080131 All-Hands Meeting

COO All-Hands Meeting Thursday, January 31, 2008 1:30p to 2:30p 023 Rob (on campus) Video link to Palomar


Project Status

Triplespec Matthews
PALM-3000 Bouchez
P1640 + SWIFT Bouchez
Palomar Laser McKenna
CAMERA Britton
CWI Moore
MOSFIRE Zolkower
NGAO (.ppt) (.pdf) Dekany
IRIS Moore
SNAP Rahmer

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size DateSorted descending Who Comment
PDFpdf 080131_NGAO.pdf r1 manage 953.3 K 2008-01-31 - 19:39 RichardDekany  
PowerPointppt 080131_NGAO.ppt r1 manage 336.5 K 2008-01-31 - 19:38 RichardDekany  
PowerPointppt MOSFIRE_Status_1-30-08.ppt r1 manage 2267.0 K 2008-01-31 - 01:12 RichardDekany  

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Topic revision: r2 - 2008-01-31 - RichardDekany
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