Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action SizeSorted ascending Date Who Comment
Unknown file formatmxt testloop.mxt r1 manage 0.7 K 2008-07-18 - 05:25 DavidHale motor controller test program to driver filter back & forth every 3 sec
PDFpdf filter_changer_pinout.pdf r1 manage 14.2 K 2008-07-18 - 05:06 DavidHale wiring / pinout description for filter changer assembly
PDFpdf P48Mosaic_Filter_Changer_Flowchart_p1.pdf r1 manage 61.9 K 2008-07-25 - 20:19 DavidHale Filter changer flowchart page 1 of 2 (homing)
PDFpdf Filter_Flowchart_p2r2.pdf r1 manage 68.1 K 2008-08-04 - 18:49 DavidHale Filter changer flowchart page 2 of 2 (move command) Rev.2
PDFpdf P48Mosaic_Filter_Changer_Flowchart_p2.pdf r1 manage 71.7 K 2008-07-25 - 20:23 DavidHale Filter changer flowchart page 2 of 2 (move command)
PDFpdf Filter_Flowchart_p1r2.pdf r1 manage 101.4 K 2008-08-04 - 18:47 DavidHale Filter changer flowchart page 1 of 2 (homing) Rev.2
Unknown file formateasm Filter_mechanism_assy_MOSAIC.easm r1 manage 2002.9 K 2008-07-18 - 05:42 DavidHale eDwg of filter assembly only
PDFpdf MFI_Micro_manual.pdf r1 manage 4376.1 K 2008-07-18 - 05:39 DavidHale IMS Motion Controller Manual

This topic: Palomar/PTF > WebHome > FilterAssembly
Topic revision: r11 - 2008-08-05 - DavidHale
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