---+!! Caltech Optical Observatories Instrumentation TWiki --- You are logged in as: TWikiGuest. --- ---++ Overview * Caltech Optical Observatories' Optical/InfraRed (OIR) Instrumentation Group conceives, studies, designs, integrates, and commissions high-impact astronomical instrumentation for Caltech-accessible astronomical observatories including TMT, Keck, Subaru, Gemini, and Palomar. We also support space instrumentation development through partnerships with NASA, !DoE, and international universities and space agencies. * The OIR group currently consists of 18 professional instrument scientists, engineers technicians located on the Caltech campus in Pasadena, California. * The group is led by Dr. Richard Dekany, Associate Director, COO (626) 395-6798. ---++ Latest News from COO * This TWiki is being phased out in lieu of a newly implemented COO file sharing and project management system within Caltech's Office365 !SharePoint platform (Oct 1, 2019) * [[http://www.astro.caltech.edu/palomar/observer/newsletter/palomarobserver3.html#p3k][Sprint 2019 Palomar Observer]] * KPIC phase I successfully begins operations at Keck (Jan 3, 2019) * SEDM optical transmission has been increased (May 10, 2019) * [[OlderNews][Older News Items]] ---++ Caltech Instrumentation Notes (CIN's) * [[CaltechInstNotes][Caltech Instrumentation Notes (CIN's)]] ---++ COO Group Information * Meetings * [[COO_All_Hands][COO All Hands Meetings]] * Group Resources * [[COOInformation][COO Group Information]] * [[LuciusComputer][Lucius Computing Cluster]] * Laboratory Equipment * [[COO_Oscilloscopes][Oscilloscopes]] * [[COOMetrology][Metrology Resources]] * [[COOCameras][Laboratory Cameras]] * [[COOCalibration][Spectral Calibration]] * [[COOChambers][Thermal and Vacuum Chambers]] * [[COOUltrasonicCleaner][Ultra Sonic Cleaner]] * [[NEWPAGE][Available General Equipment and Supplies]] * [[COOLabNeeds][Wish-List for Laboratory Equipment]] * Vendor Information * [[InternalVendorResources][Vendor Contacts and History]] * Other Technical Notes and Respositories * [[Products and Materials Information]] * [[Keck.NGAO.NewKAONs][Keck Next Generation Adaptive Optics Notes (KAON's)]] * [[http://www.oir.caltech.edu:8080/DETECT/][Plone (detector team shared file system)]] * [[http://www.astro.caltech.edu/observatories/coo/logistics/Cahill.logistics.html][Logistics information for Visitors to the Cahill Center]] ---++ New User Information * TWiki.WelcomeGuest: for first time visitors * If you want to learn more about TWiki then visit the [[TWiki.WebHome][TWiki web]]. ---++ Registration Information * Registration is required to edit, append, modify, or delete OIR TWiki content. Please contact Richard Dekany at COO for details. ---++ Search

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