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Websites & Other Online Resources

  • GROWTH public website - contains comprehensive information about our partners, observatories in the GROWTH network, science cases, team, latest news, etc.
  • GROWTH Twiki - collaborative wiki platform for the GROWTH community. To subscribe to the GROWTH twiki, please email Tom Barlow (tb@astro.caltech.edu)
  • GROWTH Education Twiki - collaborative twiki for sharing and storage of educational materials related to and/or developed for GROWTH courses

GROWTH Mailing lists

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Welcome to our team! This page will provide you with useful information about team members, mailing lists, regular telecon meetings and other aspects of the GROWTH organization and management

Websites & Other Online Resources

GROWTH Mailing lists

All mailing lists of the GROWTH collaboration are listed in MailingLists along with instruction on how to subscribe and when to use them.

GROWTH Meetings

See ScienceMeetings for a list of all GROWTH meetings/telecons and instructions on how to join/connect.

Team contacts

To see a full list of everyone in the GROWTH collaboration and look up their contact information go to our website http://growth.caltech.edu/team.html.

GROWTH Calendar

Our collaboration maintains a Google Calendar where we list all telecons, other internal meetings, important project deadlines, dates for the GROWTH conference & education workshops, important external conferences with GROWTH presence, GROWTH public outreach events at Caltech and other partner institutions and more. The Google Calendar is managed by the program coordinator, Ivona Kostadinova. If you'd like an event added to the calendar, please email Ivona at ivonata@caltech.edu. If you'd like to add the GROWTH calendar to your own Google Calendar, please send Ivona an email and she'll share it with you.

-- IvaKostadinova - 19 Oct 2016

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