This collection is for Opto-Mechanical Graphics in support of design and interface control.


Note: WM Keck DSM team is working on a Solidworks 3D Model of the telescope based on best available documentation. This model will be suitable for preliminary design for NGAO, however all critical dimensions will need to be field verified. Currently the modelling effort has been funded for the left Nasmyth Deck and the Top End.

The following is a collection of documents that can be used for conceptual design only

Overall Telescope:

AO Enclosure Design Drawings:

Nasmyth Platform:

Elevation Ring and Bearing

Top End (Secondary Mirror):

Telescope Focus:

The maximum loading of the platform from our telescope structural designer, Stefan Medwadowski, is a live load of 40 psf with a total instrument load of 22,000 lbs. This is documented in the following attached document: * Investigation of the Right Nasmyth Platform of the Keck II Telescope by Medwadowski, 3/26/2001

Services on the telescope:

*Jib Crane 5 ton with reach from Dome wall to begining on the Nasmyth Platform *Shuttle Crane 5 ton with reach covering the entire Nasmyth Platform *Glycol for instrument cooling. System is currently near maximum load and additional loading would most likely require an upgrade. *Pressurized air from machinery room. Not instrument quality.

OAP LGS 3D Model showing the exisiting AO bench, NIRC2 & OSIRIS. Files translated from Inventor to Solidworks and published as an eDrawings. Colors lost in translation. NIRC2 orginally done in Ideas, OSIRIS and the AO bench in AutoCAD.

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date WhoSorted descending Comment
Unknown file formatdwg 1300-C0001-B_01.dwg r1 manage 376.1 K 2007-06-30 - 22:26 UnknownUser  
PNGtif 750-C0001.tif r1 manage 140.7 K 2007-06-30 - 23:14 UnknownUser Elecvation Bearing General Assembly
PNGtif 750-C0004_01K2.tif r1 manage 427.4 K 2007-06-30 - 23:14 UnknownUser Elevation Bearing Hydrostatic Splash Guard
PNGtif General_Elevation_Side_Layout.tif r1 manage 513.8 K 2007-07-06 - 02:34 UnknownUser  
PNGtif General_Layout_Front_Elevation.tif r1 manage 538.5 K 2007-07-06 - 02:35 UnknownUser  
PDFpdf Keck_AO_with_telescope_focus.pdf r1 manage 4485.6 K 2007-06-30 - 23:00 UnknownUser  
PDFpdf LTA_Mount_Concept_Front_View.pdf r1 manage 93.8 K 2007-06-27 - 02:38 PeterWizinowich K1 LGS AO - LTA mount concept front view
PDFpdf LTA_Mount_Concept_Top_View.pdf r1 manage 77.9 K 2007-06-27 - 02:39 PeterWizinowich K1 LGS AO - LTA mount concept top view
PDFpdf LTA_Mount_Concept_right-front_view.pdf r1 manage 127.0 K 2007-06-27 - 02:39 PeterWizinowich K1 LGS AO - LTA mount concept right-front view
PDFpdf LTA_Mount_Concept_right_view.pdf r1 manage 81.2 K 2007-06-27 - 02:38 PeterWizinowich K1 LGS AO - LTA mount concept right view

This topic: Keck/NGAO > OptoMechanicalDesign
Topic revision: r4 - 2007-07-06 - JimBell
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