growth Marshal to find and classify novae, dwarf novae and novalikes (SW Sex, polars, IPs) from light curves and followup spectral data, especially to compare number densities in and out of the galactic plane.
  • Required Data Products: archival light curves

Thesis projects


Student Thesis projects

  • NCU -- Vaidehi Varma (advisor: Ngeow) for Search and Characterize RR Lyrae in ZTF [PhD thesis]
  • NCU -- Atharva Patil (advisor: Ngeow) Galactic Plane variable stars with ZTF [PhD thesis]
  • NCU -- Lin-Lin Teng (advisor: Wing Ip) Variability of T Tauri stars [Master thesis]
  • LBNL -- Michael Medford (advisor: Nugent): detection and characterization of microlensing events

LISA Gravitational Wave Sources in ZTF


LISA Gravitational Wave Sources in ZTF

  • Lead: Kevin Burdge (advisor: Prince)
  • Abstract: Using ZTF lightcurves, we can systematically search for LISA gravitational wave sources by looking for periodic signatures in objects with periods of less than 30 minutes. We are specifically targeting binary systems with orbital periods less than 30 minutes, containing two compact objects (either WD, NS, or BH systems), as these systems will emit gravitational waves in the LISA sensitivity band. Our goal is to significantly increase the number of known LISA verification binaries, as well as carefully characterize the systems we discover.
  • Required Data Products: Archival Lightcurves

Postdoc projects


Postdoc projects


The population of short period hot subdwarfs/helium stars using ZTF lightcurves


The population of short period hot subdwarfs/helium stars using ZTF lightcurves

  • Lead: Thomas Kupfer
  • Abstract: The project aims to find and characterize short period helium stars/sdB stars in ZTF, including binaries and pulsators. One goal is to discover and characterize hot subdwarf pulsators. The second goal is to find and characterize the population of short period sdB binaries mostly due to ellipsoidal modulation as well as the predicted semi-detached hot subdwarf binaries.
  • Required data products: Mostly archival lightcurves

The population of eclipsing white dwarf - main sequence/planet(isimals)


The population of eclipsing white dwarfs (dWD, WD+MS)

  • Lead: Jan van Roestel; others involved: Keaton Bell, Thomas Kupfer.
  • Abstract: The project aims to find and characterize the population of eclipsing white dwarf systems including; WD+RD systems, `EL CVn' binaries (pre-He WD systems), and any white dwarf with comets, debris, and planets around them. We will use ZTF lightcurves to search for eclipsing systems.
  • Required data products: archival lightcurves and statistics, alerts for fully eclipsing of WDs

A search for compact objects with ZTF


A search for eclipsing planetisimals around white dwarfs

  • Keaton Bell, Matthew Graham
  • Abstract: A search for anything orbiting a white dwarf which causes irregular eclipses
  • Required data products: archival lightcurves and statistics, alerts for fully eclipsing of WDs

A search for compact objects with ZTF

  • Lead: Michael Coughlin; others involved: Kevin Burdge, Jan van Roestel.
  • Abstract: The project aims to find and characterize compact objects with ZTF. In addition to Kevin's thesis project concentrating on white dwarf - white dwarf systems by period searching blue objects (as determined by PS1), we have also begun a search on Swift X-ray sources. From this latter search, we have already found a known helium dwarf nova, and are expanding the search now. We will characterize the systems found with KPED.
  • Required data products: archival lightcurves and statistics

Be stars Variability


RR lyrae period-metallicity

  • Lead: Zach et al.
  • Abstract: RR lyrae period-metallicity
  • Required data products:

Be stars Variability

  • Lead: Chandler Lee; others involved: Chow-Choong Ngeow, Po-Chieh Yu
  • Abstract: This project aimed to study and characterize variability of Be stars using ZTF (and some archival data such as ASAS-SN), mainly aimed for faint Be stars, with various time-scales.
  • Required data products: PSF catalogs, and archival light curves

Revision 282019-09-06 - JanVanRoestel

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GROWTH Marshal Science Programs & Corresponding Filters

