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Results from ZTF web retrieved at 15:31 (GMT)

Ashish, Dima, Richard, Jan, Chaoran, Shubhranshu, Vinu Scott, Umaa Updates: ZTF (Matthew/Frank away) Richard: things going well Pipelines: Dima: Jun 19 is when Braai...
Participators: Quan Zhi Ye, Mike Kelley, Rex Chang, Bryce Bolin, Chow Choong Ngeow, Frank Masci, George Helou, Gerbs Bauer, Lynne Jones, Zhong Yi Lin QZ: ZTF status...
Minutes from 08/11/17 Attending Ragnhild Lunnan (moderator, OKC), Anna Ho, Lin Yan, Mansi Kasliwal, Christoffer Fremmling, Kishalay De, and Shri Kulkarni (all Caltech...
Supernovae and Relativistic Explosions WG Papers in Preparation In preparation ZTF22aaezyos Lead: Gene? (UIUC) Supervisor : Kaustav Kashyap Das, Mansi Kasliwal...
Number of topics: 4

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