Topic attachments
I Attachment HistorySorted ascending Action Size Date Who Comment
PowerPointppt 071213_Cost_Estimation_Initial_Thoughts.ppt r1 manage 197.0 K 2007-12-13 - 22:51 RichardDekany  
PowerPointppt AcqDiagCal_CN_2007dec13.ppt r1 manage 179.0 K 2007-12-12 - 20:19 UnknownUser  
PDFpdf FRD_RTC.pdf r1 manage 2109.0 K 2007-12-13 - 06:49 UnknownUser  
PowerPointppt FRD_RTC_v2.ppt r1 manage 3990.5 K 2007-12-13 - 17:42 UnknownUser  
PowerPointppt KNGAO_OptoMech_Gavel_Dec13,2007.ppt r1 manage 1321.0 K 2007-12-13 - 06:40 UnknownUser  
Microsoft Word filedoc NGAO_SDR_Cost_Estimate_v0_1.doc r1 manage 284.0 K 2007-12-13 - 18:16 RichardDekany Initial draft without EC feedback
Microsoft Word filedoc NGAO_Team_Meeting_12.doc r1 manage 34.0 K 2007-12-13 - 23:54 PeterWizinowich Action items
PowerPointppt LaserSystem_CN_2007dec13.ppt r2 r1 manage 383.5 K 2007-12-13 - 17:35 UnknownUser  
PDFpdf Meeting_12_WBS_3.2.3.5_WFS.pdf r3 r2 r1 manage 7226.5 K 2007-12-13 - 18:10 UnknownUser PDF (meeting 12 presentation)
PowerPointppt Meeting_12_WBS_3.2.3.5_WFS.ppt r3 r2 r1 manage 4134.0 K 2007-12-13 - 18:10 UnknownUser Powerpoint (meeting 12 presentation)

This topic: Keck/NGAO > 071213_Remote_NGAO_Meeting_12
Topic revision: r14 - 2007-12-13 - PeterWizinowich
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