Difference: CosmoTelecon20171109 (1 vs. 3)

Revision 32017-11-09 - UlrichFeindt

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="CosmoTelecons"


  • SEDM proposals (joint SNIFS/SEDM obs?, SN coverage, flux limit)
Line: 6 to 6
  • SWG task definition
  • Twiki structure




Attendence: Ariel, Jakob, Mickael, Rahul, Mattia, Matteo, Valéry, Uli

SEDm proposals:

  • Ariel talking to Shri, conveing numbers from Uli's simulations and details about the physics we are interested.
  • Shri said on Wednesday's ZTFtransient telecon that all proposals are science based and thus all science projects should submit their own mag-limited surveys. Therefore we should write our own to show what we would get out of the data.
  • Ariel will share what he wrote up for Shri. Half of SEDm time would be required to get to 18.5 mag.
  • Without i-band, use of lightcurves is limited but having the spectra and g/R-LCs will help later with photo-typing etc.
  • Plan for joint SNIFS/SEDm observation is to supplement SEDm to get to 19-19.5 mag (exact value TBD).
  • JN: Lacking an i-band, should we ask for Rainbow camera time? U-band not useful, maybe i-band but probably hard sell.
  • MR: When do we release the typing results?
  • Foundation is using reported SNe without typing. If we release everything right away, we hand them the SNe but maybe those will be typed anyway (because they are at low-z). However, also currently relying on ASSAS-SN, so they may go deeper when ZTF is running.

SN Ia science validation

  • During science validation, we need to see how well we can do our science, e.g. repeatability of standard stars giving various airmasses.
  • Should we follow a set of SNe to try SALT fits? Would require someone stepping up.

SWG task chairs

  • See main SWG page for proposed list of tasks, which will have to be done throughout the survey.
  • The plan is to find someone for each task rather sooner than later.
  • The first step will be to come up with the procedure for their task and document this properly, so handing over after a season is as smooth as possible.
  • Please step up and volunteer, especially if you are already woring on something related to one of the tasks.

Twiki structure

  • For each task/project there should be a page (see the lightcurve simulation page as an example). This page should list all important information and be kept up-to-date. Please also link to telecon minutes if your project was discussed.
  • People should not hesitate to edit the SWG's Twiki pages when they find mistakes.


Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/272828651

Revision 22017-11-09 - JakobNordin

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="CosmoTelecons"


  • SEDM proposals (joint SNIFS/SEDM obs?, K2)
  • SEDM proposals (joint SNIFS/SEDM obs?, SN coverage, flux limit)
  • SNIa science validation - what does that mean? A lightcurve fit?
  • SWG task definition
  • Twiki structure


Revision 12017-11-06 - UlrichFeindt

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="CosmoTelecons"


  • SEDM proposals (joint SNIFS/SEDM obs?, K2)
  • SNIa science validation - what does that mean? A lightcurve fit?
  • Twiki structure



Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/272828651

Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +16468769923,,272828651# or +16699006833,,272828651#

Or Telephone: Dial: +1 646 876 9923 (US Toll) or +1 669 900 6833 (US Toll) Meeting ID: 272 828 651 International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference?m=yUACqd9q0rOg7icOHZs3wWcqWHdt5lib

-- UlrichFeindt - 06 Nov 2017

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