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I Attachment History ActionSorted ascending Size Date Who Comment
Unknown file formatxmcd Dewar_Window_CTE.xmcd r1 manage 68.1 K 2014-10-07 - 23:55 UnknownUser Determine if athermal design possible using dowels for window retainer
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheetxls Field_frame_alignment_tolerance_analysis.xls r2 r1 manage 80.5 K 2014-10-09 - 21:45 UnknownUser Filed frame alignment tolerance
Unknown file formatxmcd Flat_plate_model_of_window.xmcd r1 manage 98.6 K 2014-10-07 - 23:56 UnknownUser Plate model of window
PDFpdf GPI_ss17-4_gp1.pdf r1 manage 78.5 K 2014-10-07 - 23:20 UnknownUser Material datasheet, Stainless Steel 17-4, GPI Direct Metal Laser Sintering
PDFpdf Mathcad_-_time_to_failure_models_for_fused_silica_140910.pdf r1 manage 324.2 K 2014-10-07 - 23:41 UnknownUser Fracture analysis of fused silica window.
Unknown file formatxmcd O-ring_efective_foundation_stiffness.xmcd r1 manage 48.3 K 2014-10-07 - 23:50 UnknownUser Calculate o-ring foundation stiffness for FEA models
JPEGjpg SiC_thermal_expansion.jpg r1 manage 51.3 K 2014-10-09 - 21:47 UnknownUser Silicon Carbide Table of Coefficient ofThermal expansion
Unknown file formatxmcd Thermal_contact_resistance_e2V_CCD.xmcd r1 manage 132.7 K 2014-10-07 - 23:57 UnknownUser Calculate the thermal contact resistances
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheetxls ZTF_Thermal_Dimensional_Scaling_Factors_rev2.xls r3 r2 r1 manage 479.5 K 2014-10-14 - 15:48 UnknownUser Thermal Dimensional Scaling Factors spreadsheet for scaling factors in SolidWorks
Unknown file formatxmcd saggita_change_in_focal_plate_w_temperature.xmcd r1 manage 392.2 K 2014-10-07 - 23:53 UnknownUser Calculate the change in focal plate sag vs. Temperature
Unknown file formatxmcd stress_intensity_factor_for_Zerodur_and_Fused_silica.xmcd r1 manage 466.2 K 2014-10-07 - 23:49 UnknownUser Fracture toughness of Fused Silica and Zerodur
Unknown file formatxmcd time_to_failure_models_for_fused_silica_140910.xmcd r1 manage 2594.8 K 2014-10-07 - 23:39 UnknownUser Determine the design stress for fused silica window.

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Topic revision: r7 - 2014-10-14 - JamesWincentsen
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