January 10-16, 2009 LGS observing run

Nightly Summaries

1/11/09 UT
Clear and windy. Laser power 5.1-4.9 W. Seeing 4-6". Opened for 20 min. Cancelled LGS at 23:30 PST due to poor seeing and high wind.

1/12/09 UT
Clear and windy. Laser power 5.0-4.8 W. Seeing 3-4". Cancelled LGS at 23:00 PST due to poor seeing.

1/13/09 UT
Clear. Laser power 5.0 W. Seeing 2.5-3.5". Halted by FAA at 18:55 PST for lack of a published NOTAM.

All-Sky Camera

01/11/09 UT 01/12/09 UT 01/13/09 UT 01/16/09 UT 01/17/09 UT

Safety Documents

Personnel schedule

  Wed 1/7 Thu 1/8 Fri 1/9 Sat 1/10 Sun 1/11 Mon 1/12 Tue 1/13 Wed 1/14 Thu 1/15 Fri 1/16
Bouchez Arrive late X X X X X
Peffer X X X     X X
Roberts X X
Velur X X   X ?

Test Plans and Procedures

Please post your test plans on the Test Plan Library page, and add a link below.
  • AO setup
    • AO system internal focus: doc, pdf
    • AO bench setup and checkout: doc, pdf
  • BTO procedures
    • BTO setup (v2.4): doc, pdf
    • BTO alignment (v2.4): doc, pdf
    • BTO alignment, abbreviated version (v1.0): doc, pdf
    • BTO shutdown (v1.1): doc, pdf
  • Laser procedures
    • Laser startup (v2.0): doc, pdf
    • Laser shutdown (v1.0): doc, pdf
  • Observing procedures:
    • LGS science night checklist (v1.1): doc, pdf
    • NGS Checkout (v3.1): doc, pdf
    • LGS Checkout (v1.0): doc, pdf
    • LGS target acquisition (v4.0): doc, pdf

Closed-dome tests (1/11/09 UT):

  • Tune non-common path errors on SWIFT imaging camera (650nm & IR dichroics).
  • Record WFS dark frames for noise analysis.
  • Investigate TCS coordinates recorded in SWIFT header during open-loop tracking.

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who CommentSorted descending
Texttxt PMR-palomar090111.txt r1 manage 15.8 K 2009-01-08 - 19:49 UnknownUser  
Texttxt PMR-palomar090112.txt r1 manage 4.7 K 2009-01-09 - 16:42 UnknownUser  
Texttxt PMR-palomar090113.txt r1 manage 4.7 K 2009-01-09 - 16:42 UnknownUser  
Texttxt PMR-palomar090116.txt r1 manage 14.9 K 2009-01-13 - 17:05 UnknownUser  
Texttxt PMR-palomar090117.txt r1 manage 14.9 K 2009-01-13 - 17:06 UnknownUser  
Texttxt stratcom_windows_090111.txt r1 manage 19.9 K 2009-01-10 - 18:09 UnknownUser  
Texttxt stratcom_windows_090112.txt r3 r2 r1 manage 4.6 K 2009-01-10 - 17:41 UnknownUser  
Texttxt stratcom_windows_090113.txt r1 manage 3.9 K 2009-01-11 - 17:51 UnknownUser  
Texttxt stratcom_windows_090116.txt r1 manage 17.3 K 2009-01-16 - 01:55 UnknownUser  

This topic: Palomar/PalmLGS > WebHome > Eng_090110
Topic revision: r12 - 2009-01-16 - AntoninBouchez
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