100127 COO All-Hands Meeting

Wednesday January 27, 2009
8:30a - Noon
126 Cahill Video IP


0830 Overview Dekany
0835 CWI, KCWI, IRIS, and GATTINI A. Moore
0900 2010A P200 Statistics, Triplespec Status A. Boden
0915 P200 M1 Upgrade TBC
0930 PALM-3000 + Instruments A. Bouchez
0950 Break  
1000 P60 Tandem Mount R. Dekany / J. Zolkower
1010 Robo-AO R. Riddle
1025 SNAP, IRIS WFS, Keck IRTT, DSBP R. Smith
1055 MOSFIRE, IRMS R. Weber
1115 NGAO R. Dekany
1130 Lab Issues R. Dekany
1145 General Discussion All
1200 Adjourn  

Topic attachments
I AttachmentSorted descending History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf riddle.pdf r1 manage 4133.5 K 2010-01-27 - 16:44 ReedRiddle Robo-AO presentation
PDFpdf P60_Basic_Info.pdf r1 manage 2964.6 K 2010-01-27 - 06:12 RichardDekany  
PowerPointppt P200Instruments.ppt r1 manage 1557.0 K 2010-01-27 - 13:40 UnknownUser P200 Instrument Usage presentation
PowerPointppt Allhands-20100129.ppt r1 manage 19968.5 K 2010-01-27 - 06:45 UnknownUser CWI-KCWI-IRIS-Gattini-StatusJan2010
PowerPointppt allhands_100127_p3k.ppt r2 r1 manage 11368.5 K 2010-01-27 - 17:17 UnknownUser  
PowerPointppt 2010Jan27_All_Hands_MOSFIRE_and_IRMS.ppt r1 manage 1296.5 K 2010-01-27 - 15:45 BobWeber MOSFIRE & IRMS presentation
PowerPointpptx 2010-01_all_hands.pptx r2 r1 manage 2111.5 K 2010-01-27 - 16:22 RogerSmith Detector team report
PowerPointppt 2010-01_all_hands.ppt r1 manage 2111.5 K 2010-01-27 - 16:25 RogerSmith Updated detector team report.
PDFpdf 100127_All_Hands.pdf r1 manage 2446.6 K 2010-01-27 - 06:12 RichardDekany  

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Topic revision: r9 - 2010-01-27 - AntoninBouchez
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