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  M31 (Kupfer/Prince)
Xrays sources watchlist (Bellm)

General projects

  • UW -- Eric Bellm (+ grad student?): searches for state-changing X-ray binaries

Revision 272019-05-15 - JanVanRoestel

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GROWTH Marshal Science Programs & Corresponding Filters

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  • UW -- Eric Bellm (+ grad student?): searches for state-changing X-ray binaries
  • UW -- Courtney Klein [advisors: Eric Bellm, Jim Davenport]: stellar flare occurrence rates
  • Fermi binary search (Kaplan/Bellm + ...)

(ML) Classification of variable stars


(ML) Classification of variable objects

  • People involved: Jan van Roestel (CIT), Ashish Mahabal (CIT), Matthew Graham (CIT), Daniela Huppenkothen (UW), Leah Fulmer (UW), Eric Bellm (UW),David Levitan (Microsoft)
  • Abstract: A general analysis and classification of the ZTF variable stars is very benificial to many in this working group. This project involves; period searching all stars, calculating lightcurve statistics and matching with other catalogs (e.g. PS, Gaia), training and validating a ML classifier. The goal is to do a general purpose classification of all variables. More details can be found here.
  • Coordinated by Jan van Roestel (full list of people in google doc)
  • Abstract: We are making a general catalog of variable objects (stars, AGN). More details can be found here.
  • Required data products: archival lightcurves

Calibration of RR Lyrae period-luminosity relations using ZTF observed globular clusters

Revision 262019-02-07 - PaulaSzkody

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Line: 24 to 24
  • Lead: Chow-Choong Ngeow
  • Abstract: The main aim of this project is to calibrate the period-luminosity relations in ZTF gri-band using RR Lyraes found in globular clusters (GC), as basic information for GC is already available in literature. This project is an extension of the GROWTH SURF 2018 Summer Research Program for Alison Duck (UMD).
  • Required Data Products: Archival Lightcurves, PSF catalogs

Characterizing Cataclysmic Variables

  • Lead: Paula Szkody (UW), others involved: Isabel de Jesus Lima (UW grad visitor), Brooke Dicenzo (UW undergrad)
  • Abstract: We are using mainly the Growth Marshal to find and classify novae, dwarf novae and novalikes (SW Sex, polars, IPs) from light curves and followup spectral data, especially to compare number densities in and out of the galactic plane.
  • Required Data Products: archival light curves

Thesis projects

  • NCU -- Vaidehi Varma (advisor: Ngeow) for Search and Characterize RR Lyrae in ZTF [PhD thesis]

Revision 252019-02-01 - EricBellm

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Line: 15 to 15
  • Fermi binary search (Kaplan/Bellm + ...)

(ML) Classification of variable stars

  • People involved: Jan van Roestel (CIT), Ashish Mahabal (CIT), Matthew Graham (CIT), Eric Bellm (UW), Daniela Huppenkothen (UW), David Levitan (Microsoft)
  • People involved: Jan van Roestel (CIT), Ashish Mahabal (CIT), Matthew Graham (CIT), Daniela Huppenkothen (UW), Leah Fulmer (UW), Eric Bellm (UW),David Levitan (Microsoft)
  • Abstract: A general analysis and classification of the ZTF variable stars is very benificial to many in this working group. This project involves; period searching all stars, calculating lightcurve statistics and matching with other catalogs (e.g. PS, Gaia), training and validating a ML classifier. The goal is to do a general purpose classification of all variables. More details can be found here.
  • Required data products: archival lightcurves

Revision 242019-01-29 - ChowChoongNgeow

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Line: 19 to 19
  • Abstract: A general analysis and classification of the ZTF variable stars is very benificial to many in this working group. This project involves; period searching all stars, calculating lightcurve statistics and matching with other catalogs (e.g. PS, Gaia), training and validating a ML classifier. The goal is to do a general purpose classification of all variables. More details can be found here.
  • Required data products: archival lightcurves

