Filter Wheel Test Data


  • 2:17pm October 26, 2009: Test Dewar is at Ambient Temperature and open. Running random move script.

Test Information

  • Shortkey Grating Commands from the mosdev> prompt
  • As of October 26, 2009: port /dev/ttyq6 = Wheel A and port /dev/ttyq7/ = Wheel B

CommandSorted descending Description
setPacsciVariable IP Sets the peak current on the Pacsci controller.
setPacsciVariable IC Sets the continuous current on the Pacsci controller.
setenv MOTOR_TEST_PORT [/dev/ttyq6 or /dev/ttyq7] Sets the test port for the window.
relMove Moves the wheel. It is 3472 [steps] to each filter position. Nominal operation is at a speed of 300 [steps/sec] and an acceleration of 100 [steps/sec**2]
randomFilterMove.bash A script that randomly moves a wheel into a filter position. The parameters must be set in the script itself using the vi editor.
initPacsci -p [/dev/ttyq6 or /dev/ttyq7] Initializes the motor controllers. ttyq6 is Filter Wheel A and ttyq7 is Filter Wheel B.
homeWheel 6 Homes the wheel to position 6.
getMotorStatus Gives the switch configuration and status of motor
> filename & Add to the end of any command to record all displayed text to a file titled filename. On the next line use tail -f filename to run command.
abortMove Stops the motors.

Reliability Data

This topic: Keck/MOSFIRE > WebHome > FilterWheel
Topic revision: r3 - 2010-03-18 - HectorRodriguez
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