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META TOPICPARENT name="SolarSystemWorkingGroup"
2018/08/20 ZTF telecon

Dennis, Lynne, Mike, Chow-Choong, Emily, Joachim, QZ, Tom

General QZ: High-cadence galactic survey just ended. Now 4-5 exposures per field rather than 2-3. Weather is good, consistent flow of data. High declination field, 6 exposures per night. Interesting for light curves!

Twilight survey: November to January

QZ: move Slack SSWG channel to general ZTF general channel? Are we limited in number of messages, does the archive transfer? QZ will follow up.

NEOs: QZ Last nights many small trailed asteroids. Must be very close. Some images did not go through image differencing? New discoveries but no follow up because uncertainty too large and asteroids too faint. Totals: 20 discoveries.

Chow-Choong: Has time on Lulin 1-m for TOO observations

Tom: ZTF proposal through CalTech time for next-night follow up has been approved. We can declare a Target of Opportunity for streaks. Emily is working on TWIKI page for follow up. QZ can trigger.

Emily: Improved sign up page, listing of follow-up. ZTF, Growth, APO.


Mike: 5 comet outbursts. First 64P, 3 mag outburst. ZTF discovery. CBET published. We triggered follow up with Las Cumbres Observatory, Swift, and Trappist telescopes - 3h cadence targeted for 48h, then 9h for a longer period. Good data. SEDm: problem first night. No updates from Richard, QZ will follow up.

Follow up evaluation: CBET is slow, took 70hrs to announce. CBET is copyrighted so you cannot simply duplicate. Solar system scientists are on CBET, how do we get them to look at ATEL? Mention in comet science newsletter and in Yahoo news letter? Mike will take care of that. Next outburst we will try ATEL.

Mike created comet outburst on Slack.

129P Gemini follow-up, data is reduced. LCO data is reduced.

Lynne: identify objects in alert stream for which we might do sparse light curve extraction. Lightcurves have artifacts, under investigation.

-- QuanzhiYe - 20 Aug 2018

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