1. Make sure to be connected to JPL VPN if not on JPL network already when opening matlab.

On-Time Tuning

  1. Manually move all cobras (not just the ones of interest) to home positions (make sure you have gloves on)
  2. Generate ROM Scripts using Matlab script:
    1. Edit the ROM Script filenames, they shall follow the convention: YYYYMMDD_(theta/phi)(Fwd/Rev)_onTimeTuning.lst (Example: 20140609_thetaFwd_onTimeTuning.lst)
    2. The ontimes to test and other parameters in the ontimeTuning script hopefully do not need adjustment, but they are described within in case.
  3. Execute ROM Scripts with MSIM
    1. Each one of these will create its own test directory with the suffix "onTimeTuning"
  4. Go to the Images directory of each onTimeTuning directory with matlab (it should be your current folder) and execute the command:
    1. The chooseOntimes shouldn't need modification, but tunable parameters are listed at the top of the script here: Dropbox\PFS_EM\SVN\MATLAB\chooseOntimes.m
  5. A figure will appear asking you to verify that all positioners are identified by the center streaks. Click yes if you see all the centers (red stars) and good streaks for them (>180deg or around there for phi). You can click the other two buttons to halve or double the b/w threshold. Eventually you need to click yes to proceed.
  6. Once you proceed, you'll be asked identify which MSIM PIDs go with which streaks. Enter just the pid number and click ok for each one. The selected centers are shown with a green circle.
  7. After the MSIM PIDs have been assigned, a figure will appear with two subplots. The right plot contains the next streak with first ontime. Hit enter to make it the current streak and que up the next one. Keep hitting enter until you can see that the next streak does not change from the current one and that the positioner makes it's full range of motion or close enough. This may be difficult to tell with phi. Once the two look the same, check the box at the lower left to select the ontime for the streak in the left subplot. Hit enter and it will begin this process again for the next positioner. Keep going until they're all done and the XML save dialog appears.
  8. Save the new XML containing your selected ontimes and centers if this was theta data. Save it in the Images directory of the test directory for the ontime data. Should be your current working directory in MATLAB already.

Target Convergence Analysis

  1. Copy MSIM target log dir on testbed computer (eg: D:\PfsTests\06_16_14_10_36_21_TargetRun\Log) to the drobox test results target convergence folder (Dropbox\PFS_EM\TEST_RESULTS\TargetConvergence\). Rename the log directory in dropbox to have the same name as the mother directory on testbed computer (eg: 06_16_14_10_36_21_TargetRun). This directory will now be referred to as the test directory here.
  2. Copy (DON'T MOVE) the following script into the test directory from step 1: Dropbox\PFS_EM\TEST_RESULTS\TargetConvergence\analyzeTargetRun.m
  3. Move the appropriate CobraConfig xml used by MSIM into the test directory. Note that this file must begin with "CobraConfig"
  4. Make the test directory the current working directory in Matlab
  5. Run analyzeTargetRun from Matlab.
  6. When prompted, select the appropriate xml which was used for the MSIM test. The one you moved into test directory.
  7. Run the script and the figures and mat files will be saved to the same log directory as the log txt files are in.

Target Convergence Comparisons

  1. Run the target convergence analysis on data you wish to compare. The mat files from that script are needed for this comparison.
  2. Open the matlab script: Dropbox\PFS_EM\SVN\MATLAB\convCompare.m

Motor Map Damping Analysis

This topic: Subaru/PFS > WebHome > POSitionerEM > POSEM_PROC
Topic revision: r7 - 2014-06-24 - ChazMorantz
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