Calibration of RR Lyrae period-luminosity relations using ZTF observed globular clusters

  • Lead: Chow-Choong Ngeow
  • Abstract: The main aim of this project is to calibrate the period-luminosity relations in ZTF gri-band using RR Lyraes found in globular clusters (GC), as basic information for GC is already available in literature. This project is an extension of the GROWTH SURF 2018 Summer Research Program for Alison Duck (UMD).
  • Required Data Products: Archival Lightcurves, PSF catalogs

Thesis projects

  • NCU -- Vaidehi Varma (advisor: Ngeow) for Search and Characterize RR Lyrae in ZTF [PhD thesis]
Line: 51 to 57
  • Lead: Michael Coughlin; others involved: Kevin Burdge, Jan van Roestel.
  • Abstract: The project aims to find and characterize compact objects with ZTF. In addition to Kevin's thesis project concentrating on white dwarf - white dwarf systems by period searching blue objects (as determined by PS1), we have also begun a search on Swift X-ray sources. From this latter search, we have already found a known helium dwarf nova, and are expanding the search now. We will characterize the systems found with KPED.
  • Required data products: archival lightcurves and statistics

Be stars

  • Lead: Chandler Lee
  • Abstract: TBD
  • Required data products: TBD

Be stars Variability

  • Lead: Chandler Lee; others involved: Chow-Choong Ngeow, Po-Chieh Yu
  • Abstract: This project aimed to study and characterize variability of Be stars using ZTF (and some archival data such as ASAS-SN), mainly aimed for faint Be stars, with various time-scales.
  • Required data products: PSF catalogs, and archival light curves

-- ThomasKupfer - 10 Apr 2018

Revision 232019-01-26 - JanVanRoestel

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(ML) Classification of variable stars

  • People involved: Jan van Roestel (CIT), Ashish Mahabal (CIT), Matthew Graham (CIT), Eric Bellm (UW), Daniela Huppenkothen (UW), David Levitan (Microsoft)
  • Abstract: A general analysis and classification of the ZTF variable stars is very benificial to many in this working group. This project involves; period searching all stars, calculating lightcurve statistics and matching with other catalogs (e.g. PS, Gaia), training and validating a ML classifier. The goal is to do a general purpose classification of all variables. A more detailed description of scope, task and people involved will follow soon.
  • Abstract: A general analysis and classification of the ZTF variable stars is very benificial to many in this working group. This project involves; period searching all stars, calculating lightcurve statistics and matching with other catalogs (e.g. PS, Gaia), training and validating a ML classifier. The goal is to do a general purpose classification of all variables. More details can be found here.
  • Required data products: archival lightcurves

Thesis projects

Revision 222019-01-24 - JanVanRoestel

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GROWTH Marshal Science Programs & Corresponding Filters

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  • Fermi binary search (Kaplan/Bellm + ...)

(ML) Classification of variable stars

  • Lead: Jan van Roestel
  • Abstract: A general analysis and classification of the ZTF variable stars is very benificial to many in this working group. This project involves; period searching all stars, calculating lightcurve statistics and matching with other catalogs (e.g. PS), training and validating a ML classifier. The goal is to do a general purpose classification of all variables. A more detailed description of scope, task and people involved will follow soon.
  • People involved: Jan van Roestel (CIT), Ashish Mahabal (CIT), Matthew Graham (CIT), Eric Bellm (UW), Daniela Huppenkothen (UW), David Levitan (Microsoft)
  • Abstract: A general analysis and classification of the ZTF variable stars is very benificial to many in this working group. This project involves; period searching all stars, calculating lightcurve statistics and matching with other catalogs (e.g. PS, Gaia), training and validating a ML classifier. The goal is to do a general purpose classification of all variables. A more detailed description of scope, task and people involved will follow soon.
  • Required data products: archival lightcurves

