Came in and switched the LED control back to Andor camera.

Hrand updated MSIM

Processed new centers and link lengths from last night with PID7 working and new ontimes for PID7 and PID5 phi fwd. D:\PfsTests\07_15_14_17_27_35_centers\Images\fullmtrlgy_071514_1.xml NOTE: Had to eliminate some pairs of center images and their reference images because the reference images didnt contain any good centroids. Moved these to the bad subdirectory. Theory is that the camera was not allowed enough time to start exposure before the LED was strobed. So changed the the wait after start exposure command from 2 seconds to 3 seconds in 2014_07_15_Centers01

Loaded the new XML into MSIM and saved it: cmd_load_Xml_file_to_Database fullmtrlgy_071514_1 cmd_save_Database

Created a new motormapping MSIM script with updated ontimes: 2014_07_16_msimMotMap

After running the script, noticed that PID5 is not getting around on Phi past the known sticky spot which the streaking ontime calibrations were able to overcome. This reaffirms that small moves successively cannot sometimes push past sticky points which the streaks could at the same ontime.

Here's forward phi getting stuck at around 68deg SNIPPET FROM: D:\PfsTests\07_16_14_09_14_52_msimMaps\Log\PhiFwMap_mId_1_pId_5.txt

1022.344620, 928.863039, 1.066594, 49.908787
1019.806583, 929.137693, 1.554324, 54.781756
1017.245208, 929.145309, 2.086638, 59.613513
1014.640122, 928.938527, 2.530994, 64.564504
1013.318199, 928.816508, 2.574786, 67.183715
1012.914089, 928.772120, 2.576107, 67.993175
1012.886978, 928.766897, 2.580762, 68.045056
1012.851173, 928.755463, 2.596969, 68.108146
1012.848043, 928.762723, 2.579885, 68.123665
1012.848839, 928.761405, 2.583048, 68.120358
1012.843171, 928.775024, 2.551059, 68.149039
1012.849163, 928.757954, 2.590859, 68.115483

Here's reverse phi getting stuck at around 71deg SNIPPET FROM: D:\PfsTests\07_16_14_09_14_52_msimMaps\Log\PhiRvMap_mId_1_pId_5.txt

994.295845, 916.376000, 6.010464, 110.272672
995.977243, 918.653630, 5.575428, 105.203033
997.848648, 920.737854, 5.154254, 100.140876
999.917699, 922.570214, 4.854682, 94.974550
1002.167968, 924.258719, 4.461959, 89.785720
1004.315528, 925.569431, 4.127701, 85.099620
1006.665386, 926.719586, 3.795188, 80.184663
1009.028498, 927.608765, 3.497133, 75.396232
1010.750009, 928.172132, 3.149613, 72.054069
1011.160449, 928.270224, 3.106738, 71.243865
1011.191703, 928.296372, 3.062277, 71.204062
1011.196193, 928.286530, 3.085453, 71.182702
1011.211267, 928.286047, 3.092447, 71.148468
1011.203714, 928.285037, 3.091668, 71.164180
1011.213820, 928.290894, 3.082909, 71.148343

Cranking up the ontime for PID5 phi fwd and reverse to 0.08 from 0.07 in 2014_07_16_msimMotMap

Updated the ontimes for PID 5 phi stage in the XML and saved it again as: D:\PfsTests\07_16_14_11_52_47_msimMaps\Images\fullmtrlgy_071514_2_5phiOT.xml

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Topic revision: r2 - 2014-07-16 - ChazMorantz
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