On-Time Tuning

  1. Manually move all cobras (not just the ones of interest) to home positions (make sure you have gloves on)
  2. Generate ROM Scripts using Matlab function:
    1. ROM Script filenames shall follow the convention: YYYY_MM_DD_(theta/phi)(Fwd/Rev)_onTimeTuning.lst (Example: 2014_06_09_thetaFwd_onTimeTuning.lst)
  3. Execute ROM Scripts with MSIM
  4. Change names of test directories to follow convention: MM_DD_YY_HH_MM_SS_(theta/phi)(Fwd/Rev)_onTimeTuning

  1. Start the Cobra ROM check script
  2. All 9 positioners should move to +HS with assumed on-time settings
  3. At the first pause in the script, check that theta and phi are in +HS
  4. Resume script
  5. When script is complete, check that theta and phi are in their -HS (home pos)
  6. If theta and phi did not reach their hard-stops then on-time values assumed by on-time tuning script may need to be adjusted.

Target Convergence Analysis

  1. Move MSIM target logs on testbed computer (pfsTests dir) to the drop box test results target convergence folder. You can simply copy the log dir and rename it to the mother directory's name from pfsTests when it is in dropbox.
  2. Check that the target logs do not contain any #INF entries by using a linux environment and running: cat mId*.txt | grep INF
  3. If #INF are found, run this from linux env in the test dir to replace the #INF instances with a large number: sed -i 's/#INF/1000000/g' *.txt
  4. Open up the matlab script targConvAnlys script in matlab.
  5. Change the logdir to the one containing the msim target logs
  6. Update the config file to latest version or whatever is appropriate for this test run.
  7. Change save figures variable to whatever you want depending on if you want figures saved.

Motor Map Damping Analysis

-- ChazMorantz - 28 May 2014

This topic: Subaru/PFS > WebHome > POSitionerEM > POSEM_PROC
Topic revision: r3 - 2014-06-16 - ChazMorantz
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