Ran targets using yesterdays fullmtrlgy_071514_1.xml and script 2014_07_09_TargetsEMSetC_no7.lst Results are in 07_17_14_04_35_18_TargetRun and look pretty much the same as before with pids 5, 6, 8 and 9 under-performing.

Going to run an adjusted map based on 07_15_14_09_06_05_TargetRun, 070914_set3_allmaps_adj6.xml

Loaded 070914_set3_allmaps_adj6 into MSIM and saved: cmd_load_Xml_file_to_Database 070914_set3_allmaps_adj6 cmd_save_Database

Restarted MSIM and ran 2014_07_09_TargetsEMSetC_no7 again

Results did not look so great. Sorta see everything. Some got worse, some better, some unchanged. convComparison.png

Ran adjustmaps to produce 070914_set3_allmaps_adj7 off of this data since there were some very clear linear trends in the error vs request plots that hopefully can be taken out.

Loaded new maps into MSIM cmd_load_Xml_file_to_Database 070914_set3_allmaps_adj7 cmd_save_Database

Started another run using 2014_07_09_TargetsEMSetC_no7

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PNGpng convComparison.png r1 manage 38.6 K 2014-07-17 - 23:27 UnknownUser  

This topic: Subaru/PFS > WebHome > POSitionerEM > POSEM_AL > 2014_07_17
Topic revision: r2 - 2014-07-17 - ChazMorantz
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