Thesis projects

Revision 212019-01-19 - KevinBurdge

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  • NCU -- Vaidehi Varma (advisor: Ngeow) for Search and Characterize RR Lyrae in ZTF [PhD thesis]
  • NCU -- Atharva Patil (advisor: Ngeow) Galactic Plane variable stars with ZTF [PhD thesis]
  • NCU -- Lin-Lin Teng (advisor: Wing Ip) Variability of T Tauri stars [Master thesis]
  • Caltech -- Kevin Burdge (advisor: Prince); ultracompact binaries in the ZTF data
  • LBNL -- Michael Medford (advisor: Nugent): detection and characterization of microlensing events

LISA Gravitational Wave Sources in ZTF

  • Lead: Kevin Burdge (advisor: Prince)
  • Abstract: Using ZTF lightcurves, we can systematically search for LISA gravitational wave sources by looking for periodic signatures in objects with periods of less than 30 minutes. We are specifically targeting binary systems with orbital periods less than 30 minutes, containing two compact objects (either WD, NS, or BH systems), as these systems will emit gravitational waves in the LISA sensitivity band. Our goal is to significantly increase the number of known LISA verification binaries, as well as carefully characterize the systems we discover.
  • Required Data Products: Archival Lightcurves

Postdoc projects

The population of short period hot subdwarfs/helium stars using ZTF lightcurves

Revision 202019-01-18 - MichaelCoughlin

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GROWTH Marshal Science Programs & Corresponding Filters

Line: 41 to 41
  • Abstract: The project aims to find and characterize the population of eclipsing white dwarf systems including; WD+RD systems, `EL CVn' binaries (pre-He WD systems), and any white dwarf with comets, debris, and planets around them. We will use ZTF lightcurves to search for eclipsing systems.
  • Required data products: archival lightcurves and statistics, alerts for fully eclipsing of WDs

A search for compact objects with ZTF

  • Lead: Michael Coughlin; others involved: Kevin Burdge, Jan van Roestel.
  • Abstract: The project aims to find and characterize compact objects with ZTF. In addition to Kevin's thesis project concentrating on white dwarf - white dwarf systems by period searching blue objects (as determined by PS1), we have also begun a search on Swift X-ray sources. From this latter search, we have already found a known helium dwarf nova, and are expanding the search now. We will characterize the systems found with KPED.
  • Required data products: archival lightcurves and statistics

Be stars

  • Lead: Chandler Lee
  • Abstract: TBD

Revision 192019-01-18 - JanVanRoestel

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Line: 16 to 16

(ML) Classification of variable stars

  • Lead: Jan van Roestel
  • Abstract: A general analysis and classification of the ZTF variable stars is very benificial to many in this working group. This project involves; period searching all stars, calculating lightcurve statistics and matching with other catalogs (e.g. PS), training and validating a ML classifier.
  • Abstract: A general analysis and classification of the ZTF variable stars is very benificial to many in this working group. This project involves; period searching all stars, calculating lightcurve statistics and matching with other catalogs (e.g. PS), training and validating a ML classifier. The goal is to do a general purpose classification of all variables. A more detailed description of scope, task and people involved will follow soon.
  • Required data products: archival lightcurves

Thesis projects

Line: 37 to 37

The population of eclipsing white dwarf - main sequence/planet(isimals)

  • Lead: Jan van Roestel
  • Abstract: The project aims to find and characterize the population of eclipsing white dwarf systems including; WD+RD systems, `EL CVn' binaries (pre-He WD systems), and any white dwarf with comets, debris, and planets around them. I will use ZTF lightcurves to search for eclipsing systems.
  • Lead: Jan van Roestel; others involved: Keaton Bell, Thomas Kupfer.
  • Abstract: The project aims to find and characterize the population of eclipsing white dwarf systems including; WD+RD systems, `EL CVn' binaries (pre-He WD systems), and any white dwarf with comets, debris, and planets around them. We will use ZTF lightcurves to search for eclipsing systems.
  • Required data products: archival lightcurves and statistics, alerts for fully eclipsing of WDs

Be stars

Revision 182019-01-18 - JanVanRoestel

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Marshal Science Programs & Corresponding Filters


GROWTH Marshal Science Programs & Corresponding Filters

  Young stellar objects (Hillenbrand/Kuhn)
Line: 13 to 13
  • UW -- Eric Bellm (+ grad student?): searches for state-changing X-ray binaries
  • UW -- Courtney Klein [advisors: Eric Bellm, Jim Davenport]: stellar flare occurrence rates
  • Fermi binary search (Kaplan/Bellm + ...)

