Filter Wheel Test Data


  • 2:17pm October 26, 2009: Test Dewar is at Ambient Temperature and open. Running random move script.

Test Information

  • Shortkey Grating Commands from the mosdev> prompt
  • As of October 26, 2009: port /dev/ttyq6 = Wheel A and port /dev/ttyq7/ = Wheel B

Command DescriptionSorted descending
abortMove Stops the motors.
setenv MOTOR_TEST_PORT [/dev/ttyq6 or /dev/ttyq7] Sets the test port for the window.
setPacsciVariable IP Sets the peak current on the Pacsci controller.
setPacsciVariable IC Sets the continuous current on the Pacsci controller.
relMove Moves the wheel. It is 3472 [steps] to each filter position. Nominal operation is at a speed of 300 [steps/sec] and an acceleration of 100 [steps/sec**2]
initPacsci -p [/dev/ttyq6 or /dev/ttyq7] Initializes the motor controllers. ttyq6 is Filter Wheel A and ttyq7 is Filter Wheel B.
homeWheel Homes the wheel.
getMotorStatus Gives the switch configuration and status of motor
> filename & Add to the end of any command to record all displayed text to a file titled filename. On the next line use tail -f filename to run command.
randomFilterMove.bash A script that randomly moves a wheel into a filter position. The parameters must be set in the script itself using the vi editor.

Reliability Data

This topic: Keck/MOSFIRE > WebHome > FilterWheel
Topic revision: r2 - 2010-03-12 - HectorRodriguez
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