-- AnRamaprakash - 25 Aug 2009 (IST) Present: Ram, Mahesh, Pravin, Hillol, Reed

* Mahesh needs some information about the DM controller USB interface, has sent Reed some test commands and code to run, Reed to run the tests once Christoph is back. * Reed has put Mahesh in touch with Steven Cornelissen at BMM, for further clarifications. * Mahesh to make a sample code which will allow communication with DM electronics through a USB port. * Mahesh is looking for further information on the tip/tilt controller box. May be there is some possibility to optimize the electronics for DM as well as tip/tilt controllers.

* MoU hardcopy (signed at Caltech) received at IUCAA, signed today. Scanned version to be sent back to Marcia.

* Hillol has a new folded design for the Laser launch optics. Some optimization to be done to reduce the number of reflections. Will upload the version on Twiki after that.

* New PC installed. Reed has been working on getting it to talk to the WFS elecronics.

* Reed could be away at Hawii tentatively Spet. 7-21

* Next videocon on 31 August, 2009, Pasadena time

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Topic revision: r1 - 2009-08-25 - AnRamaprakash
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