(ML) Classification of variable stars

  • Lead: Jan van Roestel
  • Abstract: A general analysis and classification of the ZTF variable stars is very benificial to many in this working group. This project involves; period searching all stars, calculating lightcurve statistics and matching with other catalogs (e.g. PS), training and validating a ML classifier.
  • Required data products: archival lightcurves

Thesis projects

Line: 34 to 39
  • Lead: Jan van Roestel
  • Abstract: The project aims to find and characterize the population of eclipsing white dwarf systems including; WD+RD systems, `EL CVn' binaries (pre-He WD systems), and any white dwarf with comets, debris, and planets around them. I will use ZTF lightcurves to search for eclipsing systems.
  • Required data products: archival lightcurves and statistics, alerts for total eclipses of WDs
  • Required data products: archival lightcurves and statistics, alerts for fully eclipsing of WDs

Be stars

  • Lead: Chandler Lee

Revision 172019-01-18 - JanVanRoestel

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Marshal Science Programs & Corresponding Filters

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  • Abstract: The project aims to find and characterize short period helium stars/sdB stars in ZTF, including binaries and pulsators. One goal is to discover and characterize hot subdwarf pulsators. The second goal is to find and characterize the population of short period sdB binaries mostly due to ellipsoidal modulation as well as the predicted semi-detached hot subdwarf binaries.
  • Required data products: Mostly archival lightcurves

The population of eclipsing white dwarf - main sequence/planet(isimals)

  • Lead: Jan van Roestel
  • Abstract: The project aims to find and characterize the population of eclipsing white dwarf systems including; WD+RD systems, `EL CVn' binaries (pre-He WD systems), and any white dwarf with comets, debris, and planets around them. I will use ZTF lightcurves to search for eclipsing systems.
  • Required data products: archival lightcurves and statistics, alerts for total eclipses of WDs

Be stars

  • Lead: Chandler Lee
  • Abstract: TBD
  • Required data products: TBD
  • Caltech -- Jan van Roestel; Machine learning (deeplearning) variable star classification and the population of eclipsing compact binary stars (WD-MS, (lowmass)WD-WD)

-- ThomasKupfer - 10 Apr 2018

Revision 162019-01-17 - ThomasKupfer

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Marshal Science Programs & Corresponding Filters

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  M31 (Kupfer/Prince)

General projects


General projects

  • UW -- Eric Bellm (+ grad student?): searches for state-changing X-ray binaries
  • UW -- Courtney Klein [advisors: Eric Bellm, Jim Davenport]: stellar flare occurrence rates
  • Fermi binary search (Kaplan/Bellm + ...)

Postdoc projects

  • NCU -- Chandler Lee for Be stars variability
  • Caltech -- Jan van Roestel; Machine learning (deeplearning) variable star classification and the population of eclipsing compact binary stars (WD-MS, (lowmass)WD-WD)
  • KITP/Caltech -- Thomas Kupfer: variable helium stars/sdBs

Thesis projects


Thesis projects

  • NCU -- Vaidehi Varma (advisor: Ngeow) for Search and Characterize RR Lyrae in ZTF [PhD thesis]
  • NCU -- Atharva Patil (advisor: Ngeow) Galactic Plane variable stars with ZTF [PhD thesis]
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  • Caltech -- Kevin Burdge (advisor: Prince); ultracompact binaries in the ZTF data
  • LBNL -- Michael Medford (advisor: Nugent): detection and characterization of microlensing events

