1. Take image with MSIM using 2015_09_21_takeCentersImage.lst
  2. Open from MSIM Control Panel -> Camera -> GetImage -> ImageProcessing Tab
  3. Clear the command dialog.
  4. Now click in the "Threshold binary Image" on the coordinates for the fiducials then click on the image processing pane on "Add Fiducial cmd".
  5. This adds a command in the command dialog.
     cmd_setHornMethodFiducialCoordinate  96,1644, 10 
    The last argument (10) is the radius around your provided center (argument 1 x and 2 y).
  6. Repeat this for all fiducials, then save the commands to a file and use it in all your scripts.


  1. Home all Positioners. Use 2015_09_16_home_All.lst for this with an updated list of used positioners.
  2. Take an image with MSIM
  3. Open from MSIM Control Panel -> Camera -> GetImage -> ImageProcessing Tab
  4. Now click on the image with one center dot -> on the image processing pane edit the PID number and click on "Add Positioner cmd".
  5. This adds a command in the command dialog.
     cmd_tbd  96,1644, 10 
    The last argument (10) is the radius around your provided center (argument 1 x and 2 y).
  6. Repeat this for all positioners.
  7. Add cmd_save_Database to it and execute the script.

Frequency Sweep/Calibration

On-Time Tuning

Theta Center and Link Length Metrology

  1. Edit the center script to use the ontimes found from theta and phi forward ontime tuning.
  2. Run the script.
  3. Copy the log folder of the results into a folder in the data storage.
  4. Adjust number of steps for specific positioners in the center script to either get tighter or wider spread of centroids around the circumference.
  5. Execute the command to find theta centers and save the results:
  6. For each Positioner, decide whether to use the data or not.
  7. Save the resulting xml.

Loading XML into MSIM

  1. Move the XML file into the MSIM xml folder: D:\DevCodePft\Main\user\xml_files (There should be a link to this under Sage's Libraries)
  2. Load the XML file with MSIM and save it.(Commands can be found in MSIM under: Commands -> Database Commands) Verify in the MSIM log that this goes ok.
    cmd_load_Xml_file_to_Database  yourXmlFilenameWithNoXmlExtension
  3. Restart MSIM

Generating Targets

  1. Change the matlab directory to where you want the target files generated
  2. Create an archive folder and move the existing targets in there first.
  3. Open and edit the inputs for the target generation script in Matlab to make targets: \Dropbox\PFS_EM\SVN\MATLAB\targGenerator.m
  4. Run the script
  5. Restart MSIM

Running Targets

  1. Open the latest target script in Dropbox\PFS_EM\SVN\MSIM and edit it to have the right positioners
  2. Also check that fiducial definitions are correct and motor polarity's are right

Target Convergence Analysis

  1. Copy MSIM target log dir on testbed computer (eg: D:\PfsTests\06_16_14_10_36_21_TargetRun\Log) to the drobox test results target convergence folder (Dropbox\PFS_EM\TEST_RESULTS\TargetConvergence\). Rename the log directory in dropbox to have the same name as the mother directory on testbed computer (eg: 06_16_14_10_36_21_TargetRun). This directory will now be referred to as the test directory here.
  2. Move the appropriate CobraConfig xml (the most recent file in explorer:Libraries->xmlfiles) used by MSIM into the test directory.
  3. Change the matlab current folder to the test directory in dropbox.
  4. Execute the following command to run the target analysis script:
  5. When prompted, select the appropriate xml which was used for the MSIM test. The one you moved into test directory.
  6. Run the script and mat files will be saved to the same log directory as the log txt files are in.

Target Convergence Comparisons

  1. Change the matlab current folder to Dropbox\PFS_EM\TEST_RESULTS\TargetConvergenceRun the target convergence analysis on data you wish to compare. The mat files from that script are needed for this comparison.
  2. Open the convergence comparison matlab script in that folder: convCompare.m
  3. Edit the INPUTS section so that the dataDirs array contains the folder names of test data you wish to compare. These must all contain the results of analyzeTargetRun script.
  4. Run the script.
  5. The convergence comparison figure will automatically be saved in the last folder of the dataDirs array, so make sure that is in order.

Motor Map Update

  1. Do a TargetConvergenceAnalysis as described above.
  2. Add your new test directory to the list of directories in the beginning of updateMotorMapsFromTargetData.m
  3. Uncomment all directories that contain data you want to include in the analysis.
  4. Run the script with your latest xml and take a thorough look at the results. Look for extreme map values and decide whether it is realistic and ok for the positioner to have these values.
  5. Follow the Loading XML into MSIM procedure above.

-- JohannesGross - 21 Sep 2015

This topic: Subaru/PFS > WebHome > POSitionerEM > PROD_PROC
Topic revision: r2 - 2015-09-21 - JohannesGross
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