Thursday 13th October 2017

Attendees: Richard, Charis, Karl and Nadia

Communication between GROWTH marshal and SEDM and other instruments

  • 1: Instrument group (telescope) sends a request URL with a possibly json file containing the specification for their telescope: filter set, slit widths, grism/gratings... etc.
  • 2: The Growth Marshal (GM) creates/updates a table with the parameters sent by the instrument group/
  • 3: The GM sends a follow-up request on a target using the specific parameters of the observatory. The request will contain the RA, DEC, NAME and other standard field of the object, the name of the requester, the group requested the follow-up and the programID under which the request has been executed.
  • 4: The telescope sends an acknowledgment to the marshal. If this does not happen, the GW has a limited number of tries (i.e. 5), and will try to resend the request in case the ack is not received.
  • 5: Once the telescope has observed the object, it will send a request to the GW saying that the request has been observed.
  • 6: When the data reduction has been made, the telescope sends back to the marshal the spectrum file (txt or fits), or the photometric measurements for the objects in their filter set.
  • 7: The GW displays the data in the right format on the web site.

Some remarks:

  • The code will be provided in a GitHub repository, so that each new telescope willing to adhere to the GROWTH follow-up, can use that code to set up a listening server on their side, and interact with the GM using the same API.

-- NadiaBlagorodnova - 13 Oct 2017

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I Attachment History Action SizeSorted descending Date Who Comment
PDFpdf CommunicationMarshalGroups.pdf r1 manage 26.3 K 2017-10-13 - 17:52 UnknownUser Schema of the communication

This topic: Palomar/SEDM > WebHome > SedmTeamMeetings > Minutes13thOctober2017
Topic revision: r1 - 2017-10-13 - NadiaBlagorodnova
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