Postdoc projects

The population of short period hot subdwarfs/helium stars using ZTF lightcurves

  • Lead: Thomas Kupfer
  • Abstract: The project aims to find and characterize short period helium stars/sdB stars in ZTF, including binaries and pulsators. One goal is to discover and characterize hot subdwarf pulsators. The second goal is to find and characterize the population of short period sdB binaries mostly due to ellipsoidal modulation as well as the predicted semi-detached hot subdwarf binaries.
  • Required data products: Mostly archival lightcurves

Be stars

  • Lead: Chandler Lee
  • Abstract: TBD
  • Required data products: TBD

  • Caltech -- Jan van Roestel; Machine learning (deeplearning) variable star classification and the population of eclipsing compact binary stars (WD-MS, (lowmass)WD-WD)

 -- ThomasKupfer - 10 Apr 2018

Revision 152019-01-17 - ThomasKupfer

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  • NCU -- Chandler Lee for Be stars variability
  • Caltech -- Jan van Roestel; Machine learning (deeplearning) variable star classification and the population of eclipsing compact binary stars (WD-MS, (lowmass)WD-WD)
  • KITP/Caltech -- Thomas Kupfer: Compact hot subdwarf binaries

Thesis projects

Revision 142018-11-01 - ChowChoongNgeow

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Marshal Science Programs & Corresponding Filters

Line: 22 to 22

Thesis projects

  • NCU -- Vaidehi Varma (advisor: Ngeow) for Search and Characterize RR Lyrae in ZTF
  • NCU -- Atharva Patil (advisor: Ngeow) Galactic Plane variable stars with ZTF
  • NCU -- Vaidehi Varma (advisor: Ngeow) for Search and Characterize RR Lyrae in ZTF [PhD thesis]
  • NCU -- Atharva Patil (advisor: Ngeow) Galactic Plane variable stars with ZTF [PhD thesis]
  • NCU -- Lin-Lin Teng (advisor: Wing Ip) Variability of T Tauri stars [Master thesis]
  • Caltech -- Kevin Burdge (advisor: Prince); ultracompact binaries in the ZTF data
  • LBNL -- Michael Medford (advisor: Nugent): detection and characterization of microlensing events

Revision 132018-10-03 - JanVanRoestel

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Postdoc projects

  • Caltech -- Jan van Roestel; Machine learning (deeplearning) variable star classification and the population of eclipsing compact binary stars
  • Caltech -- Jan van Roestel; Machine learning (deeplearning) variable star classification and the population of eclipsing compact binary stars (WD-MS, (lowmass)WD-WD)
  • KITP/Caltech -- Thomas Kupfer: Compact hot subdwarf binaries

Thesis projects

Revision 122018-09-25 - JanVanRoestel

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Marshal Science Programs & Corresponding Filters

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Postdoc projects

  • Caltech -- Jan van Roestel (Sept18); Variable star classification and the population of eclipsing compact binary stars
  • Caltech -- Jan van Roestel; Machine learning (deeplearning) variable star classification and the population of eclipsing compact binary stars
  • KITP/Caltech -- Thomas Kupfer: Compact hot subdwarf binaries

Thesis projects

  • NCU -- Vaidehi Varma (advisor: Ngeow) for Search and Characterize RR Lyrae in ZTF

Revision 112018-09-10 - ChowChoongNgeow

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Marshal Science Programs & Corresponding Filters

Line: 25 to 25

Thesis projects

  • NCU -- Vaidehi Varma (advisor: Ngeow) for Search and Characterize RR Lyrae in ZTF
  • NCU -- Atharva Patil (advisor: Ngeow) Galactic Plane variable stars with ZTF
  • Caltech -- Kevin Burdge (advisor: Prince); ultracompact binaries in the ZTF data
  • LBNL -- Michael Medford (advisor: Nugent): detection and characterization of microlensing events

Revision 102018-08-26 - DavidKaplan

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Marshal Science Programs & Corresponding Filters

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  • UW -- Eric Bellm (+ grad student?): searches for state-changing X-ray binaries
  • UW -- Courtney Klein [advisors: Eric Bellm, Jim Davenport]: stellar flare occurrence rates
  • Fermi binary search (Kaplan/Bellm + ...)

