Miscellaneous photos

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who CommentSorted ascending
JPEGJPG IMG_2069.JPG r1 manage 1672.9 K 2015-07-28 - 16:20 UnknownUser Arrival at Palomar
JPEGjpg IMG_9753.jpg r1 manage 1420.2 K 2015-07-28 - 16:40 UnknownUser C-887 controller connector panel
JPEGjpg IMG_9752.jpg r1 manage 1090.8 K 2015-07-28 - 16:39 UnknownUser C-887 controller in box
JPEGjpg IMG_9754.jpg r1 manage 1365.6 K 2015-07-28 - 16:42 UnknownUser C-887 controller model and serial numbers
JPEGjpg IMG_9771.jpg r1 manage 1778.7 K 2015-07-28 - 18:12 UnknownUser Emergency stop short circuit connector
JPEGJPG IMG_9852.JPG r1 manage 1816.4 K 2015-07-28 - 19:15 UnknownUser Hexapod cabled to controller
JPEGjpg IMG_9772.jpg r1 manage 1371.0 K 2015-07-28 - 16:44 UnknownUser Hexapod power connector, model and serial numbers
JPEGjpg IMG_9760.jpg r1 manage 1769.3 K 2015-07-28 - 17:24 UnknownUser Hexapod-to-controller data cable
JPEGjpg IMG_9740.jpg r1 manage 1696.5 K 2015-07-28 - 16:24 UnknownUser In the lab
JPEGjpg IMG_9744.jpg r1 manage 1394.9 K 2015-07-28 - 16:35 UnknownUser In the shipping container
JPEGjpg IMG_9758.jpg r1 manage 1713.4 K 2015-07-28 - 17:21 UnknownUser Interface cables, hardware and CD
JPEGjpg IMG_9770.jpg r1 manage 1989.2 K 2015-07-29 - 15:17 UnknownUser One of the transport restraint brackets
JPEGjpg IMG_9759.jpg r1 manage 1845.0 K 2015-07-28 - 17:22 UnknownUser Power cables
JPEGjpg IMG_9747.jpg r1 manage 1269.5 K 2015-07-28 - 16:37 UnknownUser Top box contents

This topic: Palomar/ZTF > WebHome > HexapodMaterial > LabPhotos
Topic revision: r3 - 2015-07-29 - RichardDekany
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