Postdoc projects

Revision 92018-08-23 - MichaelMedford

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Marshal Science Programs & Corresponding Filters

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  • NCU -- Vaidehi Varma (advisor: Ngeow) for Search and Characterize RR Lyrae in ZTF
  • Caltech -- Kevin Burdge (advisor: Prince); ultracompact binaries in the ZTF data
  • LBNL -- Michael Medford (advisor: Nugent): detection and characterization of microlensing events
  -- ThomasKupfer - 10 Apr 2018 \ No newline at end of file

Revision 82018-08-23 - EricBellm

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General projects

  • UW -- Eric Bellm (+ grad student?): searches for state-changing X-ray binaries
  • UW -- Courtney Klein [advisors: Eric Bellm, Jim Davenport]: stellar flare occurrence rates


Postdoc projects

Revision 72018-08-23 - ThomasKupfer

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Marshal Science Programs & Corresponding Filters

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  CVs/dwarf novae outbursts (Szkody/Kupfer)
M31 (Kupfer/Prince)

General projects


Postdoc projects

  • NCU -- Chandler Lee for Be stars variability
  • Caltech -- Jan van Roestel (Sept18); Variable star classification and the population of eclipsing compact binary stars
  • KITP/Caltech -- Thomas Kupfer: Compact hot subdwarf binaries

Thesis projects

  • NCU -- Vaidehi Varma (advisor: Ngeow) for Search and Characterize RR Lyrae in ZTF
  • Caltech -- Kevin Burdge (advisor: Prince); ultracompact binaries in the ZTF Galactic Plane data
  • Caltech -- Kevin Burdge (advisor: Prince); ultracompact binaries in the ZTF data
  -- ThomasKupfer - 10 Apr 2018 \ No newline at end of file

Revision 62018-07-17 - ChowChoongNgeow

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Marshal Science Programs & Corresponding Filters

Line: 8 to 8

Postdoc projects

  • NCU -- Chandler Lee for Be stars variability
  • Caltech -- Jan van Roestel (Sept18); Variable star classification and the population of eclipsing compact binary stars

Thesis projects

Revision 52018-05-02 - ThomasKupfer

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Marshal Science Programs & Corresponding Filters

Line: 14 to 14

Thesis projects

  • NCU -- Vaidehi Varma (advisor: Ngeow) for Search and Characterize RR Lyrae in ZTF
  • Caltech -- Kevin Burdge (advisor: Prince); ultracompact binaries in the ZTF Galactic Plane data
  -- ThomasKupfer - 10 Apr 2018

Revision 42018-04-23 - JanVanRoestel

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META TOPICPARENT name="VariableWorkingGroup"

Marshal Science Programs & Corresponding Filters

Line: 9 to 9

Postdoc projects

  • NCU -- Chandler Lee for Be stars variability
  • Caltech -- Jan van Roestel (Sept18); Variable star classification and the population of eclipsing compact binary stars

Thesis projects

Revision 32018-04-19 - ChowChoongNgeow

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META TOPICPARENT name="VariableWorkingGroup"

Marshal Science Programs & Corresponding Filters

Line: 12 to 12

Thesis projects

  • NCU -- Vaidehi Varma (advisor: Ngeow) for Search and Characterize RR Lyrae in ZTF

-- ThomasKupfer - 10 Apr 2018 \ No newline at end of file

Revision 22018-04-18 - ChowChoongNgeow

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Marshal Science Programs & Corresponding Filters

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Postdoc projects

* NCU -- Chandler Lee for Be stars variability

Thesis projects

Revision 12018-04-10 - ThomasKupfer

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META TOPICPARENT name="VariableWorkingGroup"

Marshal Science Programs & Corresponding Filters

Young stellar objects (Hillenbrand/Kuhn)

CVs/dwarf novae outbursts (Szkody/Kupfer)

Postdoc projects

Thesis projects

-- ThomasKupfer - 10 Apr 2018

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